Sean Harris - biography, personal life, photos, news, films, British actor, "Mission Impossible" 2021



Sean Harris never dreamed of glory and wealth, and just loved acting art and wanted to associate life with him. But the talent and sincerity of the British actor did not leave indifferent spectators for whom he became a cumier.

Childhood and youth

Sean Harris appeared on January 7, 1966. Early years of his biography passed in Lowist, the county of Suffolk. As a child, he was engaged in football, because he considered it the only way to escape from a small town. But in the adolescence, Sean broke his leg, and at the athlete's career had to put a cross.

Sean Harris in youth (frame from Tom and Thomas)

Then Harris remembered how in childhood he liked films with Barbra Streisand. Especially vivid impressions left the "Funny Girl", inspired the star to try himself in the art of reincarnation. The young man went to the capital of England to get an education in the London Dramatic Center.

In his youth, Sean actively played in the theater, he participated in the performances of Romeo and Juliet, "Sleeping in the Summer Night" and "Don Juan". But over time, the performer has become increasingly to appear in the movies and on television.


The celebrity screen debut took place in 1993, he played a small role in the painting of Bad Company. In the future, the artist's filmography was replenished with such projects as a "catastrophe", "purely English murder" and "Cryp".

Harris played a prominent role of the corrupt inspector Bob Cravin in the Channel 4 trilogy. "Bloody District" The artist's work received the approval of critics. After that, he appeared in the series "Law and Order: London" and "Prodigal Daughters".

But the popularity came to the artist in 2011, when the premiere of the series "Borgia" took place. He played Micletto Korel - the faithful minion Cesare Bordjia, by order of which merciless killings, to help preserve power.

Sean Harris - biography, personal life, photos, news, films, British actor,

After shooting in Drama was completed, Sean joked to Southcliffe Cast. This is a story about a series of mysterious killings who stirred by a provincial city. The actor appeared before the public as Stephen Morton, for which he was awarded the awards of the British Cinema and Television Academy.

Over the years, celebrity careers have repeatedly had to play negative characters that many are associated with his personality. But, according to the artist, he focuses on those whom he had to meet in real life, which allows you to make an image believable, revive the hero.

The next bright reincarnation of the actor became Santino from the horror movie "Robby us from the evil." The plot unfolds around the Ralph Sarci detective, which is investigating the chain of bloody crimes. The character comes to the conclusion that otherworldly forces are involved in the case, and appeals for help to an exorcist.

Then the performer starred in the adventure militant "Mission Impossible: The Rogue Tribe" with Tom Cruise and Rebecca Ferguson in the lead roles. He played Antagonist Solomon Layn - chapter of the terrorist group "Syndicate". In this film, the hero of the celebrity was without a beard, while in the continuation - "Mission is impossible: the consequences" - he appeared already with thick vegetation on the face. Many fans noted that so Harris looks much better.

Sean Harris - biography, personal life, photos, news, films, British actor,

In 2019, the audience saw Sean in the historic drama "King", whose actions unfold in England began the XV century. He played William - Advisor King Henry V performed by the young artist Timothy Shalam.

Personal life

Harris reluctantly gives an interview and avoid talking about family and personal life. Some sources claim that he is married, the spouse is named priscilation, but the information was not officially confirmed.

The actor is not a fan of social networks, for him they make devotees fans. They dedicate sean fan pages in Facebook and Instagram, where the photos of the idol are divided.

Sean Harris now

At the beginning of 2021, it became known that the Contractor joined the acting of the Drama "Spencer", based on the biography of Princess Diana. The main role in the film received the star "Twilight" Kristen Stewart.

In addition, the Pigs of the actor's images replenished with the heroes of such projects as "the legend of the Green Knight" and "Unknown Man." Now he continues to be filmed, pleaseing the audience appearances on the screens.


  • 2002 - Tom and Thomas
  • 2002 - "round-the-clock entrepreneurs"
  • 2004 - "Injury"
  • 2004 - "Cryp"
  • 2005 - "Madness"
  • 2005 - "Rock and Roll Brothers"
  • 2005 - "Isolation"
  • 2007 - "Out of Law"
  • 2010 - "Brighton Lollipops"
  • 2011-2013 - "Borgia"
  • 2013 - Southcliffe
  • 2014 - "Tavern" Jamaica "
  • 2014 - "Get rid of us from the evil"
  • 2015 - "Mission Impossible: Rogue Tribe"
  • 2018 - "Mission impossible: consequences"
  • 2020 - "Curse. Ghosts House Borley »
  • 2020 - "Legend of Green Knight"

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