Chloe Zhao - biography, personal life, photo, news, "eternal", "Earth of nomads", films, director 2021



Now the ribbons in which the non-professional actors starred are increasingly triumphant in film festivals. Among the Russian films are the paintings of the teacher from the Yakutia Dmitry Davydov, and among the American-natives of China Chloe Zhao. Like the Yakut nugget, the lady acts in the role not only director, but also producer and the screenwriter.

Childhood and youth

The future owner of the Golden Globe was born in Beijing in the last March day of 1982. Father - General Director of the Schougang Group Co. Co., Ltd. - Zhao Yuji and the mother, the soloist of the ensemble of the People's Folk Army, called the daughter of Zhao Tin. The girl changed her name after moving to the UK. Subsequently, parents divorced. Machie Tin became Chinese actress Son Dandan.

Chinese woman grew on American films, such as the "Terminator", "Ghost" and "Act, Sister," drawn manga and among the peers heard a dicarka. Zhao is very grateful to his parents for the fact that they did not dare to break her nature and left the stroke daughter alone.

Tin dreamed of living in one country with Michael Jackson and at the same time experienced a strange reverence in front of non-combustion spaces - be it steppe or desert. One of the brightest children's impression is Zhao-younger - a visit to the inner Mongolia.

At age 14, barely mastered English, the girl left the parent home and began to study at the boarding school of London, which the director now compares with Hogwarts. At 18, Chloe received an American visa and moved to Los Angeles. Behind the shoulders Zhao - getting a bachelor's degree at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts and Study at the Tisch School of New York University, as well as the work of Bartender.


The native of Beijing opened the filmography of the short ribbons filmography, the most famous of which is the 10-minute American-Chinese Daughte "Daughters", talking about the resistance of a 14-year-old rural girl issuing married by agreement.

In the first three full-length paintings - "The songs that brothers taught me," Rider "and the" Land of Nomads "- Zhao supported the tradition of immigrant director Charlie Chaplin and Entra Lee - debut in the US cinema with the story of typically American stories. Alejandro Gonzalez Indianrite, highly appreciated the debut full-lengths of Chloe, said in an interview that the Chinese woman was looking at America an unmandant look.

In "Songs ..." and "Rider" the director removed predominantly non-professional actors. The decision initially dictated by financial considerations was rewarded with the realism of what was happening in the frames.

"Songs .." talk about the relationship between the brother and sister belonging to the Indian tribe of Lakota. The picture was nominated at the award in the category "For the Best Full-length Debut" at the "Independent Spirit" ceremony in 2015.

In the center of the plot "Rider" - the history of the ascending star Rodeo Brady, forced to say goodbye to the career after severe head injury. The cowboy is arranged in the supermarket, where in the interruptions between the filling of the shelves poses for the photo with the locals, but continues to miss the horses. The premiere of the picture took place at the Cannes Film Festival, the tape was awarded the ART CINEMA award.

In the filming of the third full-length film Zhao "Land of nomads", awarded the "Golden Lion" at the Venice Film Festival, the star of Hollywood took part for the first time. Francis McDormand not only performed a major role in the picture taken in the Road Mugi genre, but also acted as a producer. The rolled ribbon came out in December 2020.

Personal life

About the personal life of the director's lady knows little. Chloe, along with a civil husband and operator of her films, Joshua James Richards lives in the town of Okhai, located in the California District of Ventura and is the place of country rest of the rich residents of Los Angeles. Cinematographic pair company make up 2 dogs.

Chloe Zhao now

On February 28, 2021, Zhao received the Golden Globe Prize as a director of "nomads". A native of Beijing became the second lady-director who was awarded this award. The first representative of the beautiful gender, which received the Golden Globe for the best director, in 1984, became Barbara Streisand.

In 2021, Chloe announced the intention as a director and producer to remove the new cinema of Roman Bram Stoker "Dracula". The genre of the project Zhao described as a futuristic western.

For the production of "Dracula" Zhao was going to start after the completion of the Studio "Marvel" over the fantastic militant "Eternal", in which Hollywood stars starred: Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek, Keith Harington and a native of Pakistan, who made a career in Stena, Kumale Nanjiani. Also, Chloe does not refuse the intention to remove Baiopic about Bass Rivze - the first black deputuit of Marshal USA.


  • 2015 - "Songs who taught me my brothers"
  • 2017 - "Rider"
  • 2020 - "Earth of nomads"
  • 2021 - "Eternal"

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