Nina Pushkova - biography, personal life, photo, news, writer, actress, "Elixir of Immersion", books 2021



In the youth, Nina Pushkova wanted to become a star of television screens, but refused the dream to become a wife of a diplomat. In return, she received a rich life with events, which became the basis for her literary creativity.

Childhood and youth

Nina Vasilyevna Kechchenovova was born in April 1954 in the Russian capital Moscow. The Father Celebrity soon left the family, so the only bright memory of him - as he taught it to read.

The mother of the girl became early orphan, so he grew up without love and did not know how to express her towards children. She was a strict and strong woman, worked a lot, disappearing on night shifts. Since the time to upbringing the daughter did not remain, it was decided to send it to the village in Ukraine under the custody of the nanny.

The first time the girl was not easy, local children did not take it and teased because of the manners of speech, so she felt out of the way. The future performer has been aware that she has 2 ways: to telete her mother to take her back to Moscow or head the crowd. She chose a second option, then then demonstrating a strong character.

Even at school, Kechchenikov decided that he wanted to engage in creativity. But her parent was opposed, she wanted her daughter to continue his medical dynasty, and insisted on admission to a medical school. The celebrity learned there just a year, and then secretly took the documents and left for listening to the theater school named after Boris Schukin. She returned home, feeling the winner, because she was enrolled on the first attempt.

Personal life

About the fact that her husband will call Alexey, the actress knew in childhood. She was in love with the main character of the film "Ballad about a soldier" performed by Vladimir Ivashov. But the celebrity finally believed in the purpose of an incomplete 18 years, when he experienced clinical death. I barely woke up, she heard the name of Alyosha, although his carriers were not nearby.

His narrowed Kechchenov met only in 1974, while studying at the theater school. They came to see the play "Ordinary Miracle", where they sat through the chair. Young man throughout the theatrical action did not descend a look from the girl, and then offered her home.

Nina responded with refusal, because she was sure that her chosen one should be more beautiful and older, and not one with her age. She was already going to go away, as suddenly noticed shoes on it, like her idiot - Alexander Shirvindt. The artist fifted weakness to stylishly dressed men, so still agreed to meet again.

The name of the persistent Uhager girl learned only the next day, his name was Alexey Pushkov, he was a MGIMO student and planned in the future to become a diplomat. But on a date, the guy appeared without flowers than heavily offended by the performer. Therefore, saying goodbye, she sorrified his statement that he, unfortunately, would not become her husband.

Alexey was only 19, and marriage did not enter his plans, but he was fascinated by the artist - such a not like all the girls from his environment. It was active, emotional, creative and impulsive. The wedding was still held, but only 2.5 years after the start of a stormy novel. During this time, they repeatedly quarreled and diverged, but each time they reunited again.

The first time the young family had to be not easy. They lived in removable apartments, brought up a daughter who received the name of Daria. Alexey wrote the dissertation, and Nina was preparing for the life of the wife of the diplomat - she taught languages ​​and mastered the rules of conduct in the Higher Society. From the acting career she had to abandon, because it lacked it.

But Pushkova almost did not regret his decision, because it was possible to live a rich life, full travel and amazing dating. She managed to make a photo with Bill Clinton and personally chat with Gerald Ford, who made an unforgettable impression on it.

All this time, the artist supported her husband, helping to overcome difficulties and adversity. She devoted himself to the family and the upbringing of his daughter, and then granddaughters. But in her life there was always a place for creativity.


Removing the Cinema The celebrity began in student years. It was involved in the painting "Service Novel", where he played an episodic role. In the future, her filmography was replenished with such projects as "meeting on distant meridian" and "Night over Chile."

But the brightest memories of the acting career were shooting in the music film "Ordinary Miracle", released in 1979. The performer received the role of Freilina in it, but even a lamp was ready to play, because she had the opportunity to work with Oleg Yankovsky, Andrey Mironov and Alexander Abdulov.

After entering the picture, a long break was followed, and only in the 90s Pushkova returned to the cinema for a short time to play in the episode of the drama "without hope." She then focused on the affairs of the famous spouse. Nina supported it when creating the "Postscript" program.

In 2013, the celebrity again turned attention, but no longer as an actress, but as a writer. The woman presented the book "Roman with a post-promptum", where he shared the details of personal life. According to the artist, the publication appeared thanks to her husband, who noticed how she creates separate notes, and inspired to collect them in a full-fledged novel.

Nina Pushkova - biography, personal life, photo, news, writer, actress,

The literary work of Pushkova found a lot of admirers, so she decided to write a new book. This time, the writer came out a real criminal thriller, the inspiration for which the events of her biography were served. The novel called the "Goddess of Victory" came out in 2018, which Nina Vasilyevna reported on the pages of "Instagram" and "Facebook".

Shortly before that, the fans again saw the actress on the screens. She participated in the work on the series "Anna Karenina" and "Demon Revolution", where they played episodic roles.

Nina Pushkova now

Now the celebrity continues to engage in creativity. At the beginning of 2021, she presented its third book - "Elixir of Immersion", which is a continuation of the "Goddess of Victory". In connection with this event, Nina Vasilyevna became a frequent guest on an interview, visited the "Evening Moscow" and the "Evening Trevian Evening Show".

In March, the release of the transfer of the "Fate of Man", the heroines of which became Pushkova. In the studio, the actress frankly talked to Boris Korchevnikov about childhood, creativity, acquaintance with her husband and the difficult life of the wife of the diplomat.


  • 1977 - "Meeting on a distant meridian"
  • 1977 - "Night over Chile"
  • 1977 - "Service Roman"
  • 1978 - "Ordinary Miracle"
  • 1990 - "Without hope I hope"
  • 2017 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 2017 - "Demon Revolution"


  • 2013 - "Roman with postscript"
  • 2018 - "Goddess of Victory"
  • 2021 - "Elixir of Immortality"

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