Realistic show "College" - Photo, project history, rules, STS, participants, 1 season 2021



In the social show of the CTC College TV channel, the initial adolescents, who have difficulties in communicating with their parents and with school teachers who have drives to the police and bad habits, get a chance to change themselves. But at first they are waiting for a clash with the strictest discipline of the Execution Soviet school.

History of creation

On March 15, 2021, the 1st season of the college show "College" started on the CTA channel, the adaptation of the Channel 4 Taach 'em ("This will teach them"), who first entered the air in 2003.

In the original format, schoolchildren who received the certificate of maturity, returned to a typical boarding school of the 1950s. Initially, the show was intended to oppose the former and modern form of education and give an answer to the question, there could be a return standards of past years to increase schoolchildren. Students demanded strict adherence to discipline, total dress code. The only difference with the history of the past is the lack of punishment by the cane, which was prohibited in English educational institutions in 1986.

Every month, students donated exams. Throughout the show, a number of participants are excluded from the show for misconduct or decided to leave the show at his own request. In the 1st season of the British project, excellent students participated, and in the second in the past, trielenes and duals were postponed.

The project's adaptation was published on the TV channels of France, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Germany and Italy, where the project became particularly popular, from 2017 to the 2020th 5 seasons IL Collegio passed.

Casting for participation in the 1st season of the Russian Realistic Show "College" started in May 2020. Hard adolescents from Russia at the age of 14-17 were offered to send their photos and video records. Casting Call was sent to unmanaged, daring and loose children who have no friends and who cannot live without gadgets. In priority there were those for which there are no authorities and whom the opinion of others does not care. The bonus would be anonymous outbreaks of aggression, regular drives to the police, scandals with parents and teachers.

The heroes of the project, named in the announcement of bright representatives of the new generation, independent and supermodic children, promised classes at the School of Dreams. Adolescents guaranteed assistance in changing values, determining the life path. The best participants would be an example for imitation, and the winner received a prize - money for the fulfillment of a dream.

The trailer came out in March 2021 promised to show the audience "the inner world of their children." In the 1st season of the project, which from March 15 to May 10, 2021, on the CTC TV channel and included 9 issues for 72 minutes, 12 schoolchildren took part 13-17 years living from Astrakhan to Irkutsk, from Podolsk to the village of Shkotovo. Most of them were still known to the project on the social network "Titstok", they were engaged in theatrical and film schools.

Television critics compared the College show with the Patzanka project - also adaptation of the British format overlooking Ukraine on the "New Channel", and in Russia - on the TV channel "Friday!". The shooting of both TV shows are held in Ukraine, where the interiors of the National Library named after V. I. Vernadsky are involved. The projects have a single creative group: Creative producer Victoria Bilega, director-director Rita Kuzmina, and Sergey Polunin answered in both shows in both shows. Irina Zilberman's programs and participation of Irina Zilberman, in the Ukrainian "ViD Patzanka to Panyanka" she was the deputy director of the Lady School in the 1st and 2nd seasons.

Essence and rules

The Russian version of the College show focused on difficult teenagers with which neither parents or teachers did not cope. The project's task is to help children find a common language with adults, immersing adolescents in the same atmosphere in which parents studied.

The participants of the show are not sent to the "School of Dreams" promised in advertising, and in the Soviet-type exemplary boarding school. Immediately after arriving at the boarding school, the shocked guys are forced to abandon the attributes of the life of a modern teenager: to pass the phones and other gadgets, forget about the bright image. Schoolchildren receive the same ascetic school uniform and bring a solemn oath. Newbies are tested for knowledge of primary school programs.

Student hostels are divided by the floor. Every day there are classes on the school program: Russian language, history, geography, mathematics, foreign language and other subjects. Weekly, teachers and psychologists put new tasks before the guys who help defeat psychological difficulties, find a future specialty, part with bad habits.

The only element of modern technologies at school is microphones and cameras. On closed filming, known as "confession", participants can openly talk about feelings or seek psychological help.

According to the rules in each issue, the three weaker students are nominated for disposal, one in the show retains classmates, the second - the teaching staff remaining leaving the program.

The winner of the College will receive a chance to continue their education in a paid university at the expense of the project organizers.

Mentors and leading

In the show five main mentors leading. Director of the school Anna Ernstna Vall - Professional. In real life, Vall is a speech coach, a specialist in etiquette and business correspondence.

School Director in College Show Anna Vall

The remaining mentors are Ukrainian actors. Zilberman Zilberman Zilberman, director and producer from Kiev, director Irina Petrovna. Cool leader Denis Petrovich Dathers (now usually speaking under the scenic name Denis Temiryazev) - Actor of the Kiev Theater "Millennium", who is fond of oratory and director.

Educator of the boys Valery Vladimirovich Latko has the experience of circus work as a clown-buffon, removed in television series. The experience on the screen is also the teacher - the supervisors of the girls Valentina Leontievna Antuphyeva.

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