Hirohito (Emperor Syova) - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, Emperor of Japan, Adolf Hitler



The question of the personal fault of Emperor Japan Hirokhito for the second world war remains controversial. Opponents painted the ruler by a dictator equal to Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, and the opinion is maintained in his homeland that the ruler only served as a disheveled symbolic chapter, whose actions limited the Protocol.

Childhood and youth

Hirokhito was born on April 29, 1901 in the capital Tokyo, the firstborn of the 21-year-old heir to the throne of Oksihito and his 17-year-old Sadako's 17-year-old spouse. As a child, a royal infant was brought up in the family of Admiral Kavamura Sumiusi. In 1912, Grandfather Hirohito died, Emperor Maidzi, and his grandson began to be considered the heir to the throne.

Having received an education in the aristocratic institutes in the youth, in 1921, Hirokhito was the first of Japanese princes in a half-year trip to the old world, and on returning to the country was appointed regent with the father-suffering from the meningitis.

December 25, 1926 Hirokhito Father, Emperor Taiso left his life, and his son was crowned at the kingdom. A monarch chose the word "Syov" - "Enlightened World" as the maidency.

The ruler of the Empire

The start of the era of Syov was accompanied by an economic crisis and the growth of the role of the army that had a veto when appointing ministers. Between 1926 and 1932, several dozen cases of violence occurred. The emperator himself miraculously escaped death from the grenade, abandoned by a wrestler for the autonomy of Korea Lee Bong Chan, and after the murder of the Chairman of the Government of Inukai Tsuyashi, all the political decisions of the country were transferred to the military.

In 1937, the Japanese-Chinese war broke out, initiated by the head of government Fumimaro Conoe. Hirohito formally justified the consideration of the invasion of China as an "incident" in order not to use the restrictions imposed by international conventions. At the same time, the ruler personally approved hundreds of cases of the use of chemical weapons, as well as the creation of a "squad 731", which conducted inhuman experiments on the prisoners.

However, until the very beginning of World War II, the emperor did not participate in real adoption of strategic decisions. The performance of Japan on the side of Nazi Germany was also developed by the military. Having learned about this, Hirokhito was deeply concerned about the directive and criticized the headquarters chapter, insisting that before the disappearance of the chance of conflict resolution, it is necessary to continue peaceful efforts.

After Konoe's departure from the post to power, General Hihaca Todzo came to power. Wars were not avoided. The new head of the Cabinet reported Hirochito that the peaceful methods were exhausted, and the monarch was forced to give approval to the beginning of hostilities.

On December 8, 1941, dozens of Japanese aircraft attacked the Harbor Pearl Harbor in the United States, parallel to Japan's troops invaded the southeast of Asia. Only from this moment on, the ruler began to delve into the questions of frontal actions, trying to raise the morale in the country.

The myth of the invincibility of the heirs of Samurai dispersed in 1944, when the cities of Japan began to be attacked by opponents. The resignation of Todzo did not affect the development of events. Only the former head of the Konoy Cabinet, fearing coming to the power of the Communists, insisted at the beginning of negotiations with the anti-Hitler coalition, the remaining advisors made the continuation of the war.

Hirokhito considered negotiations inevitable, but hoped at least one victory of the Japanese troops to get a profitable starting position. In April 1945, the USSR broke the nonsense pact, and Germany declared about the surrender. But the leadership of Japan decided to stand until the end.

Monarch listened to this plan with a stone face, approved the alternative project in secret. On June 22, the emperor made a direct appeal to the government, offering to attract the Soviet Union to the mediator and send Conoe to a meeting with Joseph Stalin. The idea was failed when the participants of the anti-fascist coalition were requested from Asian opponents of unconditional surrender.

Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 6 and 9 August 1945, as well as the performance of the USSR against Japan, Hirohito was put on a dead end. On August 15, the monarch made a speech on the radio, according to the quotes, calling the people to "submit the inevitable and demolish unbearable."

Constitutional monarch

After the war, US President Harry Truman tried to attract the emperor to the Tribunal as a military criminal. Americans played relatives of the emperor demanding from the ruler of renunciation.

However, the head of the US appointed administration Douglas MacArthur supported the opinion of the innocence of Hirohito. The general considered the ruler as a symbol for the Japanese people and a security deposit for the occupation authorities.

With the entry into force of the new basic law of the country of 1946, the title of ruler was changed to the "Constitutional Monarch". The emperor was forced to part with "Divine origin from the goddess Amateras" and declare himself with ordinary mortals.

Hirohito turned into a monarch of the Western sample. The second part of his biography has devoted the responsibility of the "Symbol of Nation". Among them - banquets, presentations, reception of foreign guests and the presentation of Japan abroad. Hirokhito became the first head of Japan, who met with the President of the United States - Gerald Ford, and put all his strength for the democratization of Japan and improving the image of the country.

The emperor was awarded dozens of foreign awards, among them and the Russian orders of the Apostle Andrei of the First-Called and Alexander Nevsky. About Hirokhito narrates the film "Sun" by Alexander Sokurov. The book "Hirohito and the creation of modern Japan" Hirokhito and the creation of modern Japan is devoted to the Gerberto Bix, who has become the owner of the Pulitzer Prize.

In his personal life, the emperor was well versed in marine biology and in the 1920s opened the laboratory in the palace, where the study was carried out. During the years of the board, Hirokhito published several scientific publications by opening the world dozens of new invertebrates hydroids.

Personal life

On January 26, 1924, Hirokhito concluded a marriage with Princess Nagako - Empress Kodzun (March 6, 1903 - June 16, 2000). Hirokhito himself chose himself a bride, spying through a hole in the wall behind the tea ceremony, in which girls of the highest society participated. 7 children appeared on this marriage.Embed from getty images

The eldest daughter, Princess Tara, was born before Hirochito joining the Imperial Throne. For her, the deceased in infancy of His, Princess Taka and Yury, the eldest of the living children of Hirohito. The first child of the male was the hereditary prince of Tsugu, the future emperor Akihito, born on December 23, 1933. After him, Prince Yoshito (Masakhito) appeared to the world, which since 2019 is the third in the line of inheritance, and Princess Suga.


In the fall of 1987, Hirohito suffered surgery, during which the duodenal cancer was discovered, in a year the cause of death. On January 7, 1989, at the age of 87, Hirokhito died.

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On January 24, the funeral was held, which were conducted in secular, without a syntolist service. Hirokhito's dust is located in Mausoleum in the Khatodi Temple in the Japanese capital, next to the imperators predecessors.

The deceased ruler remained 5 children, 10 grandchildren and 1 gravestone. The new monarch was the eldest son Hirohito Akihito.


  • 1992 - Hirochito book: Emperor and Man
  • 1997 - Hirohito and His Times Book: Japan Prospects "
  • 1998 - Hirohito and War Book: Imperial Traditions and Military Decisions in Pre-Generable Japan
  • 2000 - Hirochito book and the creation of modern Japan »
  • 2002 - the book "Yamato Dynasty"
  • 2005 - Film "Sun"
  • 2012 - Movie "Emperor"

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