Natalia Rozhkova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Actress, Singer, Liquidation, Films 2021



Especially for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland in 2021, the first channel showed the "Khaki colors", in which Alexei Streltsov's lieutenant colonel had to find out where the line between the right to personal happiness and honor of the officer passes. Natalia Rozhkov starred in a melodraphic detective, who had discovered the love of the audience by the performance of songs "Everything that was" and "Mystery" in the "liquidation" of Sergei Ursulak. Enthusiastic fans have repeatedly stated that they were revised by a military series only because of this episode.

Childhood and youth

Future celebrity was born on March 6, 1954 in Orenburg, in the family of a military personnel. From early childhood, the girl adored sing. At 4, she, walking with her grandmother from the Moscow region, diligently took the song "Lights so many gold ..." from the newly released film "The case was in Penkov."

After school, the graduate continued to education in the Kharkov Music School named after Boris Lyatoshinsky in the class of violin. Once upon TV, the girl who worked at the music school, heard the amazing voice of Lyudmila Starogland. The presenter reported that the singer graduated from the Kiev School of Pop Circus Art, and Natasha rushed there.

Father - Aviation Technician - Daughter's decision did not approve, not wanting to see her on the rows of Muslim Magomayev and belonging to the stage as something terrible and vicious. But in the future, the man has experienced pride, when the heiress won on competitions and appeared on TV, and he received congratulations from acquaintances on the garage.

In the capital of Ukraine, Natalya has given several years to the theater of the stage, in 1983 by going to Music Hall. In the same year, a talented performer of genre compositions ("I live in my grandmother", "where the Circus has left," a clown song "," Little Dwarf ") took the first award from the VII of the All-Union Estrad Artist Competition. This victory paved the way to central television.

After the debut on the "Pervomaisky Blue Light" with the Witch "If in the sky the sun shines" the artist was repeatedly starred in the "Morning Mail", "Song of the Year" and "Blue lights".

Rozhkova began a lot and fruitfully cooperate with composers Vadim Ilyin, Alexander Zlotnik, Gennady Tatarchenko, Tatiana Dikaroye and other, Poets Yuri Ranchinsky, Alexander Nartenev and Dmitry Kimelfeld. In Moscow, she was entrusted to the first to acquaint the public with the works of Vladimir Shainsky, Eduard Kolmanovsky, David Tukhmanov, Sergey Berezina, Larisa Rubalaskaya.

Theater and films

In 1984, the owner of the Special Prize UNESCO International "Bratislava Lyra" recorded the video album "Talking parrot" together with the Quartet of "Hat" under the leadership of Alexander Tsecalo.

In 1987, the discography was replenished with a plate "How to draw a bird", in 1993 - the collection "Day first" on the poems of singer and the music of the composer of Gleb May. During the break between the release of albums, the performer has created its own pop song "Black Harlequin".

"Lily Zagorskaya called me, my friend, with whom I studied together in Kiev and which was then the actress of the theater Yury Pogrebnichko and his wife. She offered me to come, sing a couple of romances for the play "Three sisters". So I got to Moscow, which was afraid to work in which. And in this theater I stayed forever, "she recalled in an interview.

From the mid-90s and to this day, Rozhkova serves in the Moscow Theater "Near the House of Stanislavsky". The viewers applauded her in the performances "do not part with loved ones", "come back to Sorrento", "old, forgotten ...", "Portrait of Madonna", "Occupation is a cute matter. Oh, Federico! "," Forget or no longer live. "

The mansion in the creative biography is "in front of the film", "Russian longing", who took the award from the Edinburgh Festival in 1997, and "Magadan / Kabare", in 2017 won the cherished "gold mask". In addition, the actress put her hand to the production of "Alice in Wonderland" and "Three Musketeers" as Khomasister.

Relations with cinema of cinema of the artist began with the sounding of animation "Like Pathochkin's elephant considered". Subsequently, she gave her voice to the heroes "Come back, Capitstnie!", "Stupid Vombat", "Mickey Mouse Club".

The first kinocartina, where the native of Orenburg appeared directly in the frame, turned out to be a film show "I ask you to call my last name." Flashing in the "Nights of Sinners" and "In the area of ​​heaven ...", the celebrity disappeared from television screens. Return to the shooting area took place only across a decade in the "farewell echo."

From that time, Natalia Vladimirovna was actively filmed in the TV shows ("Liquidation", "Isaev", "Dr. Tyrsa", "Ceremakha", "Ivanov-Ivanov") and the full-length paintings ("Chapito-show", "Vanka", "you can call I dad "," not strangers "," bad weather "). After the 2nd season of the "Pregnancy test" in 2020, the premieres of "unfinished battle" and "Phantom," who did not pass without her participation took place.

Personal life

The leading actress Theater "Near the House of Stanislavsky" is happy in his personal life. In early November 1987, she and her husband took congratulations on the emergence of the daughter's daughter. The graduate of the Gorky Literary Institute and the Moscow School of Photography and Multimedia named after Alexander Rodchenko inherited from the mother's ability to painting and found himself in the art of photography.

Maria Rozhnik worked as a photo editor in the magazine "Around the World", the film company "September", "culture of consumption", "the history of the future" and citymakers, and now worries in the Rambler Group. The only heiress presented the Parents of the grandson steppe, which in September 2020 went to the first class of metropolitan school No. 91.

In 2016, a woman who often makes pilgrimage trips admitted in an interview that she loves loneliness. Moreover, it gets along with a deep feeling of native, whose snapshots can be found in the personal account in Facebook. The celebrity was read by detectives and works in the genre of fiction, but gradually came to the writings of the Orthodox thinker Ivan Schmelev.

Natalia Rozhkova now

Natalia Vladimirovna continues to serve in his native theater, periodically perform with concert programs composed of Claudia Schulzhenko's songs, Leonid Rockov, Peter Leshchenko, Alla Bayanova and Isabella Yuryeva, to participate in creative evenings and film.

2 weeks before the onset of the new 2021, the All-Russian Theater Community presented the author's portrait of the Rozhkova, published an article titled "Comrade Songs".


  • 2004 - "farewell echo"
  • 2007 - "Liquidation"
  • 2010 - "Pursuage for the shadow"
  • 2010 - "Dr. Tyrsa"
  • 2016 - Sofia
  • 2016 - "Parliament"
  • 2016 - "You can call me dad"
  • 2017 - Salsa
  • 2017 - "Morozova"
  • 2017 - "Host"
  • 2017 - "Baryshnya and Hooligan"
  • 2018 - "not strangers"
  • 2018 - "Unknown Fight"
  • 2019 - "Phantom"
  • 2019 - "Pregnancy Test-2"
  • 2021 - "Khaki Color Resort"

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