Vladislav Kanos - biography, news, photo, personal life, Vera Pektev, Kemerovo, "Instagram", Kiselevsk 2021



A resident of Kemerovo Vladislav Kanius became known after the brutal killing of the female Faith Pekhetelev. The young man cruelly dealt with the former beloved, for which in February 2021 appeared before the court.

Childhood and youth

The date of birth of Vladislav - August 4, 1996. Not much knows about the biography of Kanosus. About nationality, place of work and the formation of the killer do not write, but it is clear that in his family was not smooth. The guy's father committed suicide from a double-rich hunting rifle. It is said that he made it after launching in the stealing and head of the criminal case.

Vladislav Kanius and Vera Pektev

Vladislav has Brother Stanislav, who moved to live in Novosibirsk. Stas assured that he did not notice the brutality and destructive behavior. However, the parents of the deceased faith responded about the young man unflattering. The father of the girl Evgeny Pektev called the Son of the suicide is not otherwise as "rotten blood," and the mother called him a monster.

Personal life

Vladislav began to meet with faith in 2017. Parents of young people lived in the same house in Kiesevsk Kemerovo region and have long been familiar. Couple spent time on home parties, in hookah and other entertainment facilities, from time to time the guy laid out joint romantic photos in VKontakte.

The father and mother of Pekhetelev did not approve the roman's daughter with a young man who possessed a wonderful reputation, while the girl was an exemplary beauty: he studied well, engaged in creativity, easily started friends, was good and friendly. The girlfriend of Faith Kira Egorova recalled that the lovers were repeatedly quarreling, but then nevertheless did not happen.

The mother of the victim of Oksana Pekheveva was very worried about her daughter, feeling that she contacted not with that man, but the girl looked at his beloved pink glasses and ignored parental requests not to communicate with Vladislav. She even had to hide a personal life from the family to avoid negative discussions. On a personal page in "Instagram", she did not lay out together with the guy.

In the winter of 2020, the relations of Pekhetelev and Kanosus were completely upset. The girl announced that he picks things from the guy's apartment, and asked a girlfriend to help with moving to a student hostel. However, on January 14, he became a fatal day for faith.

For 2 days before, Vladislav laid out on the wall in Vkontakte, the track "I will always love you", starting with the words: "You are, with thoughts about which I wake up every morning." The murderer who committed terrible atrocities still meets the visitors to their pages by the avatar, where the sacrifice gently kisses him in the cheek.


Faith came to the apartment to Vladislav, located at Leningradsky Prospect, house 28 to pick up his belongings and finally break with a young man. That evening, she left his girlfriend voice messages, where he told about the progress. From her number, voice messages sent to Kanos, who requested a girlfriend not to come to be able to deal with the girl alone.

"I need this person," said the guy, assuring that Pekheteva does not need help and he will help her "absolutely everything today." According to Vladislav's voice, it was clear that this evening was not without alcohol. When messages from faith ceased to come, the girlfriend did not suspect the wrong, since it was repeatedly becoming a certificate of reconciliation of the pair. But the neighbors of Vladislav scored alarming when, due to the walls, noise began to be heard, grew into desperate cries about help.

Vladislav Kanius and Vera Pektev

At the bench, the defendants, Kanos gave his version of the murder, at which he hit the girl four times, and then strangled her. At the same time, the guy assures that there was no intention to kill. This diverges with the testimony of neighbors, which for 3.5 hours heard heart-diving women's cries.

Concerned residents of the house began to call the police, but they explained them in the law enforcement that they were currently there are no free brigades. Calls to the rescue service and the duty officer were received for more than one hour, and the staff themselves could hear the treasure shouts of the victim in the background, but still in no hurry to send help to the scene.

As a result, the neighbors, who broke the door, but turned out to be late. They found faith in a puddle of blood, which could not be saved. After the clock, the girl died, and forensic examination found 56 injuries for victims. The killer beat the girl, cut her with a knife, and then strangled the cord from the iron. Vladislav entered into custody, and in relation to two police officers the investigative committee opened a criminal case on accosals for negligence.

Vladislav Kanius now

Proceedings in the case of the murder of Faith Pekhetev began in February 2021. They caused a wide resonance, because it turned out that the defendant can be separated too easy. The case does not take into account the special cruelty, with which Kanos killed a girl.

In an interview with journalists, parents killed were told that they insist on retraining of the case. They are afraid that according to the sentence, Vladislav will receive a short time, which will later be reduced by UDO, since the guy did not have a criminal record. Pekhetev are sure: not such a punishment deserves a monster, tortured their daughter for 3.5 hours. On this issue, the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia created a petition.

The fate of the police who did not respond to the series of disturbing signals, remained under the question for a long time. In early March 2021, they were still not suspended from service and continued to work in law enforcement agencies. It is known that the officers denied guilt and refused to cooperate with the investigation. Many first assumed that they would impart a cash fine and correctional work. However, the case received a wide public resonance, and human rights activists achieved the perpetrators to bring the penalty to their crimes.

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