Valya Kitty (Valentin Kitty) - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, feat, hero



The years of the Great Patriotic War became the hardest for the Russian people. For the liberation of the Motherland from the German fascist invaders, men, women and children fought shoulder to shoulder. Pioneer Valentin Kotik Along with adults took an active part in the actions of Ukrainian partisan detachments. The young hero of the Soviet Union, who became an army legend, sacrificed his own life for the happiness of millions of people.

Childhood and youth

Valentine's biography began in the winter of 1930. He was born in the village of Khmelevka Shepetsky district, in a large and friendly Ukrainian family.

In a kind of worker, a boy lived in a well-established house of employees: Father Alexander Feodoshevich, Mother Anna Nikitichna, Uncle Athanasius and Brother Victor, who was over for several years. In the summer, while adults worked, the children took care of agricultural animals. The edge of the eye is watching the cows pinched the grass, the guys lazilied on ravines, bathed, collected berries and mushrooms.

From an early age, Valya cat demonstrated a firm character: when Vitya became a first-grader, the future pioneer hero, despite the admonition of his parents, also gathered to a local school. Teachers, one day I discovered a very young student at the desk, agreed to teach him ads of reading, accounts and letters.

After a couple of months, the younger son of Alexander Fedoseevich and Anna Nikolaevna became the pride of a rural educational institution. Thanks to the natural abilities of the Wunderkind after moving the family to the city, which was the district center, mastered the primary classes and joined the pioneer organization, won the love of classmates and respect for teachers.

The most memorable point of childhood was acquainted with the novel "How Steel" Nikolai Alekseevich Ostrovsky was ordered. Thoughts about the exploits of the main hero of the mouth of Korchagin firmly sat down in the head.

The boy was proud that the events described in the work took place near the new place of residence. The image of the Bolshevik - the Communist, who faded the happiness of the people, was perceived as an ideal.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 11-year-old Valentin witnessed the artillery shelling of Shepetovka filled with refugees from the already occupied areas. Due to the fact that the fascists surrounded the city, the family of the cat was evacuated.

Young Pioner, sincerely loved his homeland, had to live next door to the invaders who set their own orders. He reigned about the destruction of cultural monuments and the creation of mini-camps, where the prisoners of Soviet soldiers died daily from malnutrition and wounds.

The feeling of personal hatred for Ober-Lieutenant Fritz Königu, who led the arms of the head of the policemen of the Wehrmacht policemen, wondered in Valentine's desire to resist. At first, the boy secretly spreads the leaflets with military reports, discharged from Soviet aircraft, then he decided to help partisans hiding in the surrounding forests.


Communication with the underground Kitty installed, thanks to Krasnoarmese Stepan Didenko, who fled from the German captivity and settled in the house of his father. A man who participated in battles appreciated the dust and courage of the young pioneer. The boy learned to look for an abandoned weapon and determine the location of enemy warehouses.

Soon it became clear that Valentine had the ability to skillfully mask and remain invisible. Once he was on the bike traveled by the Germans found in the vicinity of the city of Machine.

Hero of the Soviet Union Valya cat

At the beginning of the war, Russian guerrillas mined traffic junctions. After they began to die the peaceful townspeople, the tactics decided to change. The boys, among whom was a native of the village of Khmelevka, followed the movement of the fascists: when the enemy approached the distance of the shot, they served the conventional signal to the Red Army.

The schoolboy was spoken after an attack on the motorcade of the German gendarme Fritz König. A cat, who did not cope with emotions, jumped out of the ambush and undermined the car with a hated obur-lieutenant. At the time of this feat, the guy went to the 4th grade.

In the future, Valya took an active part in the preparation of partisan sabotasics. The occupiers brought to the extreme to the extremes of the tank farm and industrial facilities began to catch civilians and kill them in front of their relatives.

The Soviet command decided to evacuate the partisans to the territory of Belarus. Pioneer who wanted to walk to Paul Korchagin, refused to go with his brother, mother and father.

The boy served as a connected in the underground organization of the city of Shepetovka. In the summer of 1943, he joined the detachment named after Ustim Karmaluk under the command of Ivan Musealev.

The merit of the cat belongs to the detection and destruction of the underground cable, which provided the telephone connection between the Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in Warsaw. The feet of enemy echelons and warehouses were also considered a feat.

Despite the injuries of varying severity, Valentine performed the instructions of the red commanders. One day, being in the dosor, he discovered the act of punishers who planned to attack the shelter of the underground workers. By destroying the officer and provoking panic, the boy saved from the death group of partisans.


In mid-February 1944, Valentine with a detachment settled under Izyaslav. The cause of the death of a young partisan-scout was a machine-gun wound into the stomach, received in battle for the city. After the war, the speech posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and awarded the highest signs of the differences established by the Government of the USSR.

The grave of the defender of the Motherland who died at the age of 14, is located in the Shepetovka Memorial Park. To honor the memory of the fighter with the fascist invaders come daily dozens of people.


  • Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously)
  • Order of Lenin (posthumously)
  • Order of the Patriotic War I degree (posthumously)
  • Medal "Partiz of Patriotic War" II degree (posthumously)

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