Igor Guzun - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Film, Filmography, Role of Stalin, Homeless 2021



The actor of Igor Guzuna Nature awarded not only talent, but also in fact: thanks to the similarity with Joseph Stalin, the artist repeatedly created the image of the leader of peoples on the screen. However, Igor Georgievich is significantly higher than Generalissimus: the growth of the Soviet leader was 167 cm, and the growth of Guzuna is 180 cm.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born on May 30, 1960 in the capital of the Moldavian SSR Chisinau. Now, the small birthplace of Igor Georgievich is considered one of the most green cities in Europe.

Igor Gazunv Stalin's Roles

In the youth, the executor of Stalin's role graduated from the art and graphic faculty of the Chisinau Pedagogical Institute named after Ion Kryanghe and worked as a drawing teacher at school. In the future, the skills of the draftsman were useful in Guzun when working as a director's artist over several films - in particular above the criminal drama of 1999 "Male character, or tango over the abyss - 2", the main roles in which Lev Durov was performed, Evgeny Sidikhin and Julia Rutberg.

In 1986, Igor Georgievich complemented the formation of acting and directorial courses at the Bucharest Academy of Theater and Cinema. The artist freely owns not only Russian and Romanian languages, but also by the languages ​​of William Shakespeare and Dante Aligiery.


The Guzuna-acter filmography was opened with an episodic role of Bandera in the mini-serial "Codres" - the screening of the novels of the classics of Moldavian literature Ion Ceoban. In the "Titanic Return", the novice artist created an image of a capital character - Major Militia on nicknamed Titanic. In the US-Hong Kong film "First Punch" Igor Georgievich played the agent of the FSB, and the main role was performed by Jackie Chan.

In the following filmography of the native of Kisheva, there are not only Russian, Moldovan and Ukrainian ribbons, but also the paintings of the production of Israel ("Vendetta in Jewish"), Great Britain ("Adventures Marco Polo" and "Sharpe Regiment"), Canada (documentary "Tehran 43 "), Poland (" Warsaw Battle of 1920 ") and even China (TV series" Diplomatic Situation "). In the last three cases, Guzun played Joseph Stalin - the role that became a business card of the actor.

Igor Guzun - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Film, Filmography, Role of Stalin, Homeless 2021 2768_2

For the first time in the form of Generalissimus, Igor Georgievich appeared in the comedy TV series "Adventure Maga". Really actor in the documentary film Alexander Ivankin and Anton Vasilyeva "Immortal War". The relay was picked up by Kazakh cinematographers who used the similarity of Guzun with Stalin in the Bayopic of 2008 "Mustafa Shocai". The tradition was continued in the family sage "House of exemplary", in which Sergey Bekhterev played the last role in life, and was interpreted in the 3rd season of the series "Volkova Hour", where Igor Georgievich created the image of the doubles of Stalin by the surname Karamzin.

In addition to the leader of the peoples, Guzuna was brought to play representatives of different nationalities. So, in the melodrama of Konstantin Odessov "heirs" the actor reincarnated in Issu, in the criminal comedy "the elusive four" in Gurama, and in the TV series "home arrest" - in Arakelyan.

Personal life

Guzun tried to create a family five times. The actor 5 children of different ages whose photos often appear on the men's page in "Instagram". The younger child Igor Georgievich Timofey was born in the fall of 2015, and the grandson of Artist Lorenzo Guzun, living in Italy, in the fall of 2018 went to the first class.

All family unions of the actor ended with divorces, with each of which "double Stalin" left another wife all acquired, including an apartment. Saturated personal life and generosity of the native Chisinau led to the fact that the on the eve of the 60th anniversary of Igor Georgievich was in the status of homeless.

At the beginning of 2020, the NTV channel showed the plot in which Guzun told that she had a night on the couch in the office of the Nursing House. The artist told that earlier, remaining without a roof over his head, raised bad weather in Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo. When the police officers were interested in the homeless, Igor Georgievich said that he had appointed a business meeting at the airport, and he offered to google the guards, who he was.

The artist Vladimir Chuprikov, who was repeatedly starred with Guzuna in some projects, who was repeatedly starred with Guzuna in some projects and specialized in Nikita Khrushchev spoke on the plight of the comrade. Dame-Director of the Nursing House described Igor Georgievich as a very good and always ready to come to the help of a person.

Igor Guzun now

In 2021, the native of Moldova was filmed as Korkina in the series "Strange Detective". The director of the tape, in 2020, who became co-author of a short comedy "Quarantine", not only wrote the scenario "... detective", but also played the marginal investigator Nevzorov, with whom the chief hero - extrasensus-charlatan Gleb King - accounted for in the plot.

On March 4, 2021, Guzun became the hero of the program "in fact." According to Igor Georgievich, the cohabitant Olga took his property. It turned into a homeless, looking for food in the garbage containers.


  • 1999 - "The Return of Titanic"
  • 2000 - "special case"
  • 2004 - "Temptation of Titanic"
  • 2008 - "Mustafa Shokai"
  • 2011 - "Warsaw Battle of 1920"
  • 2012 - "House of exemplary content"
  • 2014 - "How to marry Millionaire-2"
  • 2015 - "How I became Russian"
  • 2016 - "Traffic light"
  • 2018 - "Guy from Hollywood, or the Unusual Adventures of Vesunchik Vesunchik"
  • 2018 - "Home Arrest"
  • 2019 - "Specialist"
  • 2018-2019 - "Diplomatic Situation"
  • 2021 - "Strange Detective"

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