Gleb Melentyev - biography, personal life, photos, news, parents, mother, son of Svetitsa Lyubashi 2021



Gleb Melenetyev was destined to become famous, because he was born and grew up in the family of musicians. But the guy did not want to conquer glory, using related ties, so I started my own creative way and achieved success as an artist and the author of the songs.

Childhood and youth

Gleb Nikolaevich Meletyev was born on January 29, 1998 in the city of Zaporizhia, but later moved to Moscow. Mother of the celebrity - Russian singer Tatiana Zalouochi (Lyubasha), and Father - Producer Nikolai Melentyev. He has an elder brother Andrei Grizzly (Zalochny), who also decided to associate life with music.

Raising in a creative family, a boy from an early age dreamed of a performer career. He got a musical education at home, engaged in a teacher from the conservatory. Gleb mastered the piano, and then a jazz guitar, receiving advice from familiar artists.

But the parents did not allow himself to completely devote himself to the scene. Tatiana was afraid that her son would comprehend the terrible fate of Yevgeny Aspen and Chris Kielmi, so he insisted that he mastered a more stable profession, which will be able to feed him in case of unclaimed.

After graduating from school, Gleb entered the Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after Alexander Evdokimov, where he learned to an orthodontist doctor. When years of study were behind, the guy began to work in a specialty, but did not leave the music of the music.


In the early stages of the creative biography of Melenthev, he repeatedly became the winner of musical competitions and festivals. In addition, he actively participated in concerts, where he performed with his brother Andrei Grizzly.

The singer started with the record of the carts on the songs of popular performers, but over time began to compose her own tracks, which became another way of earning, because the creativity of the young author was in demand. Each musical work, the artist showed the mother, which is his main criticism.

2019 became a landmark for the singer - he released the author's track "Audi A5". The guy used the pseudonym Movetona, who came up when was going to apply for the "Songs" show on TNT. Its meaning is that in the era of Avtun to create clean and high-quality music - Movetona, but this is what artist is engaged.

Movetone's musical debut did not leave listeners indifferent that inspired menentyev to continue to create. He conquered the public with his performance "Last Call" and "You've On Style" songs, recorded in collaboration with

That same year, the singer appeared at the Tavrid festival, where he sang in a duet with Leonid Agutin. During the performance with Gleb, the incident happened - he promoted and confused the words of the composition "On the Lilac Moon", because of which he felt awkward. But the star colleague did not stay at him in the offense, and the listeners did not notice the mistake.

In 2020, Melenetev returned to Tavrida to perform with Polina Gagarina. The artists pleased the public with a lyrical track "Heaven in the eyes" from the repertoire of the performer. The trip left after myself only pleasant impressions and gave a lot of new admirers a lot.

Personal life

The performer is rarely divided with fans of information about personal life. Its page in "Instagram" he prefers to use as a platform for promoting creativity, so publishes predominantly photos from concerts and video from performances. It is known that now the heart of the celebrity is not free, but the name of the chosen remains secret.

Gleb Melenetev now

In March 2021, the 2nd release of the 3rd season of the show "Well, all together!", Whose participant was Gleb. Before responding to a proposal to speak in the program, the singer was consulted with his mother who was previously sitting in the jury. She approved the decision, but warned the Son that the passage of the final depends on the musical preferences of experts, and not from the talent of the performers.

Melenetev hid his starry origin, because he did not want to be evaluated only as the singer Lyubashi son. He chose the composition "On the Lilac Moon" Agutin, which this time sang without errors.

The speech of the singer was to taste 82 experts from 100, and Sergey Lazarev called him an artist, but it was not enough to go through the next stage. The performer was not upset, because he managed to win the hearts of the audience, covered with its compliments. And proud mother placed video numbers on the page in "Instagram".


  • 2019 - TV show "Songs" on TNT
  • 2019-2020 - Tavrid Festival
  • 2021 - TV show "Well, all together!"

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