Portia Dhambdi - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, Malek, "Telekiniz", actress 2021



In the filmography of American actress Portet Dublday - Full-length ribbons and serials of different genres. Some of the projects in which she participated is marked by professional awards.

Childhood and youth

The future actress was born on June 22, 1988 in the same stable marital couple Hollywood - Christina Hart and Frank Dublda. Parents of the Portia and her older sister Caitlin, starring in a detective tragicomedy Stephen Spielberg "Catch me if you can", lived together for more than 40 years; Little spouses Death Frank in March 2018.

Dubddey-senior held in American cinema the same niche, which Lance Henrixen is now divided, William Fichtner and Christopher Eccleston. The most famous paintings in the filmography of Katlin and Portety filmography - Tapes of John Karpenter "Attack on the 13th Plot" and "Escape from New York". Christina Hart, shortly after the birth of the youngest daughter starring in the episode of the series "She wrote a murder," has many roles in baggage (mainly in the multi-sized television tapes), but at older focused on writing plays.

In the 2010 interview with Los Angeles Times, Portia told that she was a "tender girl" and had played American football for 12 years. In 8 years, Dubddi junior first appeared on the screen: the girl advertised the cheese crackers "Golden Fish". After 2 years, Portia played Margaret Treloni as a child in the picture "Legend of Mummy"; The image of the same, but matured heroine in the film created Amy Lokan.

Parents of beginner artist insisted that the youngest daughter before graduating from high school took a break in the acting career. Portia claims that it has a mathematical warehouse of the mind, and in his youth he thought to tie a biography with psychology.


After graduating from school, Portia played 15-year-old Kate - the daughter of the main character of Tara Gregson in the pilot episode of the series "Such a different packaging." But the game of a beginner actress did not satisfy the producers, and the role passed from Dubldi to Bree Larson.

The first serious success came to the port after the dramatone youth, in which the native of Los Angeles starred along with Michael sulfur. In the criminal comedy of John Whitesella "Big Meliki: Son as Father", published in February 2011, the actress reincarnated in Jasmine, and in the fantastic melodraman "she", marked by Oscar for the best original scenario, - in Isabella, Surrogate on call.

Portia Dhambdi - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, Malek,

In the dramatic thriller "Telekinz", put on the reasons of the Roman Stephen King Karry, the creation of the image of Chris Hargensen planned to entrust the Catalan actress Ivan Buckero, but as a result, Dubddy Jr. The header of the film was played by 15-year-old Chloe Malts. The image of a fanatical mother created Julianna Moore, and Carry's classmate and Chris named Sue Snell embodied Gabriella Wilde.

In 2015, Portia performed a major role in the Canadian Romomy "Fashionable One", the creators of which joined the Tale of Charles Perro Cinderella with the plot of the Comedy William Shakespeare "Twelfth Night". Throughout 35 episodes, Dubldi revealed new faces in the image of Angela Moss - childhood friend and colleagues of the main character of Elliot Alderson in the TV series "Mr. Robot".

Personal life

About the personal life of the port is known little. Although the actress loves to demonstrate both his figure in a swimsuit (the growth of Dubddi junior 168 cm) and creative manicure, it does not reveal the mystery of the heart. During the shooting of the port in the TV series "Mr. Robot" rumors about the novel of the heiress of the artistic dynasty with the partner on the platform of Rami Malek. Contrary to the pictures that leaked in the press, both actors claimed that they were only friends and colleagues.

Portia Dhambdi - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, Malek,

In February 2019, Portia became aunt - Kaitlin Dubldi and her husband, the musician Davina Lucien, was born a son, which was named after the famous grandfather Franklin. The photo of a small nephew and video with his participation occupy an important place on the "Raduine Youth" stars page in "Instagram".

Portet Dubddy now

In February 2020, the premiere of the fantasy thriller "Island of Fantasy" took place, in which Portia created the image of Slone Maddison. The slogan of the film, whose action unfolds on a tropical island, became the phrase "Fear of their desires." In Russian, the Heroine of Dubddi Junior voiced the actress Anna Kiseleva.


  • 1998 - "Legend of Mummy"
  • 2009 - "Raw Youth"
  • 2010 - "Almost Kings"
  • 2011 - "Large moms: son as a father"
  • 2011 - "Mr. Sunshine"
  • 2012 - "Prison block K-11"
  • 2013 - Telekinosis
  • 2013 - "She"
  • 2015 - "Fashionable One"
  • 2015-2019 - Mr. Robot
  • 2020 - "Fantasy Island"

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