Vera Pektev - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, murder, Kemerovo, "Instagram", Kiselevsk



In recent years, the topic of domestic violence becomes sharper in Russia. The reason for this - tragedy and murders, forced to think about tightening punishment. The name of Pekhetellev's faith has replenished a sad summary of crimes committed, including on the soil of jealousy.

Childhood and youth

Vera was born on September 24, 1997 in the city of Kiselevsk (Kemerovo region). He studied at the Lyceum, where about her before the release was written - "Creative Person." Judging by the information from the official website of the educational institution, the girl participated in regional and urban events, ranked first in the festival "Rainbow". From the early biography of the victim, it is known that she was engaged in the vocal team "Kiselevsky Avoski".

Vera Pekhev and Vladislav Kanos

The parents of the soul did not care in heiress, sincerely enjoying her success in music. Naturally, when Faith graduated from school, Oksana's mother thought that she would go to the University of Culture. But the daughter unexpectedly changed the decision, giving the documents to the Kuzbass State Technical University (Kuzgtu) of Kemerovo. A student of the Faculty of Economic Security studied well and dreamed of a career in OBEP.

Parents of faith divorced when she was still small. But the relationship with the Father Yevgeny has survived warm. The heirs often came to visit his new family, spent her vacation there.

Personal life

The personal life of Pekheteva has always told his mother, so about relations with the future killer, Vladislav Kanubus, was aware. They met in Native Kiselevsk, and the parents of faith knew the guy, as well as his father and mother.

The family discouraged the daughter from meetings with this young man, believing that the teenager's well-brought in a disadvantaged family is not worth waiting. But the student in love did not see any threats, continuing relations with Vladislav.

By the way, few people guess about them. In his instagram account, the student did not exhibit joint photos. Even not all close friends were aware of the romantic part of her biography.

But now many of the familiar punches are sure - the guy planned to arrange life at the expense of the girl. She had great perspectives in his career, she herself paid the room in a hostel in Kemerovo. He moved there, when a native Kiselevsk entered the university. In a frank conversation with his mother, a student described the details of their relationship, from which she concluded about the manipulation by the young man.

In the fall of 2019, Oksana received a phone call from the heirs and heard the cherished words that the relationship with Kanosus was completed. After that, the girl returned to the student hostel, but some things remained in a shared apartment with Vlad. Pick up their faith went on January 13, 2020.


Obviously, the young man was not going to let go of a 23-year-old girl from the apartment. At about 5 am, on January 14, the neighbors began to call the police, because heard heart-dye cries and plenty of help. However, no one came from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the adverse reaction, no one came into the hostel of the Leninsky district.

Then the doorless neighbors hacked the door, and the owl's native brother helped in this. By the way, he was aware of the sinister plans of Kanosa - shortly before the tragedy in a telephone conversation, a former guy of faith unequivocally identified his position.

The last call to law enforcement agencies was already committed to the statement of death. Only then the police arrived at the scene. The corpse was in the room, the killer continued to drink in the bathroom.

According to the lawyer of the victim of the family, the examination showed - injury facing the infanthev was applied for a long time. Neighbors themselves say that it is at least about 3.5 hours. Mocking the former beloved, Vlad used his hands, knife and other items. At the end strangled it with a wire from the iron.

In order to cook the funeral killed, it was necessary to inflated makeup for several hours. The dress was closed on the pastry, but even all this did not help hide the consequences of brutal bullying.


The case received a resonance, including due to the lack of a proper reaction of law enforcement agencies. The charges were brought to Captain Dmitry Taritsan and Major Mikhail Balashov under the case on damage as a result of negligence. Speaking by a legal language, the head of shift and operational duty threatened the penalty, mandatory work or arrest to 3 months.

With this, the victim did not agree with this, as well as the article that was qualified for the killer. According to official information, Vladislav Kanos was to get a deadline for killing, but the result did not take into account the fact of particular cruelty of the offense. Parents petitioned about retraining to the investigative department for the Leninsky district, but no reaction followed.

The case was becoming more publicly publicly, when the Human rights activist and the founder of the Tyneodyna network of Alena Popova had happened about what happened. This material instantly spread online - thousands of reposts in Facebook and Other sites. Stars of show business, including singer Valery, responded.

Public resonance, as parents hoped, will help in restoring justice. In February 2021, a petition was compiled demanding to retrain the article by Vladislav Kanius, as well as two employees of the duty part, who did not try to save the young girl. The Kemerovo Court, meanwhile, returned to the prosecutor's office about the "negligence" of the police.

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