Love gentle - biography, personal life, photos, news, mother of Dani Milohina, "Instagram" 2021



A native of Syria Abdulfathtas Jandali and Catholic Giang Shible got fame when their son Stephen Paul Jobs, from whom they refused in infancy, became famous as the creator of Apple. Similarly, a resident of the Southern Urals of Lyubov was taught after her sons - the Milohin brothers, whom she passed in his youth in the orphanage, became the stars of "Instagram" and "Titok."

Childhood and youth

Love was born in Orenburg in the early 80s of the XX century. The mother of Orenburatski, in the dashing 90th-seized at home, presented her two brothers - native Gregory and one-utilous - Eugene. Fine love characterizes as Tirana and a despot.

Love careful and Ilya Milochin

As the photo shows, Lyuba grew by a very pretty - slender cheerful blonde. At the age of 17, the girl fell in love with Vyacheslav Krapin. The guy, although it was older than anything for only 2 years, already had a prison experience, - served for the hijacking. Lovers began a collaborative life, and soon the first man Ilya appeared.

Personal life

After the birth of the son of Glory, she went into the roast - did not miss a single skirt and a single bottle, however, when Lyuba kicked him out of the house, a civil husband on his knees asked for mercy. The heart of Young Orenburatka trembled, and she again began to live with her beloved. Danya was a unwanted child. The father of the future star "Instagram" persuaded the cohabitant to make an abortion.

After the birth, Dani Vyacheslav again went to jail. This time the young father robbed a stall.

The family could have supported the young mother. Lyuboy with sons allocated a separate room, all relatives participated in washing and ironing the diaper, including 11-year-old Uncle Zhenya. However, Milochin's mother did not like to live in the parent house. Nepteful love gone to her friend, suffering from alcoholism.

In an interview, the brothers mentioned that early childhood was disadvantaged. Mother went looking for work, and Ilya and Danya tied to the battery. One day, love thought that nothing could give sons, took a taxi and took the boys in the orphanage.

Love care with her husband and mom

Original young woman thought that he would take the children in six months. However, the personal life of Orenburatsky has not yet been established for a long time, Luba had no housing, and the boys continued to remain under the care of the state. Uncle Eugene continued to visit the children of his sister and bring them treats. When Danya and Ilya Milokhina were teenagers, they took them a receptional family.

However, Vyacheslav's mother - Antonina Vasilyevna - tells another version of events. According to the grandmother, unlike the mother who visited the boys in an orphanage and sometimes brave grandchildren on the weekend, Ilya and Danya became social orphans because of the blackmail of their parents. The failed daughter-in-law Antonina Vasilyevna, together with the children, came to the Orenburg official at the reception and stated that if he did not receive an order for the apartment to surrender children in the shelter. When the employee asked an impatient mother to wait, Lyuba wrote a statement with a request to identify sons in the orphanage.

Over the years, life has improved, Orenburata married a Dmitry combiner who temporarily worked in the city market, and bore two more children - daughter and son. But Ilya and Danya careful in a new family did not take.


In his youth, love tried to engage in commerce - traded in a stall in the market. It is now servant feeding with hot lunches of 40 students of the rural school: Milochina's mother works as a cook.

Love careful now

Love with his family lives in the village of Timashevo Sakmar district of the Orenburg region. In his free time, careful sings in a rural choir. In the repertoire of the amateur singer there are songs about maternal love.

Love careful with family

In January 2021, a resident of the Southern Urals became the Guest of the Transmission "Let them say", where after 17 years met with the eldest son and told about the turns of their biography. Danya Milochin at the last moment refused to participate in the shooting.

Although Ilya, during a meeting with a biological mother, said that she forgave the careful, the guy's heart was not yet eliminated. Mylohin-Sr. thinks that it will be easier for him to communicate with a single sister, than with a woman who gave him to his brother in the orphanage. However, love hopes that sons will come to visit Timashevo and it will treat Ilya and Danya with homely bars and other billets.

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