Irina Cheryichenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress, Films, Children, Fate, Artist 2021



In the filmography of Irina Cherichenko, many roles, including the most famous image of Polyakova's spark from the film about the Great Patriotic War. However, the most interesting events unfolded not on the set, but in the life of the actress. She disadvantaged and bathed in luxury, recovered from severe diseases and was looking for God, mourned his own children. Only in the mature age, the deserved artist of the Russian Federation has gained peace of mind and relative happiness.

Childhood and youth

Irina Vyacheslavovna Cheryichenko was born on August 3, 1963 in the polar - city of Murmansk region. Here her parents met - the submarin officer and the choirmister. When the child turned 4 years old, they returned to their homeland - to the Ukrainian SSR.

Pupil in an intelligent family, the girl was fascinated by choreography, and the most difficult of the species of this art - ballet. At 9, she entered the Melitopol cultural and educational school, and at the final exam, slipped out of the hands of the partner and fell on his knees. As a result, the gap of meniscus and the cross on the dancer's career.

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Since childhood, Ira dreamed of becoming an actress. But parents, people are strict rules, associated this profession with rampant and rantless romance. Therefore, on the first audition, the future actress left Self. She said that she went to go to the Kiev School, and herself sat for a train to the capital of the USSR.

Acquaintance with the All-Union (and now All-Russian) State Institute of Cinematography did not specify Cinematography. She is Ukrainian "Gaclala" and "Shocka", but at the entrance examiner persistently believed in the purity of his language.

Entrawards read the passage from the Roman Mikhail Sholokhov "Quiet Don", pounded with the admission committee and left the examination audience in full confidence that became a student Vgika.

When the name was not in the lists of admission, the girl returned to his homeland. In the heart, such a resentment was hidden, that next year she did not even think about going to the same way.

The actress chose between the Schukinsky and Shchepkinsky schools in 1983. Both were waiting with open arms, but Irina Cheryichenko chose the first. Here she met a man who determined her fate - Yuri Kara.


Before the painting "Tomorrow was the war," Irina Cheryichenko influenced the acting future, less significant projects were happening. For example, the "City of Brides", because of which the relationship with the father and mother had deteriorated.

In the frame of the debutantchka passionately kissed Anton Tobacco. Parents, and without the profession not too believe in chastomy, outraged this scene. They left the cinema with flaming sams, without waiting for the end of the film.

"That's why I didn't want to let you go to the movies. He knew that you would kiss everything on the screen, "the artist quoted his mother in the" Fate of Man "program on the first channel.

Spark Polyakova - not a windy girl at all. The devotee of the Communist Party, she sags his girlfriend even for the love of Sergey Yesenin, although herself herself listens to his poem. Such parents would not refuse to see Irina on the screen. And they saw, thanks to a successful coincidence.

"Tomorrow was war," this is the graduation work of a student VGIK Yuri Kara, film adaptation of Boris Vasilyev's story. Iskra Polyakov should be played by Alla Mironova - Cherichenko's classmate, but she left for the Krasnodar region at an inappropriate moment.

The graduate "Pikes", who read the scenario, was cautiously reacted to the image of a romantic and slightly frivolous wiki Lyubertsy and obsessed with the love of Zinok Kovalenko, but did not refuse to participate from the offer. As a result, the young actress played the most famous role.

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In the future, the director was fascinated by the young granted by Irina Cheryichenko the same type of ideological girls who are fundamentally standing on their own. And she wanted to play someone like Natalia Rostova, the heroine of the Epopea of ​​Leo Tolstoy "War and the World" so that she was dressed in a beautiful dress and asked to walt.

However, the necessary proposals did not come, and the girl agreed to what was. After the film "Birds wings is not in a burden" in the biography of the actress, a serious coup happened - she decided to leave the profession and go to the monastery.

Unattended events occurring in life, Irina stayed by an obedient of one of Pskov's temples for 9 months. Realizing that the gate is not suitable for nature, she refused to take a victim and returned to the world.

In subsequent years, the artist threw out of a happy life in the sorridge, from health to the disease, from the provision in poverty. More and more time she paid a personal life. Only since 2010 began to start regularly to act regularly, to a greater extent in the series: "Ranetki", "Freud Method", "Policeman from Rublevka" and others.

Personal life

Irina Cheryichenko passed through many novels and painful stories. Spouse visited twice. So, between failure on exams in VGIK and intake in the Schukin school, she married and divorced. And the next time it turned out to be in the registry office for the sake of constant registration in Moscow.

History with actor Valery Yaremenko really began as a fiction. But from the very first of the day, young people loved each other as spouses and lived together for 4 years. It was thanks to her husband, Ira went to Spain, where it turned out to be involved in the criminal history.

Friends Valeria Yaremenko offered her to join their dance troupe and go to earnings. The money was offered to good, and the former ballerina agreed, but the journey was contacted not with those people. As a result, Cherichenko and the company were suspected of transportation of drugs between Spanish cities. Then the native of Ukraine had a microinsult.

Returning, Cheryichenko got pregnant - not for the first time, but past times ended with miscarriages. So happened again, the actress lost twins after 3.5 months. Union with Valery Yaremenko gave a crack and collapsed.

The next man is American, a businessman, - was able to give actress the joy of motherhood, but refused to take responsibility for their upbringing. On January 16, 1997, Cherichenko gave birth to the son of Philip. He inherited from Mother not only last name, but also middle name.

Alexey Lysenkov, perhaps the most famous elect Irina Cherichenko, - appeared at the most necessary moment. The actress fought with oncology, and just suffered an operation when the author of the transfer "Himself director" accidentally scored her number.

Russian showman also studied at Schukinsky School, was for several years younger than Cherichenko. Even then, in his youth, the novel broke out between students. Happiness hindered aggravating circumstances: both were married and did not want to divorce. But they could not break away from each other. The chance to reunite themselves for many years later.

Alexey Lysenkov stayed Cherichenko's civil husband about 11 years old. It was a happy and durable union. The reasons for the separation of the television and radio officers declassified at the transfer of the "Fate of Man":

"Men! If you are going to marry strong women - either become a rainbill, or a hot war awaits. And I always chose strong women, but I never wanted to be a podcast. "

Irina Cheryichenko now

In 2021, several prime ministers were planned with the participation of Irina Cheryichenko, among them a full-length film "Promises" and the mini-series "Rock Error".

In parallel, the actress is engaged in the business and is following the success of the Son at a distance. Now Philip Cherichenko is a famous photogram, you can get acquainted with his works in "Instagram". He is trained at the Institute of Arts San Francisco, a biological father pays for the university.


  • 1987 - "Tomorrow was war"
  • 1989 - "Birds wings are not in a burden"
  • 1991 - "Revelation of John the first primer"
  • 2008 - "Take me with you"
  • 2008-2010 - "Ranetki"
  • 2009 - "Take me with you 2"
  • 2010 - "Invisible"
  • 2012 - "emergency (emergency)"
  • 2017 - "Girl with scythe"
  • 2018 - "Policeman from ruble 3"
  • 2020 - "Ferry"
  • 2020 - "And again will be the day"
  • 2020 - "Alien flock"
  • 2020 - "Khaki Color Resort"
  • 2020 - "Rock Error"

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