Nikolay Stotsky - Biography, News, Photo, Personal Life, Actor, Sergey Koltakov, Films, Irina Klimova 2021



Actor Nikolay Stotsky in his youth created a movie, with whom the audience associate him now. Although the artist managed not to become a hostage of the same role, but over the years he was less likely, changing the measured life outside the city to participate only in truly standing projects.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born on January 10, 1964 in Novosibirsk. Now in the capital, Siberia lives 60 percent more people than in the year of Birth of Nicholas.

In school years, Stotski not only played in the theater studio, but also discharged the magazines "Theater" and "Theatrical Life". After receiving the certificate of maturity, the young man went to Moscow, where his acting talents have positively appreciated the adoptive commissions of Shchepkinsky and Schukinsky schools, as well as school-studios at Mkate. Nikolai chose the Boris Schukin School. Mentor of the native of Siberia in the university was Tatiana Kopteva, the motherly believed to the disciples.

Theater and films

As a student, Nikolai starred in the episode of the militant Vladimir Chebotareva "Anxious Departure" and fulfilled the main male role in the Military Drama "Special Division". The second of these tapes was distinguished by an unusual cast - Sasha played the future writer Dmitry Lipsker, who studied with Stotskom in one course.

In episodic roles in the "special division" starred "Gentlemen of Good luck" Radner Muratov and the creator of the image of a woman-criminalist in the series "The investigation is conducted by experts" - Elsa Lekdee. Again to cross on the set with Elsa Ivanovna Stotskom, fortunately after 3 years - when creating the 20th film of the series about the adventures of Znamensky, ancestor and kibrit - "The investigation is conducted by experts. Boomerang".

Nikolay Stotsky - Biography, News, Photo, Personal Life, Actor, Sergey Koltakov, Films, Irina Klimova 2021 2744_1

All-Union Fame Nikolai received in 1985 after the premiere of the play by the play Mikhail Roshchina Valentin and Valentina. The history of the Soviet Romeo and Juliet, against the love of which their families felt, delighted the audience. Criticov's recognition won the film Sergey Ovcharova "Levshi", shot in the genre of a film refrestee in which Stotsky performed the title role, and Yuri Yakovlev, who had previously played Ivan Grozny in the comedy Leonid Gaidai "Ivan Vasilyevich changes the profession," reincarnated in Emperor Nicholas I.

At the beginning of the acting biography, Nikolai Viktorovich combined shooting in a cinema with a service in the theater named after Konstantin Stanislavsky, where Dr. Bormental played in the "Dog's Heart". A number of performances with the participation of Stotsky - in particular "Scholas Aleichem Street, 40" and "Cherry Garden" - was shielded. However, in 1992, the native of Novosibirsk resigned from the theater, accusing the leadership in the fact that the actors on the stage were more than the audience in the hall. It is curious that in the same year the daughter of the Theater's leading actor - Irina Koreneva joined the troupe.

Personal life

Nikolai Viktorovich has no wife and children. In his youth, the artist survived a stormy novel with a colleague - Irina Klimova, but the relationship of lovers was not crowned with marriage.

Stotsky is not inclined to exhibit a personal life on "Instagram" or other social networks, but the media wrote about the close friendship of Valentine and Valentina's star with actor Sergey Koltakov. Friends who starred together in the film Vladimir Khotinenko "Mirror for the Hero," lived in a country house, which bought the widow of the university teacher Kratakov - Andrei Popova.

Men led a joint economy, together cleared the walkways from snow, revenge the roof and composed songs. In 2009, Nikolai Viktorovich and Sergey Viktorovich played together in the serials of Yuri Frost "Brothers Karamazov" and "Pelagia and White Buldog".

Nikolay Stotsky and Sergey Koltakov

Children of an unusual pair that lived together for 35 years, replaced 3 dogs - Tara, Baron and Roller. In the preserved photo, it can be seen that the tandem participants sometimes had to go to the same clothing.

In 2020, a tragedy occurred in the personal life of the artist - the biography of the close friend of Nikolai Vasilyevich, whom he considered to be a genius, - the earthly life of Koltakova broke off the cancer. The painting "Silver skates" with Fedor Fedotov in the lead role, where Sergey Mikhailovich reincarnated in Dmitry Mendeleev, came out after the death of the actor.

Nikolay Stotsky now

At the beginning of 2021, Nikolai Viktorovich became the guest of the transfer "Born in the USSR" on the TV channel "Nostalgia". On March 9, 2021, a premiere show was launched on the first channel. The serial of the Ugryum River, in which Stoccian appeared in the image of Konstantin Farakhov.

A friend of Stotsko Koltakov performed in the tape the role of the investigator Golubeva. Close friends together starred in the series Grigoria Fedorov "Ministry", whose premiere was postponed from 2020 to 2021. The images of the main characters in the "Ugryum River" were created by Alexander Baluyev and Julia Peresilde, as well as the stars of the show "Baddance" Alexander Gorbatov and Alexander Yatsenko.


  • 1984 - "Special division"
  • 1985 - Valentin and Valentina
  • 1986 - "Lefty"
  • 1987 - "Mirror for the hero"
  • 1987 - "Fairy Tale of Love Malar"
  • 1987 - "The investigation is conducting experts. Boomerang"
  • 1988 - "Polyana Tales"
  • 1989 - "Reed paradise"
  • 1989 - "Lucky"
  • 1994 - "Castle"
  • 2008 - "Brothers Karamazov"
  • 2009 - "Pelagia and White Bulldog"
  • 2014 - "Leaving Nature"
  • 2019 - "Catherine. Impostors "
  • 2021 - "Ugryum River"
  • 2021 - "Ministry"

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