Dan Fogler - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, lost weight, "Walking Dead", wife 2021



Dan Fogler since childhood was fascinated by the fictional worlds with bright and charismatic heroes, which became the basis for choosing a life path. He received recognition as a talented actor and author of comics in the genre of science fiction.

Childhood and youth

Daniel (Dan) Kevin Fogler appeared on October 20, 1976 in the Jewish family. Father celebrity was a surgeon, and the mother is a teacher of English.

Early years of artist's biography passed in Brooklyn, New York. He possessed irrepressible fantasy, loved to reincarnate in the characters of films and compose stories. Therefore, the choice of profession was obvious, and after graduating from school, the young man became a student of the University of the Theater School of Boston.


Interest in comics originated from the celebrity when he was 10 years old. Like a younger child in the family, he sulfilled a brother who loved graphic novels. Once the boy took the Heavy Metal magazine from his shelf and could not break away.

Later they played Dungeons & Dragons and Marvel Super Heroes, according to the rules of which it is necessary to invent their own heroes and their history. This entertainment pushed Den to the creation of comics. The script wrote his brother, and he drawing an illustration.

Adult, Foglel thought over his plots, but he believed that his drawings were not good enough, so he began to seek help from professional artists. Soon there was a graphic novels "Fashkill", "Brooklyn Gladiator" and "Lunar Lake", which the readers of Heavy Metal failed to taste.

After the author began to be published in the journal, he got the opportunity to work with artists, on whose illustrations grew. According to Dan, it makes a child inside him happy. Fans divide the delight of the stars and follow the updates of his instagram account with interest, where Fogler shares arts and developments.


As an actor Dan first drew the attention of the public in 2006, when the comedy "School of Nognaliev" came to the screens. In the future, his filmography was replenished with such projects as "love happens", "be a man" and "Hannibal", where he played noticeable roles.

In 2013, Fogler joined the acting of the "Goldberg" series, which brought him popularity. He embodied Marvin - the unreliable younger brother of the main character, constantly looking for the methods of rapid enrichment and participating in the scams, doomed to failure. According to Daniel, it was not difficult to get into the image, because he had such an uncle.

The next publishing public project with the participation of the star was the film "Fantastic creatures and where they live", created according to the scenario of Joan Rowling - the author of the Harry Potter Universe. Playing Jacob is a simple and a little clumsy Maggeh, who learned about the existence of wizards, Dan again turned to family history. Like a character, the great-grandfather of the actor was a bake, and he would seem to be able to feel at the ancestor site.

At the site, performers were often allowed to improvise, so many jokes and plot finds of Fogler entered the final version of the film. He easily worked out with his colleagues Eddie Redmonyn and Catherine Waterston, as well as partner Alison ship. But especially the warm relationship from Dan was formed with Ezra Miller, they were united by the love of comics.

Dan Fogler - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, lost weight,

During the filming of the continuation of "fantastic creatures", the stars of the first part were given even more freedom, because new actors were joined by Cast, among whom was Claudia Kim. In this film, the role of Fogler became more dramatic, but the character still remained the favorite of the audience.

2018 was marked by the appearance of an artist in the TV series "The Walking Dead". Daniel easily agreed to participate in the project, because he is a fan of the comics of the same name. The artist was played by Luke, in which he sees himself in the parallel universe. If he did not become an actor, could teach music.

Shortly before the filming of the third part of the "fantastic creatures", the actor lost weight, because he began to fear for his health. I had to make changes to the scenario of the film, the release of which was originally scheduled for 2019. But due to the coronavirus infection, the date of the premiere has repeatedly changed.

Personal life

Personal life stars have developed successfully, he is happy in marriage with Jody Capes - Capes Coaching co-founder specializing in the preparation of actors and artists. Couple brings up two children - daughters Edie and Franni. In October 2020, Dan touchily congratulated his wife from the 11th anniversary, sharing her black and white fans.

The celebrity weighs about 80 kg with a height of 165 cm.

Dan Fogler now

In 2021, the premiere of the 11th season of the Walking of the Deads with the participation of celebrities took place. Now he continues to do, he caught a piggy bank and glad to the public with new plots.


  • 2006 - "School of Nogodyev"
  • 2007 - "Good luck, Chuck!"
  • 2009 - "Love happens"
  • 2009 - Sturmu Woodstock
  • 2011-2012 - "Be a man"
  • 2013 - "Hannibal"
  • 2013-2019 - Goldbergs
  • 2015 - "Secrets and Lies"
  • 2016 - "Fantastic creatures and where they live"
  • 2018 - "Fantastic Creatures: Green De Wald Crimes"
  • 2018-2021 - "Walking Dead"
  • 2019 - "Jay and Silent Bob: Reboot"

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