Leonid Basov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, parents, film "Palma" 2021



"Evening Urgant" is glad to any guests regardless of age, profession, gender, nationality and religion - a permanent leading Ivan Urgant will find topics for conversation with each of them. The special interest of the viewers was called young heroes, and not only in a special heading "Look at the bottom." Together with the parents on the show more than once turned out to be a gnome dummy, and on March 17, 2021, Leonid Basov appeared in the studio, with the senior colleague on the film "Palma" Viktor Dobronravov in the studio.


On June 30, 2008, Pavel Basova and Ekaterina Biryukova born first-mentioned Lena, and a year later, on November 17, 2009 - Daughter Varya.

At the end of 2017, the family received the status of many children. The younger son Gleb with Troublese Collus-Frankhety syndrome appeared on the world, but the mother did not even have thought to give up the child. At that difficult moment, her especially supported husband and godfather Anna Oskina, Mali Sedogina and Snezhan Madilian. The senior heirs about the disability of the brother told his father, setting them into the glade and running the salute.

"The children were also not easy for children, and for some time they were denied. Varya could come with such questions: "And you no longer love me? I'm no longer your daughter?". Now Lenya and cooking not only brother and sister, they are best friends Gleb, his defenders, our assistants. They love him very much and are proud of them, "the actress recalled.

Spouses, graduates of Sprggati (he did with the knowledge of Gregory Kozlov, she is Tatiana Kazakova), on September 17, 2016, founded the theater studio "Cabinet", which Leonid and Barbara are visited - students of Moscow School No. 1793 named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Novikova.

The artist who has found a place in his biography for St. Petersburg Tyus and BDT, is familiar with the Russian viewer to participate in Peter FM, "game. Revanshi, "Method", "Dead Lake" and other projects. His wife acts as the head of the children's acting agency "Change".

In a personal account in "Instagram", the ascending star of cinema, who has done success in football and, part of FC "Star" (Lyubertsy), is divided not only by personal pictures. One of the posts of grandson dedicated to his favorite grandfather Vasily Aleksandrovich - a talented artist who creates work from Berriest, to a friend and teacher who has learned to prick firewood, catch fish, collect berries and mushrooms.


Leonid as an artist of the main composition of the "Cabinet" shone in many performances of the native theater studio. For example, in the formulation of "good" on the stories of the Soviet children's writer Valentina Aseva and titled "Winter". The last project was the 1st degree laureate at the Festivals "Russian Fun" and "Art Caravan," and the boy received a special prize of the People's Artist jury at the Triumph Competition in St. Petersburg in 2019.

In the same year, the young actor joined the work on the film "Palma", created based on real events unfolding in 1974-1976 at the Vnukovo Moscow Airport.

Before the director Alexander Domogarov, Jr. approved Basov to one of the main roles, he had to see more than 300 applicants from Moscow, Peter, Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan. The creators of the picture never regretted their choice, because the schoolboy not only played convincingly, but without complaints shot in difficult scenes until late at night, despite the ice wind and rain.

"Palma" is not Russian "Hachiko". This is not just the story of the owner and his dog. It is much more difficult and deeper - this is the story of a boy and dogs, owner and dogs, father and son. Our film is more about people whom the dog makes themselves in human, "said Viktor Dobronravov in an interview.

Leonid Basov Now

With "Palm", shot in three countries, Russian audiences had to get acquainted in June 2020. But the outlet of the picture on the rental, where he made out not only bass, but also Shepherd Diri, prevented the situation with the spread of coronavirus infection. As a result, the long-awaited event took place on March 18, 2021.

The actor actively shared in the instagram account by photographs from the set, capturing the memory of Viktor Dobronravov, Vladimir Ilyin, Jan Tsaznik, Valery Fedorovich, Igor Krupunov and expressing gratitude to them.

The premiere of film studies about real friendship, who did not pass without Darya Moroz, Alexander Domogarov, Nikita Tarasova and Daria Darisov, was 14 March at the Moscow Cinema Center "October". At an important day, his friends and fellow students were supported by Lenya.


  • 2021 - "Palma"

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