Alina Yukhnevich - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, "instagram", age, films 2021



On March 11, 2021, the director Vyacheslav Ross presented his new film "# Only a serious relationship", where Alina Yukhnevich could boast the first lead role in the Russian project. The young actress admitted that at first worried about the fact that she had to work in a couple with Irina Pegovaya and Alexander Robak. But literally after 2 shifts from awkwardness there is no trace, because colleagues were not only professionals, but also simple, open people.

Childhood and youth

On January 6, 1999 in Minsk, Vitaly and Tatiana Yukhnevich was born daughter Alina. A little earlier in the family welcomed the firstborn Vladislav, now living in Warsaw. However, despite this, the spouses in the end broke up.

The native of Bobruisk in 2015 married the second time for Gennady Esis, who had the heiress Beat, and gave him Evelyna, Julian and Mark. The long-awaited son came to this world on March 22, 2019. The couple not only together raises children, but also engaged in business development - in 2016 it opened the "City of the Sun" educational complex in the capital of Belarus, which includes school and kindergarten.

Alina Yukhnevich - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress,

A student of the local gymnasium No. 29 since childhood was to the scene, so from the age of 12, he diligently visited the theater studio "Galaxy". To acquire a certificate of maturity, the graduate conquered Gitis and found himself in the workshop of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Boris Plotnikova. But a year later, the student took the documents from the university.

In the 2020th, the girl shone in the play "Miracle of St. Anthony" in the theater "On Passion", received the Grand Prix of the XVI Festival "Your Chance" on the play of the Nobel laureate Maurice Meterlinka. In the formulation of the director Maxim Melamedov also participated Olga Bodrov, Valentin Sadiki, Danil Nikitin and Anastasia Shalonko.

The actress does not hide that the main person and guideline for her is a mother inspiring endless energy and the desire to create:

"My mom is the most unpredictable, inspirational, funny, wise, deep, tender, beautiful, understanding woman I know. I can not imagine where in a person can be so many patience and love for this world and to others. It is an example of how you can forgive and thank for all the lessons presented by fate. "


The first cinematic work of Yukhnevich turned out to be the comedy drama "Delete my photos" 2016, which is based on the history of people whose desires and hopes are connected with success on the Internet. Over the debut film of Minskanka worked together with Sergey Ovsyna, Alexandra Solovychik, Dmitry Gurbanovich and other artists.

After 3 years later, the filmography was enriched with the full-length project "Two", shown in Russia on August 15, 2020. Talking about his heroine, a tenth grade Nastya, a beginner actress made an emphasis on the fact that she had always had his own opinion, he was not afraid of anything and had already formed in a strong person. Alina emphasized that the schoolgirl is full of its opposite, so the ascending star of the cinema fell in love, the image of thoughts and the vision of the world of this character.

Director Vadim Perelman, known for the serials of "treason" and "ash", invited the girl to the episode of the new tape "Missing without news".

Personal life

On August 22, 2020, a slim blue-eyed beauty (height 163 cm with a weight of 50 kg) was married in the Catholic Church with his beloved Viktor Goryachkov. For the most important day of personal life, the bride chose a white-blue-pink dress with open shoulders, decorated with a magnificent skirt and sleeves. The image complemented the long veil, later removed during the celebration.

Unfortunately, the celebration, colorful photos from which were decorated with pages in "Instagram", "Facebook" and "Vkontakte", preceded sad events. In their native country, as the artist told, the struggle for freedom turned out, and her uncle, the head of the initiative "honest people," was taken away in the SIZO. Vladislav's sister should also go to the altar, but instead I experienced a "unthinkable betrayal and parting." At the beginning of the summer, a week before the acquaintance with the parents of Alina, did not make her husband's mother.

As for the skills Yukhnevich, she owns sports and ballroom dancing, contemporary and, a little, hip-hop, as well as classic and pop vocals. Plays on the guitar and ukulele, well rides on curly skates, keeps in the saddle and swims.

Among the musical genres of Belarusian is distinguished by indie rock, but in general calls himself Meloman, who and mantras can listen, and the songs of Raper Husky. In the list of favorite films - "Work without authorship" of the German director Florian Henkel von Donnersmark and Paterson Jim Jarmushe.

Alina Yukhnevich now

According to the performer of one of the main roles in "Only a serious relationship", the chip of the film is a demonstration of how adults can sometimes behave like children. The project makes the audience think about their inner child and true desires.

Yukhnevich also confessed in an interview that Vyacheslav Ross managed to connect a comedy and melodrama together, and on the set she did not feel serious difficulties, unless he quickly frozen on the street because of the inner excitement.


  • 2016 - "Delete my photos"
  • 2019 - "Two"
  • 2021 - "Only a serious relationship"

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