Kegan Messing - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Figure, Brother, Skate America, married 2021



Keigan Messing is a single figure who has previously speaking under the flag of the United States, and is now a member of the Cell Canada. The victory athlete alternates with defeats, but conquers the hearts of the audience a charming smile and a tendency to risky jumping and elements of elevated complexity - in particular, to hydrospillats (hydrobine).

Childhood and youth

The future figure skater was born on January 23, 1992 in the resort suburb of Ankorridge - Girwood, in the family of fire. The father of Kigan and his two brothers - the American, and the mother - the Canadian, born in the capital of Alberta, Edmonton's province. The athlete since birth has citizenship both USA and Canada.

In figure skating, the young resident of Alaska fell in love with 2 years, after viewing on the TV speeches of Elvis Stall at the Olympic Games in the Norwegian Lillehammer. The boy admired and jumps the boy jumped up and began to repeat all movements for the athlete.

At the age of 3, the king first went on ice. The first trainer of Messing became Ann Durham. In childhood, the athlete tried forces in a double riding, speaking with Ellie Gottestein.

Figure skating

The highest junior achievement of Kigan was the second place among the peers at the US Championship 2009. In 2010, the guy debuted in the US adult team, and from 2014 he stands for the country of maple leaf.

At the 2018 Canadian Championship, Messing won bronze and received a ticket to the Olympic Games in Pytenchhan, where he took the 12th place in the overall standings.

In April 2019, Kygan on the demonstration performances of the World Command Championship in the Japanese city of Fukuoka appeared in the image of Tarzan with naked torso. Although the native of Girwood took 6th place on this championship from 12, the demonstration dance of the figure was remembered to the audience.

At CS Autumn Classic International 2019 competitions, held in September 2019 in Ontario, Messing won a bronze medal. At the award ceremony of the winners of the "autumn classics", Messing kept in his hands the Japanese flag in honor of the Army Championship triumpham - Yudzuru Khani.

Personal life

In October 2018, Kygan offered his hand and heart Lane Khodson - the girl, which the skater knew since childhood and with which he met two and a half years. To present the engagement ring, the guy chose a place in the mountains near Ancorridge. Returning home after the working day, Lane first in the bayonets perceived the idea of ​​the hour to go up on a picnic, but succumbed to Kigan's persuasion.

Messing seemed to have provided everything. Welded a favorite female girl with sausage in advance. Took with me water, cocoa, a little milk, awning in case of rain, foam mat and a sleeping bag, primus and fuel for him.

In the mountains of Kigan and Lane, they pursued troubles: the wind blew through 15 meters per second, drizzled rain. The figure skater and his chosen was not able to get to the point that the athlete conceived as a place of delivery of the ring under the stars, and shelled in the first greeted cave. However, when Messing tried to regret the primus, it turned out that the lighter was forgotten at home.

Keigan thought that Lane would not agree to tie life with such an inattentive guy, as he, but still got on one knee and stretched out the box with a rings of a girl. Contrary to expectations, the elect answered an athlete consent. Messing and Khodson got married in the summer of 2019.

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The first dance at the wedding newlyweds performed under the song Perfect Englishman Ed Shiran. The same single Kygan chose as music for a short program of season 2019/2020.

Unfortunately, in the personal life of the figure in 2019, tragedy occurred. An athlete's younger brother was crashed on the motorcycle - Pakson, the difference in the age of which Kigan was only a year and a half. In the epitaph published on the Messing page in "Instagram", the skater wrote that the deceased was not only a relative, but also the closest friend, ready to always listen and help. Memory Panson Keigan devoted an indicative performance under the composition of Brian Adams Hera I am on Skate America in October 2019.

Athlete whose height is 165 cm, with pleasure plays with nephews. In Stram-Account Lane often appear a photo of his two dogs - Malamute and Lochmata Korany.

Kygan Messing now

A corona infection pandemic put an imprint on the schedule of mission competitions and other skaters. Due to quarantine measures, Skate Canada International 2020 and the Canadian Championship in figure skating 2021 were canceled. On the Grand Prix 2020, in the absence of a comrade for the national team, Stephen Gogolev, Kygan received a bronze medal. In January 2021, a native of Girwood in training performed the element forbidden in figure skating - flip back. Fortunately, the jump went for an athlete without injury.

On February 25, 2021, the media reported that Messing became the only official participant from Men-Canadians at the World Cartoon Championships in Stockholm. Nguyen and Roman Sadovsky entered the reserve of the Canadian national team. On March 25, 2021, Keigan, like his rivals, spoke with a short program and, gaining a 93.51 points, took the fifth place in the standings, on the first two lines of which the Japanese Judzur Khan and Yuma Caglia. According to the results of the competition, Messing is located in the sixth place.


  • 2009 - US Championship Pristant to Junior
  • 2018 - Silver winner of the Canadian Championship
  • 2019, 2020 - Bronze Camera Championship Canada

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