Juris Laucins - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, Latvian actor, movies, TV series



Juris Laucinsh is the actor, in the filmography of which there was no main role. However, playing secondary characters in films and serials, the artist was often superior to the persuasiveness of colleagues, reincarnated in central heroes.

Childhood and youth

The future master of the episode was born on 25 May 1957 in Daugavpils - the second in the population of the city of Latvian SSR. About the early biography of Laucins is known little. At school, Juris studied badly, but the first of the children responded to the suggestion of the teacher to start studying in the drama.

Slightly matured, the young man became a member of the troupe of the People's Theater. After school, Juris worked the driver and on the first attempt came at the Schukinskaya school in Moscow, but he graduated from the Acting personnel only 12 years after receiving a student ticket. The cause of numerous deductions and - as a result - long-term training of Laucins in "Pike" was a prediction of the native of Daugavpils to alcohol. Between the deductions and recovery in the university, Juris played in theaters, participated in the gold mining in the desert Kyzylkum and the geological expedition on the Pechora River.

Laucins has become one of the last citizens of the Soviet Union, who passed the exam on scientific communism. The 31-year-old student closed the debt on the discipline on the last June day of 1988, and since July 1, the study of this subject in universities of the USSR was canceled.

Personal life

Laucins's many years of alcoholism imposed an imprint on the personal life of the actor. After 18 years of marriage from the artist, Zoya's wife was gone, who gave the beauty of his beautiful daughter Into.

The actor was seriously worried about the collapse of the family and unemployment and repeatedly tried to commit suicide. However, suicide attempts were failed, and in 2005, the native of Daugavpils voluntarily spent the quarter in a psychiatric clinic.

It was there on behalf of Alexey Herman, the older, who was preparing for the shooting "It is difficult to be God", Laucins found representatives of the director who wanted to remove Juris in the role of a monk. Although after samples the actor was able to create the work of the Strugatsky brothers in the adaptation, the executioner, in the man, in the past suffering from alcoholism, began sober and fruitful biography period. The tape "It is difficult to be God" was released after the death of the director with his son and the namesake Alexei Hermann - younger and went on screens only at the end of 2013.


In his youth, Juris played the athlete-skier Konstantin Nakakomonov in the drama of the Vsevolod Plotkin on the scenario of Valery Takery MiG Good luck, the images of the main characters in which Nikolai Karachentsov created, Boris Shcherbakov and Yuri Vizbor. However, in the future, the director was invited to the native of Latvia mainly on the role of alcoholics, homeless and gangsters.

Such and the character of Laucins in the drama Andrei Konchalovsky "Glyanets" - a drinking father of the central heroine Gali Fedor. In an interview, the actor claimed that he tried to dissuade the director from the filming of the episode, in which he had to go naked in the village, calling the scene "Erotic Suspenitz". But Andrei Sergeevich was adamant. In order for Juris to be not so painful to sit naked on firewood, the semblance of a nest was built in Flource.

Juris Laucins - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, Latvian actor, movies, TV series 2587_1

In the second season of the Master Serial Criminal Detective "Volkova Hour", Laucins was reincarnated in three characters - the gardener in the 16th series, grandfather - in the 17th and Nikolai Keguger - in the 19th, called the film Danny Boyla, - "Shallow Grave" . Juris also starred in such popular TV shows as Sklifosovsky, Lesnik and Foundry. In the film, Andrei Smirnov, which was then transformed into the series "Once there was one woman", the native of Latvia reincarnated in the yurody.


Laucins died on December 23, 2013 in the capital of Russia. The cause of the death of the artist was the recurrence of the oncological disease, struck the lungs and throat. In addition, a year before the death of Juris in the suburbs, a car was shot down, which led to fractures of both legs, and since the native of Latvia kilometer will crack over the snow without gloves, and to frostbite of the hands.

The funeral of Laucins has passed in Daugavpils, and the funeral - in Riga. The grave of the actor is located on the Palavniek cemetery of the Latvian capital. After 4 years, on the same graveyard found the last shelter of the artist of the Riga Theater of the Russian Drama Rodion Gordienko, in his youth starred in the films "underground" and the "Army" of the Wagtomagon "again in battle."


  • 1977 - "MIG Good luck"
  • 1985 - "Rough Land"
  • 1991 - "Laughty"
  • 2007 - "Hounds"
  • 2009 - "Heart of Captain Nemova"
  • 2010 - "Escape"
  • 2011 - "Fugitives"
  • 2011 - "Siberia. Mon amyr"
  • 2012 - "Road to emptiness"
  • 2012 - "Gold" Gloria "
  • 2012 - "Chkalov"
  • 2013 - "Price of Life"
  • 2013 - "Queen of Bandits"
  • 2013 - "Returns"
  • 2014 - "Long Way Home"
  • 2014 - "Thro. Simple guys-5 "

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