Anna Hakobyan - biography, personal life, photo, news, wife Nikola Pashinyan, USA, Moscow 2021



Anna Hakobyan made a successful career in journalism, took the position of chief editor of the Armenian opposition newspaper. But it became famous above all like the wife of Nikola Pashinyan and the first lady of Armenia.

Childhood and youth

Anna Hakobyan was born on February 1, 1978 in the Armenian capital Yerevan. Soon after that, the family replenished with her younger brother.

Nikol Pashinyan and Anna Hakobyan in youth

Interest in journalism arose at the celebrity still in adolescence. Once the girl wrote an essay that a neighbor read, - Professor Philology. He advised himself to try himself in this profession, and after graduation, Anna became a student of Yerevan State University. She received a diploma in 2000, but before the release began to work by profession.

Personal life

With Nikol, Pashinyan Hakobyan met in his youth when he studied at the 1st year. The girl was instructed to write an article for the newspaper, after which she went to the editor and met the future spouse there. According to celebrity memories, the young man immediately fell in love with her, but it took her time to answer reciprocity.

Even before Anna received a diploma, the lovers got married. In 1998, they first became parents - a journalist gave birth to a daughter who received the name of Mariam. And after 2 years, their only son Ashot appeared. The boy was only 4, when an attempt was made on his father because of opposition views, which was a heavy test for Hakobyan.

The celebrity gave birth to his second daughter Shushan, when Nicol was hiding from persecution by the authorities. During this period, the biography Anne had to be not easy, because she had to combine work with the upbringing of three children. But the woman did not stop believing in her husband and support him.

In 2015, in the personal life of Hakobyan, an next significant event happened, she again became a mother and gave birth to another girl, called Arpine. But after 3 years later, the journalist was waiting for the test again, because her son went to the army. Commenting on this event, she noted that he and her husband never considered the option, in which the heir would shy away from the call.


After the celebrity's husband created the Aikakan Zhamanak newspaper ("Armenian Time"), she received a journalist's position in it, covered the issues of internal and foreign policy policies. Working with a spouse girl was not easy, he showed rigor to all employees, including her.

When Nicol came to the run, he appointed his wife the chief editor of the publication, which she remained and during his prison sentence. After the liberation of Pashinian Anna, for a while left a position to then set off on it.

In 2018, Hakobyan supported the spouse during the velvet revolution, which led to the fact that Nicol became the Prime Minister, and she, accordingly, the first lady of Armenia. To match the new status, the celebrity took up charity.

Anna created the Foundation "My Step", operating in the spheres of culture, education, health care and social security, to support the implementation of ideas and projects aimed at improving life in the state. The city of smiles appeared, whose goal is to help people with cancer and blood diseases.

In the summer of 2018, the spouse of the Prime Minister created the movement of the Women in the Name of Peace, aimed at settling a military conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan by combining women from these states that should oppose violence and victims.

As part of their initiative, Anna invited the first Lady of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyev to listen to the Mugam in Nagorno-Karabakh. She stressed that this is possible only if the establishment of friendly relations between countries.

Many criticized the wife of the Prime Minister for the fact that she creates the world and calls to abandon the fight for freedom. In response, the journalist stated that her movement was primarily aimed at saving young soldiers perishing in war. At the same time, she stressed that women themselves could protect their homeland. In the proof of this in 2020, Anna collected the female detachment "Erato" and went to the place of hostilities, as reported on the page in Facebook.

Anna Hakobyan now

At the beginning of 2021, a journalist with daughters arrived with a private visit to Moscow. After that, the accusations hit her that she lives in his pleasure in a difficult period for the country. Armenia lost the war for Nagorno-Karabakh.

Already in February, there were reports that Hakobyan flew out of Russia in the United States, in the American city of Los Angeles. The Armenian media also criticized the celebrity for publication in an instagram account photo with the families of the dead servicemen, calling it an attempt to distract attention from their absence in Armenia.

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