Madison Lecsert - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Age, "Instagram", Alex Rodriguez, Actress 2021



In 2021, the name of the American Madison Lecrey became known far beyond the limits of the United States. The tabloids argued that due to the dazzling blonde, Babolist Alex Rodriguez broke up with actress Jennifer Lopez, with which he met for 4 years and on which was going to marry.

Childhood and youth

Madison was born in the town of Charleston American State of South Carolina, in which 135 thousand people now live. The birth date of Beauty - October 6, 1990. A little about the early biography of the model is known, but Madison's childhood was happy, and she is still friendly with his father, the joint photo with which he regularly appears in the Instagram-Account.

Madison Lecrei and Alex Rodriguez


Madison is a professional hairdresser and a stylist specializing in the creation of bride images. Since the spring of 2015, Lecreya is removed in the realistic series "Southern Charm", telling about the personal life of Semebriti Charleston seven. The project focuses on the attention of the audience on the pattern of lifestyle in the southern states of the United States. In the second and third season of the South Glory, Madison acted as a guest of the series, the 4th and 5th seasons missed, and in the 6th strengthened its position, becoming a secondary character.

Personal life

Blue-eyed well-kept actress, which has the perfect ratio of growth and weight, enjoys high attention in men. At the 22nd age, Madison gave birth to a son from a player in American football Josh Hughes, with whom later broke up. The boy was born large - the weight of the newborn was 4.5 kilograms.

When Lekreya realized that after childbirth, no diet nor sports exercises help to return to the previous forms, then resorted to the plastic surgery. On the "Instagram" page, the model calls not to condemn the sisters and mothers for the readiness to lie down under the scalpel in order to adjust the shape.

Son is the main joy of Madison. Stylist does not get tired of confessing in love for offspring and publish photos, symbolizing happy motherhood.

According to Lecra, communication with Alex Rodriguez consisted of innocent correspondence in social networks, sometimes celebrities were convened.

"I not only did not touch Alex, but I never met offline!", "Madison argues.

Madison Lecreus now

At the end of 2020, February 2021, a premiere showing of the 7th season of the series "Southern Glory" was held, in which Lecre was first made as one of the central characters. On March 15, 2021, Lopez denied rumors about parting with Rodriguez, but recognized that problems were accumulated in their pair, over the decision they work.


  • 2015-2021 - "Southern Charm"

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