Leonid Okunev - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Tyumen, Movies, Filmography, Artist 2021



Popular actor Leonid Okunev and now lives in the area of ​​the town of Native Tyumen, in the father's wooden house on Gaidar Street, refusing to move not only in Moscow, but even in a well-maintained apartment. According to the artist, the stars are excellent from his house, and where the highlights, the electric light absorbs the night sky.

Childhood and youth

Leonid Grigorievich Okunev was born on January 25, 1949 in the city of Tyumen in an ordinary family, his father is a simple worker, mother worked in a bookstore. Since childhood, his father invests children into consciousness that it is necessary to become adults and independent, telling how from the 4th grade trading to the boots in Kirov.

Leonid Okunev in youth

The biggest interest of Len was the books, which, thanks to the work of the mother, there were many in the family. The boy was fond of sports, football, gymnastics and boxing, and also walked into dramatic mugs, playing the accordion. In the older classes, Sergey Yesenin was fascinated, read at the evenings, and even then the schoolboy was properly the acting career.

Theater and films

Then there was an unsuccessful attempt to enter Moscow and return to the branch of the Sverdlovsky Theater School, work in the dramatic theaters of Tyumen, Chelyabinsk and Zlatoust. The first theatrical role in the biography of Okuneva was the appearance in the extract of the play "Summer Love", already in his youth talent Leonid celebrated Artist Boris Bridge.

Higher education actor received in the Tyumen State Institute of Culture. He headed the student theater miniature, and then went to play the theaters of Arkhangelsk and Petropavlovsk. In 1984, Leonid returned to Tyumen and became an actor of the Tyumen Regional Drama Theater.

A special role in the fate of the actor played a businessman Viktor Zagorukhiko. Okunev has long wanted creative growth, independence, its own theater. Zagorukhiko helped materially, becoming the first director of the Angezhent Youth Theater. At the "Angezhent" 2 days of birth: On January 7, 1994, the first play "Potted Julish" was played, and on September 2, 1996, the theater gained his own roof - the former placement of a children's club, who was in a terrible state, with huge communal debts.

For the first years, the theater worked on pure enthusiasm, only the economic vein of Sponsor was saved - Zagorukhiko worked as a shine, opened the sawmill and invests money in his native theater. Initially, it was planned that the institution would work in the format of the Angezhent - with the participation of invited actors, but the format in Tyumen did not work, and Okunev had to create a full-fledged theater, with time received municipal status. Since 1997, after the death of partner, Leonid Grigorievich united the director, Derusk and director.

At the theater festival-competition "Golden Konk", Leonid Okunev was recognized as the "best actor" of 1998, in 2009 he was awarded the Award "For Service theater", in 2012 won the nomination "Maestro of the Year" contest "Public Calling", and in 2016 on X by the Interregional Theater Festival named after N.Kh. Rybakova reiterated the "best actor" prize for the role of Amalia in Nosferata.

Leonid Okunev in the role of Panikovsky

Among the main roles of Leonid Grigorievich in the native theater: "Twelfth night, or anything" (Shakespeare, Jester), "Interesting Widow" (Spaniard), "Very simple story" (neighbor), "This is Tyumen, baby!" (Luchery), Romeo and Juliet (Escal).

Leonid's film took place in 1968. The first major role in the filmography - in 1980 in the short film "Conqueror" Vladimir Khotinenko, and in 1994, Okunev starred at the same director in the "Patriotic Comedy" project. In the 1990s, Okunev was a TV presenter of the program of the Anecdote show "Promenad".

For the image in Alexei Muradov, the truth about clicks in 2003, Leonid became the winner of the Prize for the best male role at the "Cinema". Working in the Black and White Mute Shooter of Vladimir Kotta "Door" (2004), which won the highest awards at three European festivals.

The most famous Okunev on the role of Panikovsky in the new film release of the Golden Calf, published on television screens in 2006. On account of the actor roles in such films and TV shows as "game on departure", "point", "man of war", "Pechorin. Hero of our time "," Equator "," Apostle "," Brothers of the Karamazov "," Book "," Inquisitor "," Alien Life ".

The actor often performs with concerts in the literary and musical genre, for example, with the fairy tales of "Konk-Gorbok", "Fishing about fisherman and fish" and "Snow Maiden" or the poem of Alexander Tvardovsky "House of the Road".

Personal life

About the personal life of the artist prefers not to tell. It is known that Leonid Grigorievich is in marriage and he has two sons - Senior Sergey (born on September 14, 1991) and Jr. Alexander (born on June 21, 2001), who went to receive education in larger cities.

The eldest son often traveled with his father on the shooting, starred in the TV series "Environment" and the film "Above the sky". After graduating from the Ekaterinburg Theater Institute and served in the army, in 2015, Alexander entered the directorial faculty of Gitis, to the workshop of Yevgeny Kamenkovich and Dmitry Krymov.

In March 2021, Leonid Grigorievich posted a renovated photo of herself in child age with his mother and brother on the page in Vkontakte.

The actor compares the theater with a house, family, love for a long time, and the cinema is also love, short-term, but stormy, on the side, after which they always return home. Although, according to Okuneva, it is impossible to compare salary in theaters and cinema - it is disproportionate things.

Leonid Grigorievich told that during filmmakers resting due to the change of the situation. It doesn't matter for him, on what to work - over a film or TV series, you please any shooting, and even in the conveyor you can learn focus. But after that, the actor always returns to the native theater, which he considers both glory and a cross for life.

Leonid Okunev now

On March 9, 2021, the premiere of the "Ugryum-River" series was held on the first channel for the novel of Vyacheslav Shishkov, where Leonid Grigorievich played Innokentia Gruzalev. Casting to the film The actor did not pass, receiving an invitation from director Yuri Frost directly.

In the Atheat of the Theater "Angezhent" and now many performances where the Okunev is busy. In the season 2020/2021, the actor could be seen on the stage in the "Nosferatu" and the "Unknown Soldier". In December 2020, the theater visited the tour in Perm.


  • 1990 - "No Alien Earth"
  • 1991 - "Life of Alexander Nevsky"
  • 1992 - "Patriotic Comedy"
  • 2003 - "True about clicks"
  • 2005 - "War War"
  • 2006 - "Golden Challenge"
  • 2006 - "Point"
  • 2006 - "Hero of Our Time"
  • 2007 - "Equator"
  • 2007 - "Night Sisters"
  • 2008 - "Apostle"
  • 2009 - "Brothers Karamazov"
  • 2009 - "Pelagia and White Bulldog"
  • 2011 - "Listening daughter-in-law"
  • 2011 - "Environment"
  • 2013-2015 - "Butcher"
  • 2014 - "Inquisitor"
  • 2021 - "Ugryum River"

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