Irina Korenev - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, daughter Vladimir Korenev, "Instagram" 2021



Irina Koreneva is a talented artist who creates bright images in the theater and repeatedly removed in the series. However, in 2021, in the media, the discussion of the personal life of the father of Irina Vladimirovna is paid to more attention than projects in which it takes part.

Childhood and youth

The future actress was born on July 11, 1966 in Moscow in an artistic family. Irina Father Vladimir Korenev 5 years before the birth of the daughter played the most famous role in his filmography - reincarnated in Ihtyander in the picture of Vladimir Chebotarev and Gennady Kazan "Affibory Man". The tape in which the music of Andrei Petrova sounded, made a young artist as a dream of thousands of Soviet girls. But Vladimir seemed not to be distracted by the temptation and was a respectable husband of the former classmates Aleftina Konstantinova.

The parents of Irina served in the same theater, but rarely looked at the scene at the same time. If the viewers pleased with Aleftin's game, Vladimir sat with his daughter. If the applause disappeared "ichyantr", the girl nursing mother.

When Ira has grown slightly, it began to spend evenings behind the scenes. By 5 years, Korenev, the younger knew all the roles by heart and assumed that if some of the actipers would get sick, he would be able to replace and play no worse than a permanent performer. The acting profession then seemed Irina very simple. Now the heiress of the artistic dynasty knows that there are many pitfalls in the hyyrocination, and the glory accompanies the glory and not always pleasant attention of the press to the biography of celebrities.

In an interview with the "express newspaper", Korenev said that in childhood and adolescence, parents dressed her modestly, the girl often stopped in other people's things. But, having visited the tour in Hungary, the father brought Irina dear and a scarce gift - a folding bike.

After school, the Korenev-younger entered the guitis. The mentor of the girl in the university was Vladimir Andreev, in his youth played the main roles in the films "Certificate of Maturity" and "Tale of Tsar Saltan".

Theater and films

The first TV project in which Irina "lit up" was the 6-serial melodrama of the "Joy of Earth" - the screening of the novel of Joseph Gerasimov of the same name. Korenev, like her university teacher Andreev, starred in an episode, and Lyudmila Kasatkin, Anatoly Kuznetsov and Lautsevicius, fulfilled the main roles in Lenta.

The series "Weapon of Zeus", in which Korenev played gin, is also an empty. Director Nikolay Skeeev-Rudenko suffered an Roman of the Literary Father Electronics Evgeny Wellistov "Nocturne of Void". In the characters with English names and last names, predominantly Baltic actors were reincarnated, however, the image of the expert of Tomas Baka concern was created by Vladimir Korenev.

Father and daughter together starred in the detective TV shows "blind" and "urgently in the room - 2". In the first of them, Vladimir Borisovich was transformed into one of the main characters - Fyodor Potapchuk, and Irina got the role of Angela. If the "weapon of Zeus" has become the last ribbon in the filmography of Josas Kealeusus, then the "blind" was the swan song of Nicholas Kochegarov. The tape "URGENTLY IN ROOM - 2", in which Korenev played Jeanne, is characterized by an exceptionally strong cast: the secondary roles in the series were performed by artists as Mikhail Vaskov, Vladimir Chuprikov and Victor Proskurin.

As in the legendary film, Vladimir Menshov, "Moscow does not believe in tears", in the series "Aroma of Roshovnik" traced biographies of three friends for 20 years. Irina Vladimirovna played Valentina, a stepmother of one of the friendlings.

Since 1992, the "daughter of Ithyandra" serves in the Moscow Drama Theater. K. S. Stanislavsky (now this is the "Stanislavsky Electro"), where they played Abigail (in the "glass of water"), Jassant (in the formulation of "Male genus, the only number"), Vasilisa (in the "Tsarevne Frog"). In 2011, Irina Vladimirovna, together with the Father, put the play "Dangerous connections" on the stage of the Arkhangelsk Theater of the Drama named after Mikhail Lomonosov.

Staging on the play Mauris Metherlinka "Blue Bird", Korenev played the same role that Tyson was keen in the same name of the Soviet-American film of 1976 - reincarnated into the cat. In 2017, the actress was awarded the theater award of the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper in the nomination "half-floor" for the best female role of the second plan (Bettina Clausen) in the play "before sunset".

Personal life

In the life of Irina Vladimirovna there were two big love. In his youth, the actress fell in love with the former compatriot engaged in business in Germany. The result of the second feeling was the birth of the son of Egor. In an interview with the actress, he does not voicate the names of the beloved, but he says that now the first of them is no longer alive.

If Irina Vladimir Borisovich began to play only when the girl began to walk and talk, then with his grandson, communicated from the first days of the boy's life. Now Egor Korenev is an adult married man, father of the family. Despite the bright appearance, the heir of the artistic dynasty did not go to the actors, and graduated from the Higher School of Economics.

Korenev claims that he never dreamed of younger brother or sister, but regrets that he gave life only to one child. In addition to the theater, Irina Vladimirovna is fond of cottages and diamond embroidery.

Irina Korenev now

On January 2, 2021, the legendary executor of the role of Ithyander died. The body of the 80-year-old actor, which had patients of kidney and heart, despite treatment in "communal", could not cope with coronavirus infection. Sovid ripped and herself Irina Vladimirovna, and her mother.

On January 26, in the "Direct Ether" program, with the help of DNA test, it was confirmed that Vladimir Borisovich, except Irina, there is another daughter - Eugene Kharkov. A woman who has a daughter Sophia and a little granddaughter, said that he wrote the words of condolences on the page of the actress in "Instagram", but did not receive a response.

For the first time, Irina Vladimirovna, Irina heard in the spring of 2015, from the broadcast of the transfer "Let them say", which Andrei Malakhov, then led Andrei Malakhov. The eldest daughter Vladimir Korenev and in 2015, and 6 years later refused to condemn the parent. The actress said that he would allow the possibility of fleet flirting of the father and the presence of extramarital children from the "amphibious man", but only her mother was always the only love of Vladimir Borisovich.

On March 3, 2021, Andrei Malakhov in the "Light Air" told that Korenev had a Son Alesha, born in 1961 from the Dilumba Romana of Vladimir with Elena Kondeeva and died in September 1997. The genetic study confirmed that Alexey's daughter - Tamara Kuranov is the granddaughter of the actor. Irina Koreneva said in a brief interview with the program: if all the declared relatives wanted to communicate, and not inheritance, they would have come to contact during the life of Vladimir Borisovich.

Despite the upheavals, in the year of the bull, the legitimate Daughter of Ithyander continued to serve in the "Stanislavsky ElectroTheater". On March 11, 2021, Irina Vladimirovna played Sannzh in the play of the "Maidening of the Boulevard Sunset", in 2019 the actress supplied by the father, and on March 26, he appeared in the formation of Titania, Queen Fay, in the premiere of Boris Yuhananova "Pinocchio".


  • 1988 - "Joy Earth"
  • 1991 - "Weapon of Zeus"
  • 2003 - "Return of Mukhtara"
  • 2004 - "Blind"
  • 2008 - "URGENT IN NO-2"
  • 2014 - "Rose Hip Aroma"

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