Anders Breivik - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Terrorist, Prison, Norwegian shooter, Camera 2021



Anders Breivik is the right extremist who has committed mass murder in 2011 and received the Norwegian arrows. It believed that Europe had to decline as a result of political correctness and a large-scale "Arab conspiracy", aimed at inhabiting the developed countries of Muslims. The ideal for him was the 1950s, when the order and Christian values ​​reigned, and people did not lock the doors of the houses, because no one was afraid.

Childhood and youth

Anders Bering Breivik was born on February 13, 1979 in Oslo, Norway. His parents, nurse wreath Bering and Specialist in Economics Jens, divorced. From 1982 to 1994, the child lived with his mother, published for an officer of the Norwegian army, and a sister in an apartment building. Up to 12, he regularly seen with his father who lived in France.

Anders Breivik in youth (before surgery)

As a child, Anders was disturbed by school psychologists a strange smile. It seemed that she did not express an emotional state, but was a deliberate disguise.

In the Breivik case, they wrote that the wreath was humiliated by his son, Bila and often wanted to him death aloud. In the reports, a woman was described as a person with difficult childhood, a border disorder of personality and severe depressions.

Anders replaced several schools, classmates remembered him as a smart, physically developed guy who defended the weak bullying. As a teenager, Breivik was engaged in sports and began to take anabolic steroids.

Anders and his father soon stopped communicating, both accused each other in a break of relationships. Jens divorced the second time, but Breivik continued to be friends with a stepmother. The young man was released from calling for military service, being declared unsuitable.

Personal life

In his youth, Breivik tried to establish a personal life, getting acquainted with girls from Eastern Europe through the Internet. Norwegians seemed to Anders with bad hostesses who could not be preparing and, besides, they advocated equal rights with men.

Anders went to Belarus to meet a girl, a famous press under the fictional name of Natasha. Later, she visited Breivik in Oslo, he drove her around restaurants and showed sights. According to the natives of Minsk, the man was kind in correspondence, but in real life it turned out to be real tyrant. I did not perceive the girlfriend seriously, insulted women and behaved like a chauvinist.

After the break, Breivik accused Natasha in the fact that she needed only money and Norwegian citizenship. Anders became closed, settled in the house of Mother and the day playing computer games. The girl moved to the US and is trying to forget the connection with the mass killer.


Since 2000, Breivik worked in the customer service department in a telecommunications company, and former colleagues gave different assessments of his personality. Some called Anders "exclusively good with everyone", others assured that the man was annoyed by Arabs, Asians and people of other nationalities.

In 2002, an extremist created a site on which fake diplomas sold. He also traded shares on behalf of the company and earned millions on it.

Political views and Manifesto

Breivik was an anti-library and criticized the policies of the government in the field of multiculturalism. He also opposed communism and despised the Father for the fact that he was in the Norwegian Workers Party.

Shortly before the terrorist attack, the killer published a 1500-page manifest on the Internet, signing Andrew Berwick (an English version of his name and surname), called "2083 - European Declaration of Independence". Among other things, it was described how to produce bombs from fertilizers and establish mass production by creating an agricultural company. Recommendations on the issues of technology, physical training, the use of biological and nuclear weapons were given. The document also contained previously known Breivik photos, in one of the sections he took an interview at himself, describing his biography, favorite music, clothing and drinks.

Terrorist attacks

On July 22, 2011, Breivik killed 8 people by blowing up a car in the government quarter, near the office of the Prime Minister's office.

Two hours later killed 69 immigrants of the summer camp of the youth league of workers in mass shooting on the island of Utina, of which 33 minors. In total, 77 people became victims of the double terrorist attack, several hundred were injured. Norwegez showed a black sense of humor, changing into a police form, and made his way to the territory of the camp allegedly for checking in connection with the explosion, which he himself arranged. Shooting lasted for about an hour. The terrorist used two glock rifles and gun.


The nationalist was sentenced to imprisonment in a single chamber for a period of 21 years, with the possibility of extension. His accounts in "Instagram" and "Twitter" blocked. Breivik was excluded from the Masonic Lodge, where it consisted of February 2007.

According to the press and the public, the killer provided the paradise conditions of the conclusion: 3 rooms of 8 meters (bedroom, office and a gym with a treadmill), a huge library, PlayStation prefix. Every day the prisoner was issued € 8 so that he could buy fresh vegetables and fruits, chocolate and carbonated water in a prison store. He was allowed to pass the exams at the Oslo University, where Anders studied the political science, the course of which included the study of democracy, pluralism and the rights of national minorities.

In 2015, the Norwegian shooter tried to sue the state to put an end to his insulation in prison, arguing that such strict rules of conclusion violated his human rights. He won the first round in 2016, but lost on appeal. At the beginning of each meeting, the terrorist raised his right hand in fascist greeting.

Anders Breivik now

In September 2020, Lawyer Breivik Ostein Storrvik said that the client intends to seek conditionally early liberation. This news caused angry comments. Oslo Mayor and Secretary General of the Norwegian Workers Party Raymond Johansen said in Twitter that an extremist will never be released.

In January 2021, residents of the district near the Utility filed to the city of Honefoss, demanding to stop the construction of a memorial in memory of the victims shot by Breivik. In their opinion, this would have turned around the area in place of grief and could psychologically injured people.

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