Ruslan Panov - biography, personal life, photo, news, husband Ekaterina Spitz, fitness club, coach 2021



Ruslan Panov is one of the most experienced fitness experts and coaches in Russia, also operating a choreographer-director in the dance direction Street Jazz. The mentor not only gives classes in one of the largest Moscow clubs, but is a frequent guest of federal television channels about health. Also, the name of Panova is often able to meet in a secular chronicle like her husband Ekaterina Spitz.

Childhood and youth

Ruslan Valerievich Panov was born on April 3, 1983 in the city of Nürba, the Republic of Sakha. Mother Ruslana from Siberia, and father from Moscow.

In his native Yakutia, the boy graduated from general educational and music school in the piano. At the age of 15, studying in the 10th grade, Ruslan began to play sports, realizing that he was a little late. Prior to that, the student had liberation from physical education, and at some point the teenager began to feel that his "clinite" from passivity. Then the direction was chosen - pop dances.

After school, Panov with her parents moved to Moscow, where the dancer received a vocational education, graduating from the Moscow State Pedagogical University in 2004, in 2004, in 2004, in 2007, the graduate student of the Russian International Academy of Tourism in the specialty "Pedagogy".

However, the dances continued to remain the main interest of the young man. Ruslan took part in several dance competitions and, noticing that he was lagging behind the experience of partners, he was recorded at once in two dance schools - Todes and Stream-Jazz, who gave the start to professional growth. At the same time, Panova was lucky to get to the dance to the group "Ivanushki International", and the only man with three girls.

While studying at the university in the evenings, Panov worked in nightclubs and did not fall down, but at the same time realized that it was a workaholic and enjoyed work.


After several years of speeches in the dance group, Ruslan left professional dances and opened a new page in his biography, devoting himself to fitness and coaching career. In parallel since 2004, Panov was engaged in modern dance directions, now known as Street Jazz. This dance discipline attracted a combination of energy, mobility and plastics. On his corporate direction, Panov told:"Street Jazz is a special dance philosophy, where there are no estimates of technology or setting, but there is a feeling that you like to dance. Note, it is like that, and it is capable of or not - this is secondary. The concept of Street Jazz in how you feel modern music. It is different: it can be lyrical, aggressive, smooth or rigid. The art is to develop the ability to hear your own body, feel the rhythm and learn to move to unison. "

Personal life

Personal life Ruslana Panova often becomes the object of attention of the press, since 2017 the fitness instructor is in relations with the movie star and theater of Catherine Spitza (born on October 29, 1985).

Ruslan told that he met Katerina in the gym, where the actress came to fitness classes. The coordinator duties included the task of the selection of the instructor. To find out the desired level, Ruslan and Katerina conducted a joint training session, almost simultaneously arose mutual interest, young people began to communicate, then relations began.

Since 2018, the couple began to live together, and Ruslana managed to find a common language with the son of the actress from the first marriage of German Adaev (date of birth - February 25, 2012). Panov's official offer and hearts made on October 7, 2018, putting on one knee before the beloved in his eyes at the auditorium immediately after the premiere of the play "Romeo and Juliet" in the theater named after Mikhail Bulgakov, where Spitz fulfilled the lead role.

In November 2019, Panov and Spitz were given a joint master class Dance Mix. Catherine recognized that it was not a frequent guest in the gym due to employment, but in his youth worked in dance support in a nightclub.

The couple often together attended secular events, film festivals, but did not hurry with the wedding. At first, the pandemic of coronavirus infection was prevented, and in mid-July 2020, because of his medical error, Father Ruslana went from life, and he spent a lot of time with his mother, heavily worried loss.

Nevertheless, on February 24, 2021, Ruslan and Catherine finally got married. In the registry office, lovers went to karaoke-taxi, and the official part was held at the Palace of Marriage No. 1 in Barvikha Luxury Village. About the joyful event The wife of a fitness expert reported in an instagram profile, posing a photo of spouses from the car with rings on the fingers.

Ruslan Panov Now

Over the years, Panov has become the legislator in the world of Russian fitness. Ruslan often acts on meaningful events in fitness clubs in Russia and abroad as a leading and expert.

Now Panov is an expert and coordinator of the programs of the All-Russian network of X-FIT clubs, managing director of the Moscow Fitness Club "X-FIT Stoleside", a teacher of the Methodological Center for coaches and fitness instructors of RFE Academy. The coach also creates its own training programs for fitness professionals, including the SmartFitness product, develops short and long-term author techniques.

Ruslan Panov - co-host (with Catherine Demidova and Ilya Frank) Street Fight and Tabata-Light dance programs on the TV channel "Live!" And the frequent guest of fitness headings and interviews TVC TV channels, Muz-TV, "Yu" and others, writes a lot for magazines on fitness topics.

Since Panov is not only a fitness coach, but also a director's choreographer, when Ekaterina Spitz participated in the television project "Russia-1" "Dancing with the stars", speaking in a couple with Mikhail Shcheckin, the groom helped the girl on choreography, spent her home Training and put the floor for the third ether of the show.

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