Alexander Kudryashov (Alexander Lyadov) - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, Lyad's husband



The saxophone is considered one of the most expressive musical instruments, and men who mastered the game on it enjoy high attention in women. Here and the saxophonist Alexander Kudryashov for 45 years took place in the biography of Lyudmila Lyadova, becoming the fifth and most beloved husband of the composer's ladies.

Childhood and youth

The future musician appeared in 1942. The exact date and place of the birth of Alexander are unknown, but the boy's father called Fedor. Among the namesakes, the spouse of Lyadkin's specialization with him had Fleotist Oleg Sergeevich Kudryashov, born in 1936 in Stalingrad and who had gone from life aged 80 years. But there is no information about the kinship of perfume musicians.

Personal life

Lyudmila Alekseevna and Alexander Fedorovich met in the early 1970s of the 20th century - the saxophonist played the orchestra with whom Lyadov rehearsed. By the time of dating, the composer had already been married 4 times, but the woman had no children. Lyadov considered the lack of sons and daughters as she gave the Most High for musical talent.

A pretty saxophonist attracted Lyudmila Alekseevna also because on a saxophone, in addition to the violin and mandolin, her father was played by Alexey Ivanovich. The 17-year-old difference did not bother lovers.

How saturated was the personal life of Kudryashov to a meeting with Lighovaya, unknown. But in 2017, a resident of Samara Christina Zinoviev said in the program "Let" say that he had to the elderly musician granddaughter, and confirmed the words with a genetic test.

However, after marriage to Lyudmila, Alekseevna saxophonist was completely dissolved in a talented spouse and even changed the surname, becoming Alexander Lyadov. The man was like-minded, friend and lover of the composer's lady, prepared his wife the cutlets and drove to doctors. On joint photos, it can be seen with what kind of tenderness treated each other's spouses, and Lyudmila Alekseevna repeatedly said that only in marriage with a saxophonist became happy.

But with age, Alexander Lyadov's addiction to the blame turned into alcoholism. In 2018, the composer terminated marriage with a musician.


About the divorce of Lyudmila Alekseevna and Alexander Fedorovich, as well as the death of Kudryashov in 2020, it became known after the death of Lyadova in March 2021 from the consequences of coronavirus infection. The cause of the death of the former saxophonist was presumably an oncological disease.

However, leading programs "live broadcast" Andrei Malakhov and "Let" say Dmitry Borisov in his programs, together with guests studios discussed, which stood behind the rapid death of Alexander Kudryashov. Friends and colleagues Lighovaya interested, whether his granddaughter and lawyer Viktor Yororodetenko did not contribute to the leave of the musician, who inherited the composer's apartment on Tverskaya Street Moscow worth 80 million rubles.

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