Peter Lidov - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, sketch "Tanya", journalist



Peter Lidov, as anyone else, is suitable for the words "Songs of Military Correspondents". Before the victory, the newspaper, who was paid to the fronts and first, who told about Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya, did not live less than a year.

Childhood and youth

The future journalist was born at the end of 1906 in Kharkov. The birthday of the correspondent, some chronicles indicate on December 17, but most biographers are inclined by November 17. Distributions arise due to the fact that Peter did not know blood parents and grew up in the shelter in the village of Lipsy Kharkiv province.

When the boy turned 10 years old, he adopted the family of the founder of the Department of Chemical Technology of the Kharkov Institute of Technology, Professor Alexander Pavlovich Lidov. The author of the work on determining the density of gases and the study of fats and resins gave Peter his name and patronymic. The family happiness of the former orphan was not unhappy: in August 1919, the Bolsheviks shot the scientist.

To feed yourself and help the adoptive mother, the teenager began working. In his youth, Peter managed to serve as a match factory and telephone station of the Institute of Technology, as well as a courier in the Kharkov Committee of the Committee. In 1920, the Jr. Lidov debuted in the journalistic path - published a small article about the flight to the city of the aircraft: aircraft were then in a novelty, Kharkiv saw a "mechanical bird" for the first time.

Pre-war period

19-year-old Peter at the Congress of Ranselkorov put forward to work in the newspaper "Kharkov Proletarian". Now the publication is called "Slobozhansky Krai". At 22, Lidov entered into WCP (b), and in 26 he moved to the capital of the USSR.

The Moscow career Peter began from work to the turner at the defense plant, but quickly became a correspondent, and then by the editor of the Multi-time newspaper of the Sickle and Molot plant, which worked until 2011. In 1937, the journalist became an employee of the Pravda newspaper, and in early 1941 he headed the correspondent item of the main party publication in Belarus.

Personal life

Happiness in the personal life journalist acquired from Galina Oleinik, with which he met at the birthday of a common friend in Kharkov. A young wife went for her husband first to Moscow and then in Minsk. Soon, Peter and Galina appeared two daughters - Svetlana and Natalia.

Whatever the editors, he worked for leads, he quickly became a team soul and organized sports competition among his colleagues, took the comrades to the Saturdays. Good and smiling Peter Alexandrovich indignantly, facing negligence and ragland.

The journalist was distinguished by principle and nobility. Before the lead, the leaders were defended by a colleague, excluded from WCP (b) during the party cleansing, for which he received a reprimand with the entertainment. However, after the proceedings, the comrades were restored in the party, and with a native Kharkov removed the recovery.

In the spring of 1940, the spouse gave a journalist Son Alya. Although the boy did not have time to really learn the Father, who became a military correspondent, he went on parental footsteps. Alexey tied a biography with photojournalism, published the book "Poem about the oil continent" and the photo album "Tyumen is the first Russian city of Siberia."

Military Correspondent

During the war, Lidov became the informal head of the journalistic corps on the West Front. The correspondent was made to make bars in the occupied Minsk and into the deep German rear, write about the fights on the Kursk arc and the Stalingrad battle. If a couple of days did not appear in the "truth" reports and articles of Peter Alexandrovich, readers worried about what happened to the favorite author.

The vertex of military journalism was the essay on Lidov Tanya, telling about the heroic death of a young partisan in the village of Petrishchevo near Moscow. Peter Alexandrovich on his own initiative conducted a journalistic investigation and with the help of testimony and analyzing documents established the name of the executed Komsomol.

It is from the filing of the correspondent of "Pravda" Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya became the symbol of the courage of Soviet people, their inexperienced faith in victory. Photo of the girl, during the interrogation called Tanya, published all the central newspapers, and already in 1944 the art film "Zoya" was released on the screens.


Peter Alexandrovich died exactly 3 years after the start of the war. Arriving under Poltava with the task Write an article about American pilots and their winged cars, the leads during the panel of German "Junkers" at the airbag of Soviet allies did not hide in the dugout, and "changed a notebook to the machine gun." The queue produced by a journalist and his colleagues (photographer from the "Pravda" and the military army "Izvestia"), heded a German aircraft. However, "Junkers" fell close to the anti-aircraft installation, and Peter Alexandrovich killed an explosive wave.

The grave of Peter Lidova in the Memorial Complex of the Soldier Glory in Poltava

Shocked by courage of the Soviet newspapercher Americans installed on the grave of the Lidovo wound the blade of the aircraft screw. Subsequently, the dust of the journalist was reburied in the memorial complex of soldiers' glory in Poltava.


  • Marble board in the editorial office of the newspaper "Pravda" Peter Lidov and other correspondents who died during the war years.
  • Obelisk on Square in Poltava.
  • Petra Lidova Street in Poltava.


  • Medal "For Defense of Stalingrad"
  • Order of the Patriotic War I degree

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