Alexander Yangvayev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death, Actor, Films, Grave, Artist, Wife, Family



Soviet actor Alexander Jarvarev dreamed of playing Prince Myshkin, but ironically, the director saw in it, rather, a bad guy, and therefore, in the filmography of Artist, negative characters are more common. Over time, he even began to refuse to play the villains and left without work at the end of life.

Childhood and youth

The Biography of Jarvarev hooked myths. They said that the actor grew up in a children's home and received the last name for the month of birth, but this is far from the truth. Alexander was born on October 23, 1940 in the family of Moscow workers.

His father Ivan Petrovich often had to go to work in the Bolshoi Theater, but his profession was not connected with the work: he worked with Malyar and was engaged in the construction and repair of the premises. Mother Maria Vasilyevna had to leave the work of the Tampets and work on the housework and the upbringing of three children: in addition to the younger Alexander, the Senior daughter Lyudmila and the son of Arkady grown up.

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The infancy of Sasha had the difficult war years, and in his childhood the whole country was inspired and selflessly engaged in the restoration of the country from the ruins. At this time, the boy studied at school, he was fond of photography and film engineering, went to tourist hiking.

In order not to sit idle, Jarvayev got a job in the Moscow Central Department Store, and also worked for a handyman. After graduating from school, he went to Germany to pass through an urgent military service, and there was a trouble with a guy. Due to the injury of Alexander's head, Commissal from the army, and headaches remained with him for life.

Returning to Moscow, Jarvayev settled on the clockwork, and then decided to fulfill a long-time dream and become an actor. He entered VGIK, where his master first became Yuri Victorious, but in the process of learning the mentors changed, as a result, the guy eared the university in the workshop of Boris Babocha.

The classmates of Alexander Tamara Sovecu recalled that their course was unsuccessful. None of the students waited for bright acting fate. Some remained on the second roles, others emigrated, and someone went to the monastery at all.

However, in the youth of Yangvayev, everything was well enough. As a thesis, he played in the film "Time, Forward!" Brigadier concrete workers in Isischenko costume. This picture gave him a pass to the Big Soviet cinema, although was not the first in filmography. Another student Alexander managed to play episodic roles in the tapes "I am twenty years old", "in the performance of official duties", "State Criminal".


The awareness of January brought work in the film "Two tickets for a day session", where he played a gangster. Since then, the heroes with a muddy reputation became its corona role. The actor performed the directorial plants and convincingly gained images of unpleasant types, while continuing to dream that he would play a deep dramatic role.

One of the positive heroes performed by Alexander was partisans Nikolay Zheleznov in the Military Drama "Gold". This is one of the few major roles in the extensive artist filmography. Even in this row, the Chairman of the Sailor Fyodor Malkova is the hero of Telalmanach "Seasons", filmed in the stories of Yuri Nagin.

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Jarvarev played taxi drivers, criminals, poachers, gangsters, military and simple work. He was equally convincingly gone slippery types and serious, bold guys. The most famous films involving Alexander became the paintings "Belorussky Station", "Born by the Revolution", "I loved you," "Mimino," "old men, the robberry".

Since the beginning of the 1990s, a clear crisis has occurred in the domestic cinema, and many actors who have not lived to old age, have not been left. Among them was Jarvarev, who during the three previous decades was shot without stopping. After having ceased to receive shooting offers, Alexander Ivanovich began to drink alcohol. With the beginning of the "serial boom", they again remembered and began to call on the role of "bad", but it was not interested in the artist.

Personal life

Study in Vgika, Alexander fell in love with Svetlana Starikov's classmate, which in 1965 became his wife. Jarvarev dreamed of playing with his wife on the same stage, and therefore refused to replenish the troupe of the Small Theater, when Svetlana did not take there. They held together in the film "Golden Calf", where Starikov played the beloved Ostap Bender, and her husband is a small role of a student in a train.

But in the personal life of the spouses was not everything smoothly. They divorced and later acquired new families. The secondar of Alexander was the employee of the International Sector of Raycoma Komsomol Olga, who in 1981 gave birth to Anastasia daughter. There were no more children in the pair.


Close actors remember that his last years of life passed in the depression, which January tried to drown out alcohol. Last time starring in a movie in 1993, he "interrupted" by random earnings, it happened to even trade by periodic in the underground transition.

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The cause of the death of the artist was an extensive infarction, which found him in the subway on February 11, 2005. There Alexander Ivanovich lost consciousness and died aged 64 years. January was buried at the Pokrovsky cemetery of the Moscow region, where his dust rests between the graves of Brother Arkady and Sisters Lyudmila.


  • 1965 - "Time, Forward!"
  • 1966 - "Two tickets for a day session"
  • 1967 - "I loved you ..."
  • 1969 - "Gold"
  • 1969 - "Red Tent"
  • 1970 - "Belorussky Station"
  • 1971 - "Old Rogue"
  • 1972 - "Address of your home"
  • 1974 - "Born by Revolution"
  • 1976 - "SOS over Taiga"
  • 1977 - Mimino
  • 1978 - "Siberiad"
  • 1983 - "Anxious Sunday"
  • 1986 - "To the investigation to proceed"
  • 1993 - "Our set luck everywhere"

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