Maxim Katz - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Yutiub-Channel, Twitter, Ilya Varlamov 2021



Maxim Katz is a Russian businessman, politician and blogger, a supporter of a liberal opposition. The enemies are called a man "Agent of the FSB" and "Toler", but he does not listen critics and now intends to run into the mayors of Moscow.

Childhood and youth

Maxim Evgenievich Katz was born on December 23, 1984 in Moscow, the USSR. 9 years have lived in Israel, where the family moved in 1992, but did not receive citizenship, although he said in Hebrew without an accent. In the interview, it was argued that in his youth escaped a universal military call to the army, because with an increase in 186 cm and the weight of 55 kg did not pass on the state of health.

In 2005, Maxim became a card player on the council of his father, professionally played poker, visiting Las Vegas Casino and other cities. This is a dangerous area of ​​activity, and for some time a young man even had to use the services of the bodyguard. He won all the time, as he read the books about the game and studied the system, and the rest hoped for good luck. Earn money invested in business - lending to other players.

Career and politics

Together with the father of Katz tried in his biography many ways to conduct business: delivery from Israel watermelons without bones, alteration of videos to the film format, introduction of automation to the Russian Federation, selling American pumps to the factory in Kaluga, selling telephone PIN codes for calls abroad , the organization of bus trips from Ryazan to Moscow, vending machines with coffee and coca-cola, arrangement of musical studios and much more. For the benefit of the case, it was not shy to call unfamiliar people. For example, about vending machines consulted from a woman from New York, who explained that they could not be put in public places, such as train stations and airports. The best place for this is smoking for employees at factories and enterprises.

Maxim has always been interested in why, for example, in Los Angeles, I want to lock at home and not to go out, and in some nourishing Santiago de Cuba you can walk through the streets in the parks. In 2012, he nominated his candidacy for elections to municipal deputies from the "Apple" party and won on them. The candidate supported blogger Ilya Varlamov. Katz offered to change the appearance of Moscow through a number of urban projects, in particular to solve the problems of traffic jams, based on the technologies of experts on urban in Vukan Voychik and Jan Gale.

For several years, Maxim was friends and collaborated with Alexey Navalny and even showed him his electoral leaflet of the candidate. There, the blogger wrote that he was advised to promise raising wages and pensions, and also ordered to change the costume and hairstyle, but he will not do this.

Navalny said that this text is good for Facebook, but is not at all suitable for municipal elections. But Katz did not listen to him and went to collect signatures along with his grandmother. In the end, the disagreement of two politicians on more important issues led to the rupture of relations. On May 31, 2016, the leader of the Liberal opposition was on the air of the Rain TV channel "Poddenz".

In August 2020, blogger spent Stream with an activist Egor Zhukov on the theme of the Belarusian opposition. On December 13, I visited a picket in New York in support of political prisoners of Belarus, organized by their friends and loved ones. Maxim allowed to make a photo and willingly answered questions. In his opinion, the struggle with the authorities was completely in the hands of the people, to expect help from Western countries it was meaningless.

Personal life

Blogger's wife is called Ekaterina Patyulin, it is the co-founder of the company "Copyright Media". Maxim has established his personal life on May 6, 2020, during a pandemic of coronavirus infection. Because of this, a magnificent wedding did not make steel. The spouses at the headquarters of the fight against corruption in 2016 became acquainted.

Maxim Katz now

On March 11, 2021, a video appeared on the Yutiub-Channel Kats, where the journalist analyzed the speed limit on Twitter, exposed by Roskomnadzor on behalf of Vladimir Putin, which hundreds of thousands of other sites and domains were not available. On the air, the blogger called the agencies of the department "incompetent" and frankly laughed at his decision.

On March 12, 2021, the journalist conjunced on his page in "Instagram" a new Stream, dedicated to the fall of the "United Russia" rating, the case of Sisters Khachaturian, the growth of domestic violence and Alexander Lukashenko.

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