Joe Calzaga - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Roy Jones, Boxer, Mikkel Kessler, Statistics 2021



Joe Calzaga is a British Lefty Boxer, called the Fans of the Italian Dragon and the pride of Wales. He became an absolute champion in super middleweight, then spoke in a heavyweight, gaining a body weight of 79 kg.

Childhood and youth

Joseph William Calzaghe was born in London on March 23, 1972, in the family of the Italian Enzo and Welsh Jackie. Parents met in the Cardiff restaurant and in a month got married. His grandfather in the father's line Giuseppe served in the 12th Infantry Division Sassari, then he was a policeman. For some time, the family lived on Sardinia, then asslaved in Wales.

Enzo grew up in Bedfordshire, shared the playground for Games with Joe Bagner, the future European champion in heavyweight. In childhood he was engaged in boxing to defend against hooligans. Replaced several jobs, was a bartender, chef and cleaner. In the 60s, the man sang and played the guitar and received a proposal to speak with the group The Barron Knights, toured with the Beatles and The Rolling Stones, but did not make careers. After the birth of the son settled in the factory and worked in the pension of the format "Bed and breakfast". Jackie was born in the mining city of Marcham, worked by the secretary in the 20th Century Fox film company.

Father became the first coach of the future boxer. Joe called him an "authoritarian, typical Italian." The boy began to study at 9 years old, using a bag of old carpet instead of a pear. Calzaghe could not walk along the street with friends, did not have a personal life, poorly dressed and, according to his own words, "he spent all his childhood in the gym." But never condemned the parent, on the contrary, was grateful that he helped him achieve heights.

Joe's mother called the "closed and shy man hated boxing." Jackie did not watch any of his battle, nor on TV nor live. When the son turned 12 years old, the woman convinced him to abandon the sport and spit on the money.

Calzagha went to school Pentwynmawr Primary, together with Sonya and Melissa sisters and was not happy there, they mocked him, the guy grew shy and insecure. Boxing he perceived as an opportunity to escape from the world and at the same time asserted. Also at 10 years old, Joe began to play in the school football team at the midfielder position and scored a lot of heads.

Calzagha held 120 amateur fighting and achieved a record after 110 victories and 10 defeats. He received the last of them from Romanian Adrian to determine the European Junior Championships in Prague in 1990.


The first professional battle in the Biographies of Wellish took place in September 1993 against Frank Bruno. In the future, he made a breathtaking career, won Roy Jones, Bernard Hopkins, Kessler Mikkel, Jeff Lacy, Bairon Mitchell.
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On February 5, 2009, the athlete announced the departure of boxing with statistics 46 of victories, of which 32 knockouts, there was not a single lesion. Thus, he entered the list of unfeesened champions, which in the entire history was 15, among them Floyd Maeveser and Russian Dmitry Pie.

Personal life

The man married Mandy Davis in 1994, but divorced in 2005, despite the birth of Sons Joe and Connor. The first showed interest in the sport, the younger drew and attended an acting school. Boxer liked to give children freedom, which did not make his father, buy them good clothes and give money to buy.

In 2009, the boxer participated in the show "Dancing with the Stars" and there he met the choreographer named Christina Rihanoff, for which he broke up with the previous friend, Joe-Emma Larvin. Christina was born in Russia under the surname Wheat, studied at the St. Petersburg branch of the modern Humanitarian Academy, after which he made a career in the United States and the UK.

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Father athlete died in September 2018. He was preparing Enzo McCarinelli and Gavina Riza to the battles for world champions titles to prove that he was able to train not only his own son.

In an interview, Joe told that in the 90s Enzo arranged him a weekly training with Mike Tyson. Calzagha asked to smile to play together for the photo, but he just looked gloomily on him. Later they still became friends.

Joe Calzaga now

In August 2020, Karl Froch said he was ready to enter the ring against Calzaga. He said (incomprehensible, joking or seriously) that Joe now has a too big head, and perhaps the former champion suffers from high blood pressure. So there is a chance to become the first to put Welsh on both blades.

Also in January 2021, Bernard Hopkins expressed a desire to arrange a match-revenge against the British who won him in April 2008. He agreed to beat on any conditions and for any money, but did not receive the answer.

Achievements and awards

  • 1997-2008 - WBO champion in the 2nd medium weight
  • 2006 - IBF champion in the 2nd middleweight weight
  • 2007-2008 - WBC champion in the 2nd medium weight
  • 2007-2008 - WBA champion in the 2nd medium weight

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