Anna Zosimova - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Petar Martich, "Instagram", Interview Wonderzine 2021



Previously, Anna Zosimov scared an insoluble question: "Who am I?". Apparently, she sorted out with the internal contradictions and now is ready to call himself a model, designer, DJ, photographer, stylist, director and musician. And in recent time, the girl turned into a prominent representative of the feminist movement, dismantling with the problems of domestic violence and abusive relations.

Childhood and youth

Anna was born on March 22, 1991 in Kramatorsk. Childhood and youth Zosidovova are associated with the Donbass, where her parents live now. During hostilities, the girl no longer lived in his hometown, and family members and friends were served while shelling in the corridors sounded.

From an early age, she listened to Chanson, who was the favorite music of his father, and still considers Vladimir Vysotsky as the best musician. She wrote poems, photographed, looking for himself, while not thinking about education. The girl was engaged in the model business and for 15-16 years he went to the world, having time to live in European capitals.

It was not interesting to communicate with the models, and she devoted free time by hikes on museums, thanks to which began to understand art. Painting has become her passion, but learning in an art school quickly tired Anna: she threw the charter to draw paraffin apples.

Another hobby has become a movie. But the books up to 20 years old Zosimov read a little, which later began to consciously compensate for, intensively communicating to the global classics. She settled in Kiev, where she gained fame as a "fashionable chick of Anya Zosimov", according to her own words.


Anna felt the booming talent, which was looking for applications, and therefore began to try himself in all directions. For example, wrote poems and photographed. Working the model, she was able to see the process of creating clothes - from sketches and selection of fabric to fit and final incarnation. Zosidovova It seemed that the design of clothes was on the shoulder, and she began to create his own collection.

The experiments of Anna Parents were financed, and when they faced financial difficulties, the girl had to suspend the work of the designer and to be laid out in anticipation of a great idea. At that time, she continued to engage in modeling and still mastered the DJ remote.

In 2017, Zosimov decided to start a musical career, took a pseudonym "on the face" and spoke with the debut rapper album "in the city of the former." The plate was saturated with provocative texts, abnormative vocabulary and post. Then she introduced the clip to the composition "In every girl". However, Rap was not close to Anna, who had long dreamed of working with the genre of Chanson.

Her dream came true in 2020, when, together with the frontman of the group "Pask" Petar Martych, she created the album "Song is a holiday". The disk was impregnated with romance of their own relationship - mutual recognition, joint travels, turbulent quarrels and hot reconciliation. They really left the dates in Tunisia, as it comes in the song "The whole world is not enough." The release was warmly met criticized and called a bright attempt to react the genre of Chanson by giving him retro chic.

Personal life

First Dramas Personal Life The girl experienced in his youth. She dedicated to them the track "Pokhalla", who calls the song about Romeo and Juliet from Donbass. When an armed conflict has begun on his native land, her beloved with his family went to the Crimea, and they lost the opportunity to see.

Then in the biography of the girl there were an abusive relationship, where she faced a strong moral pressure, which wakes up in the track "City of Former". But she managed to break an unhealthy connection with minimal losses.

She met the musician Petar Martych in Moscow, where he came to the festival "Picnic" of the posters "." They liked each other, they drank wines together, and then they were drove in different cities.

Since the autumn of 2017, romantic correspondence began, after which Zosimov gathered things and moved from Kiev to Moscow, settled by the guy. He helped her to organize a concert in the Russian capital, introduced to his friends and made part of the musical part.

Their romantic union soon became creative. They seemed to be a harmonious in love with a couple, however, they broke up, and in March 2021, the singer told that they actually hidden behind the perfect picture. She told the feminist portal Wonderzine history of their relationship, which from the very beginning seemed unhealthy, and eventually turned into a painful dependence, where there was a place for emotional and physical violence.

In an extensive monologue, Anna signed up, as the guy was intended by her, refused to give her money and forced to go to work, criticized her taste and style of clothing, insisted on the changes, looked down the merits, shouted and resorted to the manual design. At the same time, the musician cheated a friend.

According to Zosidovoy, she faced with the rejection of creativity and disregard. Her body began to respond to pressing diseases, and a psyche - panic attacks, but the girl continued to tolerate and was unable to break toxic relationships.

Petar commented on the situation, setting out his gaze. The diametrically opposite interpretations of events former lovers recalled Thiller David Fincher "disappeared." According to Martic, this Anna demonstrated inadequate behavior and aggressive reactions, dismissed his hands, controlled his calls, correspondence and occupied the whole ether.

The musician immediately warned the girl that he could not provide her full content, but she continued to demand financial support, saying: "I am not inspired now to work, you know, I must want it myself."

The guy assures that he never raised his hand on a girlfriend, but Zosimov once broke his finger, which even seemed funny to her. Petar, he said, was not going to talk about personal problems and inadequate Anna, even when she began to talk about him unpleasant things in front of common familiar on the stand-speeches. But after the publication of the article, Martich's reputation received a crushing blow, and he could no longer be silent.

Anna Zosimova now

After an interview with Anton Danilov in Wonderzine Zosimov became the person under discussion. In "Twitter", "Instagram" and other social networks, a wave of sympathy votes supported the girl, while Petar Martich ran into open persons. The guy and his group were removed from the Moscow sites, with the result that March 23, 2021 "Pask" suspended activities.

Anna continues to create a DJ console and modeling a model business, but her home dream is to take place as the author and performer of their own songs. Zosimov lives in Moscow, engaged in the dog of the Lime Breed of Siba Inu, which was heading with Martarich, and supports activity in social networks, where its fresh photos are regularly appearing.

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