Louise Roshova (Elizabeth Krivonogih) - biography, personal life, photo, news, alleged daughter Vladimir Putin, "Instagram" 2021



Louise Roshova is a blogger, DJ, which the media was called "the proposed daughter Vladimir Putin." It has been sensitive from childhood with a sensitivity, but now learned to manage the situation, more the girl does not offend negative comments on the Internet.

Childhood and youth

Louise Rosova (real name - Elizabeth Vladimirovna Krivonogii) was born in St. Petersburg. Her birth date is March 3, 2003. I took a pseudonym, because from childhood it was called this name, and I could not utter my blogger. The girl did not pronounce the letter "l", and instead of "Lisa" said: "Iza".

Louise Roshova (Elizabeth Krivonogih) as a child

Now Louise is studying at the St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, at the Faculty of Management in the field of art and culture, where he studies movies, theater, painting and fashion.


In November 2020, the "Project Media" edition issued the material of Andrei Zakharov, Badanin's novel and Mikhail Rubin about Vladimir Putin's personal life, which argued that in the early 2000s a resident of St. Petersburg Svetlana Krivonogich was allegedly met with the head of state, and in 2003 "The entrepreneur was born daughter Elizabeth. About who the girl's father was unknown, however, in the documents available from journalists, the patronymic was indicated that he had given a reason to be allegedly considered by this man of the Russian president. The article claimed that at the time of exploring the first person, the mother of Pink worked as a cleaner, and then became the owner of the property in both capitals and in Sochi, the company "Ozon" and the ski resort in the Leningrad region, as well as one of the shareholders of the Bank "Russia" through the company "Relax". The cost of its assets was estimated at 1.1 billion rubles. In the Kremlin, this information was considered "unconvincing", and the facts from the investigation were called "unfounded."

In January 2021, Alexey Navalny posted on his Yutiub-channel video about Putin's Palace, where he mentioned Louise as the "third daughter" of the head of state. After that, Rosova began to hide her face in blog publications in "Instagram". Despite this, soon became the subscriber of the leader of the Foundation for the fight against corruption.


In "Instagram", Louise sold things from the maternal brand 123-th Ave, and soon the pink had a thought about his own mini-collection of amateur wear for every day. Three times the girl tried to make an internship in Tatler's magazine, gave an interview to the topic "Golden Youth in Tiktok", which due to the investigation of the project was not published.

Personal life

Louise is friendly with Robert Schigin, whom the media is called the alleged nephew of Dmitry Skigin, a long-time acquaintance of Vladimir Putin and the owner of the terminal for the export of petroleum products in St. Petersburg. Young people occasionally place joint video in their accounts.

The day after the rallies in support of Alexei Navalny on January 31, 2021, Rosova posted an archival photo in the profile from a protest agency in Moscow in 1989. In the picture, the participant held a poster with a call to "overjugate rubber batons to condoms", and his own video Louise accompanied the slogan make love, Not War.

Louise Roshova now

In January 2021, Louise opened the monetization of his account in "Instagram". For two-time mention in Storsith, advertisers were offered to pay 10 thousand rubles, and 15 thousand - for mentioning in the "stories" and in a separate post blog. The first customer was the online store shoes.

In February 2021, Rosova held a conversation with Andrei Zakharov in Clubhouse. Even before the journalist connected, Louise gave an ambiguous answer to the question about how she belongs to Putin's phrase "If I wanted to kill, killed" (Incened the poisoning of Navalny). The blogger said that she believes in the theory of the "Golden Billion" conspiracy - rich people who allegedly reduce the population with the help of coronavirus. According to the girl, the government is also capable of this for its purposes.

Zakharov asked, whether Rosova is Putin's daughter. Her girlfriends came to Louise, explaining that no one would give a direct response to such a question. The blogger reported that the investigations did not spoil her biography, on the contrary, helped to "promote" an account.

On February 24, Rosova gave an interview with the GQ magazine, where he was talking about Hateters and Hathers in social networks, their hobbies and studies. In response to the question of external similarity with the president, he answered that he was much like Vladimir Vladimirovich.

On March 6, 2021, Louise flew from St. Petersburg to Moscow to play a four-hour DJ-Seth in the club "Pelevock", despite the fact that the establishment sent Donates Foundation for the fight against corruption, and the host Alexander Martynov went to Alexei Navalny rallies. Rosova said that respects their position. For the speech, the girl received 12 thousand rubles., She was accompanied by two guards, the entrance was free for visitors. The response to this event in social networks was sharply negative, including from the Pussy Riot, which were there in December 2020, and Love Sobat offered to rename the institution in the "governor."

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