Kristina Babchenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, "instagram", filmography, figure 2021



The young actress from Vladivostok Kristina Babchenko went to the capital with determination to conquer the Russian filmcene. Though the path and was a thorny, with each month of life in Moscow, the artist was becoming increasingly popular, receiving roles in popular TV projects.

Childhood and youth

Kristina Vladimirovna Babchenko was born on September 21, 1991. From 2021 he protrudes under the name Sobolev.

As a child, Christine was fond of sports dancing and professionally performed in European and Latin American programs, and also engaged in figure skating.

In 2013, Babchenko graduated from the Far Eastern State Academy of Arts in Vladivostok, where he was engaged in the specialty "acting art". Within the framework of the course, the girl took possession of the necessary professional skills, including the ability to reincarnate and get into the image, passed additional dance training and training to the art of fencing. The regional press noted the bright, filled with drama, the execution of the Christina role of Nastya in the graduation play "Blaz."


After the release of the 2nd season, Christine served in the troupe of the Primorsky Academic Regional Drama Theater named after M. Gorky in Vladivostok. Among the main roles Babchenko: Louise in the "Lady for the Day" Oleg Danilova, Marina in "Life" by Vitaly Pavlova, Elena Lovely in the Fairy Tale "Foreign - Clear Sokol" and Cinderella in the Spectacle of the same name, as well as Kitty Shcherbatskaya in Anna Karenina.

The role in Anna Karenina was also the first role of Christina in the film - travel notes of the "Karenin and I" of the Italian film director Tommaso Mottols, telling about how His spouse, the Norwegian Theater Actress Görild Mauss went to the Russian Vladivostok. Her goal was the desire to play a major role in the Russian-speaking formulation of the drama on the novel of Leo Tolstoy.

In 2015, Babchenko opened a new page of the biography, moved to Moscow with the desire to conquer the capital and "break through" into the movie industry. But on samples and listening to the Far Eastern diploma, the actresses responded somewhat ironically. Then Christina decided to enroll in the Moscow university. Babchenko has become a student of the workshop of Nikolai Lazarev in Gitis, from where in 2020 he released with a red diploma. In the final performance of "8 loving women" actress played the role of Louise.

In parallel, Christine was engaged in the School of Cinema and Television "Industry", in 2016, which briefly served in the Moscow theater and film studio "Cherdak", where he performed the role of Nastya in the play "The Fate of the Lord". In an entrepreneurial project, Myusikle My Little Pony, Christina played spark.


The road to the movie Young Actress opened participation in December 2016 in the launch site for beginner artists, the VII of the creative acting laboratory at the AMEDIA film company. Babchenko won not only the money prize for the third place at the competition, but also received an invitation to shoot in the projects "Amedia", the first of which became the project "Celebrated". He was followed by episodic roles in the TV shows and films "Unknown", the "last chance", "bullet", "Streets".

Kristina Babchenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress,

The roles of nurses in the outer detective "bullet" (NTV), a young actress Nastya Vaskovoy in the TV series "Casanova" (Channel One) and Inspector Fisheweds Vasilisa in Special Forces are becoming more visible in Christina filmography. Also in 2020, Babchenko appeared in the TV series "For Life" ("Dange").

Personal life

Christina Babchenko openly talks about the Personal Life Peripets in an interview. In his youth, the girl was brought up in rigor, until 18 years old father-sailor did not let Kristina on the discos and in the nightclubs, causing returning home before the start of darkness.

Love - Actress became acquainted with a young man in the Moscow cafe during the tour of the Primorsky Theater in the capital. But nothing serious from the relationship did not come out, and the young man disappeared without a trace. Christina's parting was always calm, believing that such fate was.

According to the actress, she will impress men with charisma, artistry and intelligence, similar to the hero of the series "Kazanova" Igor April. At the very beginning of filming, this project had an intimate scene with Anton Khabarov. The girl believes that the footage turned out to be beautiful, although Christine itself, the relationship shown in the film is not close - the actress thinks: before passing passion, you need to know a person well.

Having survived the unpleasant cases with betrayal girlfriends, Babchenko does not like to close people to him. Now the actress supports communication only with those familiar in which she is sure.

The mother of Christina considers Elena's mother, who always helped actress work on roles - to grow up from the moment of distribution to the premiere.

Christina Babchenko now

At the end of 2020, the actress played in the 4-serial romantic melodraman "Convening Love" Arthur Romanian. Shooting passed in Moscow and Kaluga. Oleg Nazarov and Oksana Skakun became partners of Babchenko on the project. The premiere took place in 2021 on the TV channel "Daviving".

The appearance of an actress on October 2, 2020 was noticeable on a red carpet leading to the Moscow International Film Festival (MMKF) in the Moscow Hall "Russia. RIA Novosti noted that Babchenko decided to repeat the output of Angelina Jolie on Oscare in 2012 and also posing, putting his right leg. At the same time, Christine chose a dress with a similar bold neck to the hip, but another shade and of a softer tissue, due to which the yield of the Russian actress turned out to be risky, but not causing.


  • 2017 - "Karenina and I"
  • 2018 - "bullet"
  • 2020 - "For the sake of life"
  • 2020 - "Kazanova"
  • 2021 - "Reserved Special Forces"
  • 2021 - "Convening Love"

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