Hannah Uur - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, "instagram", British actress 2021



The Englishwoman Hannah Wure was a fashion model for a long time, but then I decided to become an actress and did not lose. Despite the fact that the Hannah's filmography is not so extensive, there are rating projects in it, in which the girl played the main roles.

Childhood and youth

Hannah was born on December 8, 1982 in the family of the British journalist, writer and reporter John Waer's investigator. He wrote for publications like The Sunday Telegraph, The Sunday Times, The Guardian, The Jewish Chronicle, Standpoint, and also created reports for the BBC Panorama documentary. The cases that John disassembled in the show have repeatedly returned to a court review, convictions were canceled for a number of them.

WEW became a noticeable figure in his homeland. In his marriage with Helen Kil, three children were born, and if the son of Alex became a doctor, both daughters tied their lives with show business. Jessie Wear became a famous singer and songwriters, and Hannah first took up the model business.

She became one of the youngest fashion models in the country, signing the first contract with Storm agency in 12 years. Since then, the girl starred for tens of well-known brands. Model career brought income, but not satisfaction. Wuar was fond of the history of the arts and the introductory tests were held in several schools to study the architecture. However, then Hannah thought about the acting career.

In 25, she decided to move to the United States, where began to study dramatic art at the Institute of Theater and Cinema Lee Strasberg in New York. It turned out that acting skills is the only thing that really attracts it.

Hannah fascinated dive into a character's situation, and she forgot about himself and things around. Reincarnation, connection with the hero, immersion in the artistic reality, recognition of people and comprehending the motives of their actions - this is now an infinitely exciting process for the British actress.


The first shooting experience of the WEW received in 2010, starring in the film "Double Copper", and then in the "Shame" tape with Michael Fassbender in the lead role. The appearance there passed, rather, unnoticed, but the girl understood the laws of the industry and was ready to play passing characters in anticipation of more significant work.

Her agent sent a portfolio of the girl in the studio, and already in 2011 Hannah received an offer to play in the Boss television series, where the British actress became the daughter of the main character - the fictional mayor of Chicago. The invitation turned out to be a surprise for the WEP, as she was sure that the role would trust more than an experienced actress, but the creators wanted to see in the project fresh faces.

Emma Kane, which Hannah embodied on the screen, turned out to be a complex character with a double bottom. She struggles with children's injuries, serves in the church, helps the sick and herself is experiencing problems with drugs. When reading the Wur script believed that her heroine was insane and illogical. However, emotionally involving and exploring the role, discovered the depth in it, which helped create the most interesting acting person of the series.

Hannah Uur - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies,

The "boss" lasted on the air for 2 seasons, and the executor of the leading role of Kelsi Grahammer, who played the insane city leader, received the Golden Globe as the best actor of the dramatic series. WEUR remained without awards, but the attention of producers and recognition received in full.

In 2013, Hannah called to play a major role in the Motheric Project "Treason", where she played a young married female photographer, twisting a novel with a married lawyer from the power family. Here, the company of British actresses amounted to Henry Thomas and Stuart Townsend.

In addition, WER played in the films "Oldboy", "Hitman: Agent 47", "Consequences", "Angel". In 2018, she received the role of Sadi Hewish in the fantastic drama "First", where Sean Penn became a partner on the set.

Personal life

The passion for social networks bypassed the actress side. Hannah never addicted to "Instagram" and "Twitter", considering online communication in strange. Wear is aware that he does not keep up with the times, but does not seek to demonstrate the public details of the personal life and photograph in a swimsuit. At the same time, the figure of the British does not cause questions: with 168 cm height, it weighs 53 kg.

Hannah Uur and Jesse Jenkins

However, some private facts of the biography of the artist became known. For example, Hannah managed to be married to Jesse Jenkins, but the marriage, imprisoned in July 2008, was soon canceled.

Hannah Uur now

In 2021, Hannah starred in the TV series "The One. The only one, where Rebecca played. The fantastic series is dedicated to the DNA researcher, which invents the method of searching for a partner based on biometric data and creates a new bold walling service.


  • 2010 - "Double Copper"
  • 2011 - "Shame"
  • 2011-2012 - "Boss"
  • 2013 - "Oldboy"
  • 2013-2014 - "Treason"
  • 2015 - "Hitman: Agent 47"
  • 2017 - "Consequences"
  • 2018 - "First"
  • 2018 - "Angel"
  • 2021 - "The One. The only one"

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