Dmitry Markov - biography, personal life, photo, news, photographer, sold a picture, photo from ATS 2021



Dmitry Markov - Master of Social Journalism, leading photodegrades for the usual life of the Russian depth. Heroes from the drama of plots are different - a drunk girl among dandelions, carefree teenagers, jumping with garage roofs, an old woman at the plant, tattooed gopniks and orphan children, but they are all ordinary people.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Markov was born on April 23, 1982 in the working settlement next to Pushkino near Moscow in the Father's family - a locksmith-alcoholic. Mother-seamstress endured, explaining that it was nowhere to go. With the grandfather of the maternal case, they were even worse - tried to kidnap the daughter, cut his wife and hanged himself.

Saving from gloomy life in the family, Dmitry and friends spent the days near the abandoned factory, scent glue, melting lead, running along the roof, collecting bottles, my cars.

To avoid military service, after the 9th grade, the young man entered the machine-building technique, from where it was expelled in the 3rd course. Then Dmitry bought a certificate and filed documents to the institute. I did not go to classes, but I seriously became interested in journalism. From the third year, after capturing drug use, the young man left himself.

After that, Markov took an apartment with another and settled in the video rental, arranging "discos" at night. At the same time, Dmitry was able to preserve an acceptable social appearance and find the work of the journalist in the publishing house "Arguments and Facts". With great difficulty, Dmitry was harvested from drug addiction, moving to Moscow.


At the age of 22, Markov took a camera on credit to move away from longing and depression. The lessons of skill starter photographer received from Alexander Lapina.

In parallel with the work in Aiife, Markov visited the photographer volunteer in orphanages, then in a camp for children with a developmental delay. Social theme captured and, having leaving the newspaper, Markov went to Porkov Pskov Region, has worked from 2007 to 2012 in the charitable organization "Rostock" with orphans, and then stayed a year by an assistant teacher in the settlement of decorators.

Initially, Markov took the chamber, but then, he said, rested into the wall. For a whole year, Dmitry did not photograph, at some point he began to shoot on the phone, and in 2012 he started an account in "Instagram". The invitation was to participate in the draft American photographer David Alan Harvey "Burning Diary". For the week, the author of the project gave access to the Instagram account with young photographers, which carried out the main rule: to shoot only on a mobile phone and upload only the pictures of today.

After participating in the "Diary", a similar concept for his page took over and brands. Since then, professional optics are dusting at home, instead of the camera with Dmitry, only the iPhone. In addition to the "Instagram", continuing to be interested in the social theme, Dmitry works with the portal "such cases" and a number of local publications.

In 2014, Markov became the winner of the 2nd prize on the Activist Awards 2014 for a series of disabled wheelchair, alone with a rapidly young son. Next year, the photographer won a grant of $ 10 thousand from the American Photo Agent GETTY IGES, for this money passing around the country.

Dmitry Markov and Fields from the Tower

In 2016, Dmitry entered the number of 15 top photographers invited to participate in the Apple's Taken On the iPhone campaign. The picture selected for the iPhone 7 advertising is made on the railway crossing in the Pskov native for Markov.

On crowdfunding fee of 595 thousand rubles. In 2017, a debut photobook of Dmitry Markova "# Chernovik" was published in 1000 copies, where his own biography of the author was mixed with pictures. According to the photographer, the book turned out sincere - there is little about the photograph itself, more about dependence, mistakes and unpleasant memories.

Since 2018, in the largest galleries of Russia, France, the USA, Italy, the expositions of the photomaster are beginning to be held, where the work appreciated experts and collectors. However, according to Markov, earnings from photographs, despite the presence of the agent at the exhibition in Paris, is a non-systemic thing, and the profit for the life of Dmitry receives from another work, with a photograph of not connected.

The second book Markov Cut Off was published in 2019 in France. To the publication, published in 500 copies, the vinyl disk with the music of Aries Mond is attached.

At the end of 2019, Dmitry participated in the film on the film Kirill Serebrennikov "Petrov in Flu." In addition to photographing the shooting process, the photomaster also received a role in the crowd. At the beginning of 2020, Dmitry became the hero of the film "Fragments", telling about the past and true Russia, China and India's eyes of a photographer.

Personal life

Although in the book-biographies, Dmitry Markov frankly shared details of his youth, the photographer prefers the photographer about modern personal life, practically not paying attention to his own person in his accounts of social networks.

Dmitry Markov Now

Now the photographer collaborates with famous bloggers and continues to travel, causing a collection of new sketches from the life of ordinary people.

In March 2020, Dmitry Markov's shot was the cover of the Sirotkin project album. Also, the photographer became the hero of the draft "Editors" of Alexey Pivovarov, visited the Lion of the Schlossberg on the channel "Citizen TV". At the end of the year, Dmitry gave the start of the new Yutyub-blog "Antithrell", having been with a blogger of the field from a tree in places such as the northern village of Perm Krobrod or the resort of Yeisk in winter.

In November 2020, Markov gave a detailed interview with the program "Thorough" journalist and blogger Yuri Duda, who called the photographer's page "Cool documentary account about Russia which is it." A rehabilitation center was also included in the frame, where the photographer was already the second time due to "problems with use."

On February 2, 2021, the photographer was detained at the Moscow court, protesting against the arrest of Alexei Navalny's policy. Directly from the car seat Markov was released into the live channel "Rain", and a little later became the author of the famous photograph from the Department of Internal Affairs, where the Silovik-Omonian in ammunition and Balaclava sits under the portrait of President Vladimir Putin. Dmitry sold a picture at the Auction in the Facebook network for 2 million rubles, having passed the income from the author's imprint to charitable organizations.


  • 2014 - second place on photophilanthropy activist awards in amateur category for photo story "Road from gray brick" about disabled-wheelchair and his son from Pskov
  • 2015 - Gratty Images Instagram Grant Grand Program on the promotion program of photographers using Instagram for stories about the lives of little-known communities
  • 2017 - Grand Prix Competition "Silver Camera"

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