Ivan Belozerstsev - biography, personal life, photos, news, governor of the Penza region, arrest, accusations, corruption 2021



Career Ivan Belozershev seemed dizzying. The official went on the road from the combine to Colonel and the Deputy Military Commissioner, and engaged in politics, flew off from the deputy to the head of the city and the governor of the Penza region. However, the operator's career was accompanied by scandals associated with the business interests of children, and in the spring of 2021, the regional chapter was arrested on suspicion of corruption.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Alexandrovich Belozershtsev was born on September 15, 1958 in the village of Baranovo Vakhnovsky settlement, located in Orlovshchina. Father worked in state farm, and mother in forestry.

While parents worked, the boy remained with his grandmother and pass animals. Later, Ivan helped her father, replacing him for a time of illness. At the age of 17, she took second place among the region's combiners with 7,400 grain centners produced on the "spike".

Belozershtsev graduated from an eight-year apartment in a rural school, and after moving the family in the district center, Livna continued his classes there. After completing study, Ivan got the task of choosing the further path. In children's dreams, becoming a pilot of doctors put a cross - the young man had a weak vestibular apparatus, a head was spinning.

At first, the graduate was planning to become an agricultural engineering engineer and in parallel to teach physical education at school, but then decided to go in the footsteps of the uncle and become a military, for which I went to Ulyanovsk.

Career and politics

In 1980, the future governor graduated from a military tank school and continued his service with him. In the first years, Belozershtsev's labor biography was a commander of a tank platoon and a part of the party.

In 1992, he studed in the Humanitarian Academy, Belozershtsev received the formation of a social teacher. Once in the distribution of Penza, he became a deputy commissaria district and headed the personnel department. The title "Senior Lieutenant" and "Colonel" Military Awarded ahead of schedule.

The Belozers Commissioner was responsible for relations with the public and responded to the call of the Council of Veterans on nomination in Gordum. At the end of 2000, Ivan Alexandrovich was elected a deputy, combining work in the Duma and the Military Office.

In 2004, after re-election, Belozerstsev became Chairman of the Duma. Six months later, the parliament decided that the city chapter should be selected from the number of the people. According to the results of the voting of deputies, the military functionar became the head of the city. According to the official website of the region, in 2008 the official defended his dissertation on pedagogy.

In 2011, the head of the city easily confirmed the deputy authority and was elected to Gordum from United Russia. In December, Belozers, put forward by the second number of the regional list in the State Duma of Russia, but did not receive the mandate.

In 2012, Ivan Alexandrovich left Gordeum and moved to the Cloaking of the Penza region, where he immediately took the position of chairman.

On May 25, 2015, after the resignation of the regional governor Vasily Bochkarev, Belozers were appointed Vladimir Putin I.O. chapters. In the autumn, the promoter of the ruling party easily won the election. After 5 years, the head of the region has again been elected.

In June 2019, Belozeretsev's name was often mentioned in the media in connection with the ethnic conflict in the village of the suitcase between the inhabitants and the Gypsy community. Explaining the reasons, the governor accused the United States, stating that America and West thus destabilize the situation in Russia.

Another incident with the participation of the governor is associated with the call in "Instagram" to comply with the rules of the road, recorded by the official behind the wheel of the car. At the same time, as subscribers noted, the driver himself was not fastened.

At the end of 2019, the governor called Fake information that he allegedly owns a border factory and promised to transfer the production to any person who can prove the connection of the enterprise with his family.

In mid-March 2021, Showman Ivan Urgant ridicked the sensational case with the procurement of the portraits of the governor of the middle schools of the region. The leading "Evening Urgant" posted a photo of the official on his laptop and joked that the expression of the face Belzertsev recalled that the week was lean.

Personal life

Since 1980, Ivan Alexandrovich Belozershtsev married to Raisa Nikandrovna Belozershova. In the family of 2 children - Alexander and Danil. The regional governor rarely demonstrates the personal life of the public, in the instagram profile politician only a few photos with his wife. Both spouses in the fall of 2020 sorted by coronavirus.

However, the fate of the official of the official constantly became the object of attention of the press - after all, their business interests stretched from breeding bees to the production of toilet paper, from the network of hookah to broadcasting, from the car wash to the dental clinics.

It was reported that Alexander, Raisa and Danile owned two funeral agencies who actually made the family of Belozers monopolists in the market of ritual services of the region. After the scandal, when it turned out that the doctors of Penza hospitals were obliged to report information about each dead, the children of the official closed the business structures in the company "Haron" and "Ritual".

In 2010, the eldest son Belozersheva Alexander became a deputy minister of economy, and then deputy head of the regional government. With the arrival of his father as the governor Alexander post left.

In the Anonymous Professional Video, published in 2020, published by the Anonymous professional video, entitled "Billions of Belzertsev's Family", the sons of the Head of the region are accused of earnings in the amount of 317 million rubles, and the governor himself - in the identified Accounts Chamber of Violations by 2.9 billion rubles. The Moscow Post newspaper came to the conclusion about the existence of a backstage business empire using dubious schemes.

According to the declaration of Ivan Belozershev, for 2019, the governor received 5.2 million rubles. The income of the spouses is 211 thousand rubles. The official owns 3 plots of land, a residential house, part of the apartment and a garage, and Raisa Nicandrovna - Toyota car.

Ivan Belozers now

On March 21, 2021, Ivan Belozers was detained by law enforcement agencies. Together with him, several businessmen were taken into custody, including the famous pharmacist Boris Spiegel. According to investigators, the head of the region received a bribe of 31 million rubles. For aiding in the conclusion of contracts for the supply of medicines.

In the household and office policies passed search, about 500 million rubles were found. Cash. Belozers himself was delivered to the arrest in the Moscow Isolator of Temporary Content, where he was before the trial. The membership of the official in the party "United Russia" was suspended.

In April, Belozershtsev recognized the fact of obtaining 20 million rubles from Spiegel. For the conduct of the election campaign, but to receive the Mercedes car, allegedly become a part of a bribe, denied.

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