Alexey Polarinov - biography, personal life, photos, news, writer, books, Roman "Reef", author 2021



February 17, 2021, Irina Shikman on a personal page in "Instagram" announced that her Yutiub-channel "And to talk?" The other day will enrich the new heading - the book club "And read?". According to the author, once a month in the center of Moscow (or another city), she will meet with the readers with the writers and express everything that thinks about them. Alexey Polarinov became the heroes of the premiere release of the Roman "Reef" about the northern city, sect and researcher Micronesia, the autumn denominated for the award "Made in Russia".

Childhood and youth

December 27, 1986 Larisa and Valery Polyarinov, who lived in the village of the Sunrise of the Kaluga region and subsequently broke down, took congratulations on the birth of the son of Alesh. Later, a moving to the village of Dawn Aksay district of the Rostov region was held, because there was an agricultural institute there, where the head of the family could be engaged in cybernetics or "something like that."

In childhood, to buy pasta and oil for lunch, children (the celebrity has his own brother Sergey) together with the mother went to the cherry garden, they gathered 8 buckets, one left themselves, and the rest was sold on the track. But then, poverty did not realize them, unless in those moments, when the Sasha's cousins ​​and sister sisters were located in the Moscow region and saw the LEGO constructor and Snickers' chocolate.

Some events of the early years have reflected in partly the autobiographical novel "Center for gravity", where the author presented the chief hero Petro some moments of his childhood. For example, a writer, a slightly mitigating the situation, described how in school it was broken for the fact that those were not as everyone:

"We lived in such a place in which there were no contrast between rich and poor, although our family was considered an intelligentsia. I went to one school with children from a nearby village, where it was just darkness was, Sodom and Gomorra. They simply were fucking, they even looked scary. "

At the age of 14, the teenager wanted to become a great director. Then he was just presented by the Panasonic video recorder, and he, without taking off, watched films with Jackie Chan, dreaming about how to perform complex stunts in their own films. Once the mother, this pastime is tired of this pastime. Woman pulling the cord from the outlet, offered a young kinoman to read something.

He obediently appealed to the bookcase, from where, without looking, took out a collection of stories of Robert Heineine, who visited a large font and many dialogues. After 5 pages of the book, which was given from the neighbor, Buryat Ulugbek, the young man was already the most devoted fan of the American science fiction in the world.

In the Novocherkassian State Meliorative Academy, the student did not leave the library, "swallowing" the work for the work, dating "foreign literature" and the writings of the Nobel laureates. After released from the university, the hydraulic engineer settled in Rostov-on-Don to the aquariums store in order to accumulate to Moscow.


In the capital, the young man arrived in 2011 with one bag, where Andrei Platonov was lying the only book. He settled into aquarium company, having learned from the client about David Foster Wallace and his "endless joke" translated into Russian with Sergey Karpov in 2018.

About learning guy also did not forget. He entered the Gorky literary institute, but she lasted in it only a month and, quickly disappointed, threw a university. In Moscow, Alexey, who has brought the second higher education to the specialty "Expertise and Real Estate Management", sat down for a debut product, in parallel developing his own blog in LiveJournal with readings for read.

The first sample of the feather "Landscape with a drop of Ikara", entitled the picture of Peter Breygel, according to the author, failed and deserved the title of "zero novel". Taking into account all the mistakes and drawing conclusions, the "center of gravity" Polarin approached more thoroughly, spending for the creation of 6 years. During this time, the writer published a variety of critical essays in "Distopia", "Afishe Daily", "Gorky", transferred the work of the cult American postmodern teams for POLLEN Fanzine and even launched Polyarinov's podcast.

"" Center of gravity "is a debut book with his debut bugs, the criticism did not respond much to her. I was loved, in essence, social networks, in particular "instagram", for which I am scary than grateful to all instagram bloggers, which still continue to post and write something. My book flew exclusively thanks to the Internet, "the celebrity was divided into an interview.

The debut essay was awarded the nomination for the "Large Book", "Fikschn35" and "National Bestseller" and rightly received a "prize of visual sympathy" award nose. The collection of literary articles "Almost two kilograms of words" came out next, was among the most discussed books of 2019.

Personal life

Alexei Valerievich's personal life does not hide, but does not expose to appease. He occasionally shares with subscribers children's photo from a family archive or publishes funny pictures with Alina's nephew. However, all that concerns cordial affairs leaves for the scene.

Polarines vividly responds to political events in the country and the world. He not only broadcast his own opinion on the villages in "Instagram", "Twitter" and "Facebook", demanding, for example, the liberation of Kirill Serebrennikov and calling the protesters of Belarusians with real heroes, but also went to the rally in support of Alexei Navalny.

A man considers himself a grievous and nervous person and is convinced that it is the writing that helps him control the world and fall into the state of internal control.

The author always thinks about his readers, so I had the joy recommended to those who liked the "center of gravity", a list of 20 books, to which sent. Among them, "despair", "pale fire" and "under the sign of illegitimate" Vladimir Nabokov, "Grad of the doomed" Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, "Kazus Kukotsky" Lyudmila Ulitsky.

Alexey Polarin now

A couple of months before the new 2021th, Alexei Polyarinov came out "Reef" - "Compositionally thoughtful, multilayer and with this fascinating novel for modern Russian literature", according to Galina Yuzfovich. She also mentioned the book on the air "Evening Urgant" on the first channel in the heading "Library named after Konstantin Ernsta".

Translator "Luzhka Black Swan" David Mitchell, "Music Science: Tales of music and brain" Oliver Saksa, "Athlete" Charlie Kaufman continues to create, speak with lectures, record podcasts, talk about novelties of the literature and their creators in Internet publications and social networks.


  • 2013 - "Landscape with Falling Ikara"
  • 2018 - "Center of gravity"
  • 2019 - "Almost two kilograms of words"
  • 2020 - "Reef"

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