Stepan Gaidarov - biography, personal life, photos, news, college, "instagram", STS, Krasnodar, "Titstok" 2021



In the spring of 2021, several young residents of the Russian regional center on the Kuban River, possessing Eastern appearance, became parties to television reality shows. Krasnodka Ekaterina Pan by the time of filming in the project "You_Top-Model" on TNT not only graduated from school, but also succeeded in the chosen profession (the photo of beauties appeared on the pages of Vogue and Feroce Magazine magazines). Katin Persetnik, Krasnodatar Stepan Gaidarov by 17 years passed Casting to the College program on the CTC channel.


About the age of Gaidarov goes discussions. In the video laid out on the page in Tiktok, the guy in 2021 was surprised at why subscribers think that he was 21 years old. The fact is that in various stepan accounts, different dates of the birth of the participant of the College show are indicated. There is a record claiming that the young man was born in March 2000.

In reality, Gaidarov was born on March 6, 2003 in Chita, in a large family. At the time of casting in the show and shooting, a guy, like 4 more participants (Vladislav Semenov, Anne Solodovnik, Valery Yurasov and Enrique Sanchez) was 17 years old. Five offsprings, including Stepa and younger sister Angelina, mother raises without the help of the biological father of children. The young man confessed: he repeatedly regretted that he was not the only child in the family, and complained about the lack of parental attention in the process of growth and adults.

Personal life

There is practically nothing about Stepan's personal life. On the page in VKontakte, the young resident of Krasnodar reports that the girlfriend is now "in active search". About the good Heart of the young man testifies to the repost in Account Gaidarov recording about the collection of funds for the treatment of 3-year-old Alexandra Makarova, in need of bone marrow transplant.

The main thing in people Stepan believes humor and vitality, and the main in life is a career and money. In order to achieve fame, the guy developed a page in Tiktok, but alcohol disturbances prevented Gaidarov's studies.


As the native writes chita in instagram account, he went to the project "College" to prove to himself and mother, which is capable of abandoning bad habits and take up the mind. Helped to start a new life to the participants of the reality show, which many viewers are compared with the "Patches", experienced teachers (including the Mentor of the boys Valery Latko), strict rules and physical work.

Already during the filming of the first issue of the project shown on March 16, 2021, Stepan forgot about the good intentions, carried into the territory of College, alcohol and got drunk, becoming with Valery Yurasov and Veronica with Dmitrievsky challengers. According to the rules of a reality show in each issue of one nominee for the deduction, teachers can save, and the other - the team of participants. Gaidarov is very grateful to comrades in the "College" who made a veto on his expulsion.

In the second issue of the project, Stepan, along with other participants in the project, worked for a cattle. According to the memoirs of Gaidarov, published in his instagram account, there was an unforgettable smell in the barn. Psychologists of College characterized the young resident of the capital of Kuban as a fragile and vulnerable young man.

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