Victor Cherepanov - biography, personal life, photo, news, "college", "Titstok", "Instagram", Shkotovo, "VKontakte" 2021



Resentment on parents, lack of entertainment, besides alcohol, hatred for father - all this is very consonant with the concept of "happy childhood." But it was this fate that was prepared by Viktor Cherepanov, which from infancy got used to a similar situation.


The participant of the TV project "College" was born on July 15, 2004 in the village of Urban-type Shkotovo Primorsky Krai. Childhood of a hard teenager to call happy is impossible - while the mother worked, the boy from morning to night watched only one picture - a drunken father.

These memories from the early biography left an indelible mark. Vitya never walked with her parents in the zoo or attractions. No one was interested in his dreams and desires, and financial difficulties contributed to school bullying.

Member of the College Project Victor Cherepanov from the village of Shkotovo

Relations with the Father were greatly influenced by the character of the native Shkotovo. The lack of a decent example for imitation and even hatred of his native person led to the fact that now Victor does not recognize authorities. And besides, he went the same path as his father.

Personal life

On the page in VKontakte, Cherepanov put the status of "civil marriage". However, officially participant in the project "College" did not imagine his companion, and the details of personal life did not advertise. In his instagram account, many photos with the opposite sex - a high and attractive guy, obviously, did not experience difficulties in communicating with the girls.

In many ways, Victor's popularity was his passion for the social network "Titstok". The young man himself is called "the main tictoker in the village" and dreams of glory and financial supply.

For shooting short rollers of the turtles attracted friends. However, in the company with fellow villagers, the guy not only engaged in the development of the blog. More often, adolescents went to local discos and saw alcohol.

Due to the hobby, Victor constantly swore with his mother. Lyudmila was forced to look for a son at night on the streets of the village and pass home with scandals. The woman did not want the heir to repeat the fate of his father and subsequently became the same detrimental example for his own children.

Project "College"

Participation in the transfer on the CTC channel gave a chance to Viktor to change life. The project started on March 15, 2021, and the day when Cherepanov got there, he also considers today the happiest.

The essence of the TV show was reduced to the correction of difficult teenagers. The guys took away the gadgets, deprived them of the opportunity to paint, wear fashionable clothes. Instead of idle attributes, participants received much more - living communication, expert advice, new friends and an alternative to harmful habits.

Throughout the first week, the Victor project held aside, a little communicated with the rest of the participants and looked at the new setting. But over time, the native Shkotovo began to open more. And at the same time he felt colossal support from mentors, thinking about fate.

An interesting episode in the barn allowed the young man who was 16 years old at the time of arrival at the show, to realize - his childhood passed in the same dirt. Cherepanova wanted to break the vicious circle and find another path.

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