Kirsi Clems - biography, personal life, photos, news, films, "instagram", "League of justice Zack Snider" 2021



American actress Kirsi Clems became famous for roles in youth films and serials. Artist's filmography includes dozens of works, including comedies, dramas, militants and fantasy.

Childhood and youth

Kirsi was born on December 17, 1993 in Pensacolala, Florida. She grew up in the family of the military, so it was forced to travel in various US cities on the debt of the father's service - a maritime officer. As a result, Clemons together with his parents and three sisters settled in Southern California.

She was living, moving and artistic since childhood, was fond of theater and music, and the passion for speeches came to her at an early age. The girl adored to copy famous characters, gladly participated in the school musicals of the business card of Kirsi became an open radiant smile.

Clems early realized that the acting game is not a photo session and red carpet tracks, and hard work. After graduating from school in Redondo Beach, California, the girl decided to build a career in Hollywood. She began to walk on listening, in parallel working at Abercrombie Kids. And Kirsi wrote stories.


What kind of diverse roles did not get the performer, she tries to invest in them a piece of themselves, whether the style of clothing, a sense of humor, devotion to friends or originality of the point of view.

The acting biography of Clemons began in 2010 with participation in the adolescent music series "Dance Fever". Following it, there were insignificant episodes in other projects (Austin and Ellie, "C.S.I.: The crime scene", "hold on, Charlie!"), While in 2014, the girl finally received the role of Bianchi in the series "Obvious". For this work, Kirsi nominated for the Foundation Award of the Young Actor. She didn't receive the prize then, but it came to the focus of the attention of producers and directories.

In 2015, the film "Drug", the premiere of which was held at the Sandance Independent Cinema Festival. Youth comedy met complacent reviews of critics and spectators and was even sent to the Cannes Film Festival. Clemons received the role of Cassandra Andrews Award Black Reel Awards as the best female breakthrough of the year.

At the same time, the actress joined the Casta of the popular series "New", where he played a small, but a vivid role. In addition to this, Kirsi was noted by participation in the projects of "Komatozniki", "Antebellum", "Volchonok", "Lady and Tragging", and also voiced the cartoons of the "Horse Bodjek" and "Scoobi-Du."

Personal life

The actress calls himself to Quir, that is, it ranks towards sexual minorities. Back in the film "Drug", she tried on the role of a lesbian teenager and in the personal life of Kirsi also gives preference to women.

With the current friend of Ebony de la He, she met Fiji during the filming of the film "Cute" in 2017. They were similar to the type of figures, and Ebony was a cockler Clems, performing complex underwater tricks, with the thought of which her girlfriend still shudders. By the end of the shooting, the girls were inseparable, but de la He, Australian by origin, lived at that moment in Singapore. They supported relationships at a distance, and then Ebony moved to live in the United States to her beloved.

They settled together in a cozy house with a swimming pool in the California Valley. Time Quarantine Girls was worried about a couple, occupying themselves with workouts, watching movies, television shows and food absorption, brought delivery services.

Girlfriends differ in temperament, but coincide according to the basic values: they can easily agree on both policy issues and the upcoming dinner menu. They love to argue hot, travel and dance.

On the "Instagram" page, Kirsi demonstrates joint photos, considering it an important statement to support other same-sex couples who are not solved to declare their love in all. The actress is confident that Quir-couples also deserve healthy, sustainable relationships, like hetero.

Kirsi Clems now

Now Kirsi is a sought-after Hollywood actress with a busy shooting schedule. In 2021, a number of prime, the loudest one was held with Clemons, the loudest of which is the "League of Jack Snidder", where she played Iris West. The American debuted in this role back in 2016, but in the final version of the picture of the scene with its character were cut out.

Kirsi Clems - biography, personal life, photos, news, films,

Now Clemons not only appeared in the director's version of the superhero militant, but also moved to another film of the Universe DC - Flash, the date of the premiere of which is November 4, 2022. There Kirsi still appeared in the image of Iris, Flash wives (Barry Allen), which Ezra Miller played.


  • 2010 - "Dance Fever!"
  • 2013 - "Austin and Ellie"
  • 2014-2015 - "Obvious"
  • 2015 - "Drug"
  • 2015 - "Pleasant in appearance"
  • 2015-2016 - "New"
  • 2015 - "Outside"
  • 2017 - "The only living guy in New York"
  • 2017 - "Komatozniki"
  • 2018 - "Angie Tybek"
  • 2020 - "Antebellum"
  • 2021 - "League of Justice Zack Snider"
  • 2022 - "Flash"

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