Maddox Jolie Pitt - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", age, tattoo, sewan 2021



The life of Maddox Jolie Pitt could be different if not a fateful acquaintance with actress Angelina Jolie. He was an orphan from Cambodia, but eventually found the family and the status of one of the most discussed star offspring.

Childhood and youth

Rat Vibol was born on August 5, 2001, on the sign of the zodiac - the lion. His homeland is Cambodia, he is Cambodian by nationality. The boy's mother died, because of what he was in a orphan shelter for refugees. He was not the year when Jolie was guided there. According to the Hollywood star, as soon as she took the baby in his arms, he immediately felt a special spiritual connection with him.

For a long time without thinking, the actress decided to adopt the child, from which, according to rumors, were not delighted with her spouse Billi Bob Thornton and Father John Vight. But their disapproval was not the only obstacle to the acquisition of a tight and loving family.

The process of registration of documents was in full swing when the scandal had happened because of the children in Cambodia, and the US government prohibited adoption in this country. In addition, an agency with which Angelina cooperated was noticed in fraud. But in the end, the case was allowed in favor of the performer, and she officially became the mother's mother, giving him the name of Maddox Svan Jolie. Sursing with Thornton, the star received the sole custody.

After that, the actress appeared in public mainly in the company of the Son, who quickly became a favorite of fans and press. As a child, he repeatedly entered the ratings of the most charming star offspring, and in the adolescence, I got fan accounts in "Instagram", where his photo and news from the biography were published.

But the performer was not long in the status of a single mother, because Brad Pitt appeared in her life, with whom she met on the set of the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith". According to the press, for the sake of its on-screen partner, the actor left Jennifer Aniston, which provoked a loud scandal.

Despite this, the pair officially confirmed the novel after the actress learned about pregnancy. Shortly before that, Angelina launched a girl from Ethiopia, and Brad expressed the desire to take care of her and the receiving son of the chosen. So the boy got the name Jolie Pitt.

In 2006, the Star Fairy had their first biological daughter Shailo. A year later, they adopted the Pact, and after 1.5 became the parents of Twins Vivien and Knox. Maddox took over the role of an older brother, with whom, according to Angelina and Brad, successfully coped. They described the Son as a quiet and thoughtful, who knows how to take care of the younger.

The former nanies of star siblings did not agree with the pair. They shocked users of the network of information that the heirs of actors grow "like grass in the field." Parents are not interested in them and do not control, which is why scandals and even fights often happen in the house, whose instigator becomes predominantly eldest son. According to them, the boy behaves aggressively towards brothers and sisters, drinks and cuts.

Many stars fans wrote off the statements of former workers offended due to dismissal, because after the older children rose, the nanny in the house was less. From the side, the family seemed exemplary, but Idyll lasted until 2016. Angelina suddenly filed a divorce with her husband, referring to the "irreconcilable disagreements."

Later it turned out that the reason was in a quarrel between the spouses held on board the aircraft. Jolie reproached Pitt in that he went over with alcohol, but the actor led himself aggressively towards her. Maddox stood as a mother, because of her, according to her, Brad raised his hand on him.

It was not possible to prove the guilt of the artist, but the court proceedings due to the care of children did not stop for several more years. The eldest son stood on the side of Angelina, refusing to see his father. According to the Publication of Radar Online, for this she made a will in his favor, and after the death of the mother, the young man will be inherited all its condition.


For a while, the boy studied in a private school Francais de New York, but later parents transferred him to home learning. In an interview, Jolie said that he encourages independence and interest in children, so they can choose objects and teachers at their discretion.

Since the three senirs from the star couple from other countries, the atmosphere of multiculturalism reigned in the house. Mother did everything to not forget about the customs of the ancestors, so he repeatedly visited Cambodia.

In school, Maddox made focus on learning languages. In addition to English, he knows French, German and Russian. In the high school classes, the young man began to master Korean, because he wanted to receive a higher education in South Korea.

In 2019, Angelina personally escorted the heir to University of Ash, where he entered the Faculty of Biochemistry. Communicating with journalists, she admitted that barely holding back tears. But away from the house, Jolie Pitt stayed for a long time, since it was forced to return to Los Angeles due to a coronavirus infection.

Personal life

In 2014, the press published information that the girl had a girl. She comes from England and managed to conquer the sympathy of Angelina, but her name remained secret. In the future, Jolie Pitt preferred to hold a personal life in secret.

Maddox Jolie Pitt now

In 2021, new details of the scandal between Jolie and Pitt appeared. The US Source reported that the actress appealed to the court on the case of domestic violence and her elder son had already given testimony against the Father. In addition, Maddox intends to refuse the name of the actor and no longer uses it in official documents.

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