Nikolay Smorchkov - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, actor, died, films, artist, filmography 2021



Although in the filmography of Nikolai Smorchkov, there are no major roles, the actor considered himself a happy man. The artist lived a long life and not only implemented a children's dream of filming a movie, but also starred in the paintings of almost all the famous Soviet directories of the second half of the 20th century - Sergey Gerasimov and Mikhail Kalatozova, Grigory Chukhraya and Ivan Pyrhev, Andrei Tarkovsky, Sergey Bondarchuk and Eldar Ryazanov .

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born on August 9, 1930 in the village of Ivankovo, under Suzdal. Now Small Motherland Smorchkova is included in the Gavrilovo-Posad district of the Ivanovo region.

Nikolai is the youngest of the five children of the peasants Gavrila Ivanovich and Pelagei Matveyevna. When the boy was 3 years old, the Smorchkov family moved to the working settlement Orgtrod, which is now part of the city of Vladimir. According to the memories of Nikolai Gavrilovich, his father did not want to live and work in Ivankovo ​​under the beginning of the chairman of the collective farm, who became the most stupid peasant village of Evlampiy.

At first, Smorchkov removed the floor in a two-story house, an elderly owner of whom he read the guests of books aloud in the evenings. Little Kolya sobbed over the fate of the heroes of the work of Dmitry Mine-Siberian "Winter on the student". A year after moving to Orgtrod, Smorchkov built their house, brought piglets, a cow and a horse. Gavril Ivanovich and Pelagey Matveyevna were able to give a ten-year education to all children, and three of the siblings, including Nicholas, graduated from universities.

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In the cinema, the future actor fell in love after the first film seen in the factory club, where the boy took the older brother Vanya. But the amateur theater, where Ivan played, not only did not like Kola, but even scared the younger sibling of the peasant family.

In 1944, Nikolai, who studied in the 7th grade, wrote a letter in which he told about the dream of becoming a screen star. Although the schoolboy indicated the address of almost as the hero of the story of Anton Chekhov "Vanka" - "Moscow, the Institute, where they are taught on the film actors," the answer came, signed by Professor Vgika Lvom Kuleshov. The filmmaker "Great Comforter" and "Oath Timura" wrote a young resident of the Vladimir region, that for the realization of the dreams it is necessary to finish 10 classes, prepare for a creative competition and examinations on humanitarian subjects. Inspired by the answer by Kolya, previously studied for some five, threw classes with physics and mathematics.

Although parents were walked to the decision of the younger son to become an artist, they were not only released by Nikolai to Moscow, but also equipped off. Father bought an apprentice jacket to Selpo, and his mother sewed a shirt out of a motley sither.

The freshly acquired Moscow friend advised Nikolai to submit documents not only in VGIK, but also in Gitis, where the teacher's lady at the consultation recommended Smorchkov to get rid of the Okane and on the tests to tell the fables and read poems, looking into the Commission's eyes. In the All-Union forge of the Kinokadrov, the peasant son came from the first attempt, but from Volzhsky dialect only got rid of the end of the first semester.

Mentors of the native Ivankovo ​​in Vgik were Sergey Gerasimov and Tamara Makarov. In one course, Nikolay Rybnikov and Alla Larionov, Nina Menshikov and Clara Rumyshova, who played in the debut tape of Nikolai "Rural doctor" his character - the pelvic of the wife of Straisov, who has studied with Smorchkov.


After the defense of the Smorchkov diploma, Ivan Pyriev invited the graduate who flashed with the talent on his upcoming film "Ivan Grozny" on one of the main roles - Latchika Andrei Chokhov. However, the picture of the Ministry of Culture replaced the picture closed. Nikolay still starred in Pyryaev, playing in the episode of the tape "Test of Loyalty".

Mikhail Kalazovova "Pretty Friends" Mikhail Kalazovova met at the site with the idols of his childhood - Boris Chirkov and Vasily Merkuryev. With the second of the actors in the film of the same director "fly the cranes" Nikolai was able to play in the overall scene. A recent graduate of Vgika brilliantly played in the tape, which became the laureate of the Cannes Film Festival, the key episode, after which the main heroine of Veronica realized the vanity of the betrayal of the groom Boris. Smorchkov appeared in the image of a wounded soldier, disrupting bandages after the news of the vote. By the end of the days, the namesake of Nikolai Chernyshevsky considered this role, played in his youth, strongest in his filmography.

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Smorchkov was lucky enough to be held in two other pictures that turned the idea of ​​films on military topics: "Ballada about the soldier" Chukhray and "Ivanov's Childhood" Tarkovsky. In the future, the native of Ivankovo, who possessed, as seen in the photo, typical Slavic appearance and average growth, played predominantly nameless soldiers, peasants and law enforcement officers. Such, in particular, the role of the operative in the "Gentlemen of Good luck" and the policeman at the airport in the "crew" Alexander Mitty.

The talent of Smorchkova turned out to be in demand in the films of Eldar Ryazanov "Cruel Romance" and "Heaven Promised". In the first tape, Nikolai Gavrilovich played a priest who came to visit Ogudallov, and in the second - Lieutenant Militia Timofeich. In the elderly, the actor actively starred in the TV shows - in particular, in Kazuski Kukotsky, Lesnik and the first season of Sklifosovsky.

Personal life

Nikolai Gavrilovich was happy in his personal life. With the future wife, a student of the Medin Institute of Nina - Actor introduced the brother Alexey, caught up for her classmate. The spouse gave the artist two sons Alexei and Mikhail, born before going to the swan songs of Mikhail Kalazovov - the film "The Red Tent", in which the animal played the sailor.

Until the 5th anniversary of the eldest son, the actor family juts in a communal apartment at Delegate Street. The housing was removable, and in the second half of the room, her hostess lived - two sisters of old age.

To improve the housing conditions, Nikolai Gavrilovich began to act hard in episodes and at first drove into a two-bedroom cooperative apartment in the house built by the film actor theater. Smorchkov's neighbor was the artist Yuri Belov. After a few years, the colleague Nikolai Gavrilovich, famous thanks to the roles of the "carnival night", "unpleasant" and "Queen of the benzocolones", built a cooperative on Mosfilmovskaya Street, and Nikolai Gavrilovich bought a lot from him.

The heirs of Smorchkova did not go through the paternity footsteps. One son graduated from MGIMO, the other became an engineer-auto mechanic. In the memoirs published in the "Caravan History" editions in 2018, Nikolay Gavrilovich told that his wife was obliged to longevity, whose medical recommendations he had ever listened.

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Smorchkov, usually encountered birthdays in creative business trips, did not report on anniversaries to avoid noisy fences, and only after returning home allowed himself to drink a glass of brandy together with his beloved Nina Alexandrovna. 2 years before the 90th anniversary, the actor continued to walk a lot, visited the pool 2 times a week.

When Nicholas Gavrilovich was 89 years old, the family of the younger son of the artist suffered a misfortune - Mikhail Nikolayevich's wife died suddenly. According to media reports, Smorchkov-younger fell into depression and began to abuse alcohol.


Nikolai Gavrilovich died on March 6, 2021. The cause of the death of the actor was the consequences of coronavirus infection.


  • 1951 - "Rural doctor"
  • 1954 - "Faithful friends"
  • 1954 - "Two friends"
  • 1959 - "Soldier Ballad"
  • 1962 - "Ivanovo Childhood"
  • 1965 - "Through the Ice Mole"
  • 1969 - "Red Tent"
  • 1971 - "Gentlemen of Good luck"
  • 1971 - "Seventh Heaven"
  • 1976 - "Turbine Days"
  • 1984 - "Cruel Romance"
  • 1984 - "Happy, Zhenka!"
  • 1991 - "Heaven Promised"
  • 2005 - "Casus Kukotsky"
  • 2011-2018 - "Forester"
  • 2012 - Sklifosovsky
  • 2018 - "His Earth"

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