Anthony Road - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", son of Irina Ponarovskaya, wife 2021



Anthony Road does not apply to the world of celebrities, but his name is heard due to the fact that he is the son of Irina Ponarovskaya. The singer has repeatedly talked about the fate of his fate, and therefore Biography Anthony is well known to the public.

Childhood and youth

Anthony was born on October 17, 1984 in the family of the popular Soviet singer Irina Ponarovskaya and her spouse - Jazz musician Veylanda Roda.

The relationship in the family was not easy: it was enough to say that for her husband Irina became the sixth companion of life, she herself was tortured in marriage for the second time.

The singer was raised a disappointing diagnosis of infertility, and she did not even hope to experience the happiness of motherhood. However, at the age of 30, the performer gave birth to an excellent healthy baby. By the time Irina tried to take care of a prudent girl, but that had to return at the insistence of her husband.

Despite the fact that Ponarovskaya went towards the wishes of the spouse, the family life was not laid. There were quarrels on the basis of a change of her husband, who did not disappear by random sex and allowed himself to raise his hand on his wife. In 1988, the singer with a scandal was separated from Wayland, and all these peripetics could not do not affect the child.

Anthony rose a cute and good boy. He was mistaken due to the mixing races. It was difficult for him to remain inconspicuous among the peers, and the child often met with ridicule and rejection. Psychological problems were aggravated by quarrels in the family.

Ponarovskaya recalled how Wayland once kidnapped a three-year-old son and secretly took him with him on tour. The horror of Irina rushed to search and found a boy in a hotel room in Voronezh. The child turned out to be cold and exhausted, as his father did not provide him with proper supervision. Anthony even witnessed the sexual adventures of Veylanda, what his mother was ingenuously.

Since then, the singer has banned the musician to meet with her son and raised the boy alone. In the adolescence, the Roda was beaten on the street, after which Ponarovskaya sent him to live and learn to Europe. Living in Norway, Anthony received the education designer-jeweler.


Despite the fact that both parents are connected with the world of music, Anthony did not go along their way and chose another creative profession. He took up the development of jewelry, which succeeded. Thanks to the work, the son of the singer behaves a comfortable existence: he has entered the funds earned to contain a family.

Personal life

Having moved to Norway, Road no longer planned to return to Russia. Later he settled in Estonia, where his mother bought a house. However, Anthony's personal life set up thanks to Russian roots. Anna Teapotova became his chief - an illustrator artist who leads copyrighted watercolor painting courses on the official website of the Veronica Calacheva.

Before you get married, the couple met for 6 years. In the happy marriage Anthony and Anna born two children. The firstborn Eric was born in 2014, and then the happy Irina Ponarovskaya first became a grandmother. For complete happiness, she lacked only granddaughters, and on April 2, 2018, the dream of the singer came true: Anna gave birth to the daughter of Charlotte, which was called in honor of Anthony's great-grandmother.

The family lives together and travels a lot. A coronavirus infection in spring 2020 pandemic found a maternity hospital. Couple with children decided not to leave India, preferring to spend difficult time on the ocean coast.

Anthony Road Now

Now Anthony continues to do a favorite thing, having time to give a family time. In February 2021, he and his wife went on a journey through Abkhazia. Anna Generously shared joint photos on the page in "Instagram". The couple remained full of best impressions from a small and hospitable country, full of interesting places. They visited Lake Rica, monasteries and the fortresses of the new Athos, abandoned castles and palaces, visited Gagrah. And enjoy your holiday in the mountains and the sea, the couple returned to the stone jungle, where children were waiting for them.

The maternity hospital tries to take care of the mother, in response, she is proud of the Son and adores daughter-in-law and grandchildren. But with the father of Anthony, the relationship does not support, while Wayland does not miss the opportunity to come to television, to once again repeat the story of his difficult life, presenting its own version of the past events.

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