Show "Music Intuition" - Photo, History of the Project, Rules, News, TNT, Show, 2021, Songs, Participants



In early 2021, TNT television channel launched a detective musical format "Music intuition" - Teleigru, uniting humor, songs and intelligent quiz. Show business stars have to determine who of the performers not well-known by him owns a voice. And you need to do it even before the vocals standing in front of them singer.

History of creation

"Musical intuition" - a licensed analogue of the French project Good Singers TV channel TF-1, in turn, based on Turkish format Is That Really Your Voice ("Is it true of your voice?"), In which teams from star participants are trying to choose good singers from 12 unknown performers, not knowing their capabilities.

Turkish format was repeatedly accused of plagiarism - illegal adaptation of the Korean show I CAN See Your Voice ("I can see your voice"). The invited starry artist must exclude bad singers out of 6 unknown performers. At the end of the star sings in a duet with the remaining candidate for the "scene of truth." The victorious singer gets a chance to release a digital single, and if a bad performer wins, the prize is about 300 thousand rubles.

Despite the earlier date of the Turkish Show (2013 against 2015), in the history of the project, the original format was significantly different from the modern. For the premiere of the Chinese version, it was adapted using the elements of the Korean program, which are now being followed by viewers in more than 20 countries of the world. In November 2020, it was announced that the rights to the format I CAN SEE Your Voice were redeemed by the "Russia-1" channel, but as a result, the transfer with similar rules was reached on TNT.

Creation of "musical intuition" Producer TNT Arkady Vodakhov explained by the desire to refresh the format of a musical show in Russia, mixing music and a detective and receiving a project at the exit that only positive emotions bearing.

To the casting of the project that started in October 2020, people who love to sing, regardless of whether they can do it or not are invited. The final choice of performers is made in equal proportions so that the number of vocalists coincided with the number of "sticks".

At the same time, a musical and humorous project with a multi-million audience makes sense for novice performers not less than that of popular competitive format programs, because impressive performances have chances of becoming viral networks. You can continue to get acquainted with the artists after the ether you can with the help of tags on their instagram profiles in the photo in the official pass account.

The first edition of the program was published on Saturday broadcast on February 27, 2021.

Essence and rules

In each release of the show take part in 6 star participants, divided into 2 teams of 3 people. The captains of the teams are well-known singers, among other members enter the comedic genre stars, designed to ask the project to the tone through the prism of humor, residents of TNT, actors, bloggers from Social Networks "Yutyub", "Instagram" and "Titstok".

The teams are 10 unfamiliar performers of various sexes and age, one of which has the status of Joker and appears only in the final tour. Half of them are real artists, and others are lovers sing in karaoke.

At the beginning of the first round called "acquaintance", the presenter tells the fact from the biography of each of the 9 performers, disclosing his path to the scene. On the basis of the heard information, each team selects 2 participants with whom it would like to get acquainted closer - based on video sinks.

After that, the team should choose a well-singing performer - this can be done both from 2 just represented and from other candidates. The singer gets a chance to speak and show a musical talent. If he sings well, the chosen team earns 30 thousand rubles. For the wrong choice of 10 thousand rubles. Gets a team of rivals.

In the second round, the "Silhouette" teams are again chosen by 2 participants who are sent to sing per screens. Stars see only the silhouette and hear a voice that either belongs to the performer or is a trap. Teams are important to observe the scenic movements of the participants and work with the microphone. In the case of the right choice, the guessing team receives 50 thousand rubles.

In the Round "DemoPrega", each team chooses 1 participant, whose studio record they would like to hear. At the same time, the tracks are distorted beyond recognition, and the level of singing needs, rather, guess the facial expressions of the performers. The prize for the right guess - 70 thousand rubles.

To the final round of "Duets" by the captains of the teams should be approached so as to successfully choose 1 of the remaining 3 participants and joining the Joker to perform a duet. In the case of the right choice, the team receives 100 thousand rubles. The funds won in the program are sent to charitable funds, and 2 of the glory remaining without a minute demonstrate their data during final titles.


The leading show is Azamat Musagaliev, the participant of the comedy project "Once in Russia" and the leading entertainment transmission "Where is the logic?". The producers of the project noted the rare professionalism of Musagaliyev, while simultaneously going on the scenario, while a lot and appropriate improvising holding the pace and not giving the ether to sign.

Creative Production Products - Participants Comedy Club Production Konstantin Obukhov and Danykina, who previously submitted to TNT such shows as "songs", "You like me" and "Secret."

Participants and winners

In the first issue of the 1st season of the project, Sergei Lazarev's team fought (with the Comedy Club resident Ilya Sobolev and Comedy Woman, Catherine Woman) and Ivan Dorna (with the participants of the "improvisation" Anton Shaztun and "Once in Russia" Denis Dorokhov). In the final, Sergey Lazarev fulfilled the "very heart" with a singing programmer Marina Shebanova, and Ivan Dorn sang "Bear is guilty" with deftly deceived Star Yaroslav Princes. The Lazarev team won with a budget of 280 thousand rubles. against 70 thousand rubles. The won bank is listed in the "Line Life" Charitable Foundation and the Super Supplies.

Alexey Chumakov included in the number of star heroes of the following series, brilliantly speaking with a master of stretch ceilings by Vladislav Firsov; Basta, sneezing with a smokingman Natalia Malyshkin, as well as Juliana Karaulova, Egor Creed, Valery Meladze and Vera Brezhnev.

Among the successfully performed artists - the actress of the TV series "Dlatti" and the participant of the group Planet of Ra Daria Pizik, the soloist of the airborne troops ensemble Ivan Baranov, Singer and Ticottoker Vaagn Minas, young talents Shamil Ibadov and Maria Gordeva, Parodist Adelina Minibaev, Winner "Battle of Beauty "Elena Taranenko. Opera performers also distinguished themselves: tenor, a member of the PER4MEN quartet Dmitry Mazansky, the participant of the Bulgarian show "Voice" Maria Dimitrov, singing Adagio, and the Comedy Woman resident Olesya Yapparov.

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