Greg Rega - biography, personal life, photo, news, "Well, all together!", Song Chandelier 2021



As a child, Greg Rega did not even think about the career of the artist, but fate still led him to the scene. The celebrity talent has become a discovery both in the native Italy for him and in Russia, where he became a member of the popular program "Well, all together!".

Childhood and youth

Gregorio Raga was born on April 30, 1987 in the city of Rokkarainol, the province of Naples. The future celebrity has surrounded the music that the boy listened to at home and at concerts, where he went with his father and brother. But it took the time to discover the vocal talent and sabotage.

Gregorio began his creative path late, in his opinion. The young man was already 20, but he realized that he did not want to engage more than anything else. At first he studied at local teachers, and then went to Rome to take over the experience of Fulvio Tomano.

Improving the musical terms, Raga gradually realized what genres most come to him. The artist chose Soul for himself and later played on holidays, on the scenes of clubs and even on the streets. But truly to declare celebrities managed only in 2015 as a member of The Voice of Italy ("Voice of Italy").

Music and TV projects

In the 3rd season of the Gregorio National Show fought for the victory in the team Noah. The mentor remained delighted with the chapter talent of the ward and after the end of the project invited him to cooperate. Over the next 2 years, Raga acted as the backbone of the singer, together with which he visited the major music sites of Italy.

In parallel, the artist was engaged in solo career. Already in 2015, he presented the Debut single Semple Così, and a year later, Paura d'O Mare, recorded with Profugy and Julia Olivieri. Also Gregorio launched the author's project Greg Rega Electro Soul Experience is a group of 7 musicians playing folk and soul in modern e-tonality.

A bright moment in the biography of the celebrity was the victory in the 1st season of the show All Together Now (Italian version "Well, all together!"). In the final, the singer struck the public to the memorable execution of the SomeneBody to Love composition from the Queen group repertoire and eventually became the owner of the main prize. According to the Regulation, he did not believe in the winnings until the latter. A lot of talented vocalists played on the project, and the chance to get around them was negligible, but he succeeded.

The participant's money won decided to help the family, who supported all his creative undertakings. According to the artist, although he tried to not involve closest in his career, they had to be not easier (both financially and emotionally), so he decided to thank them for all the victims brought.

Soon after the triumph of Greg Rega presented to the song Dint All'anema on the Neapolitan dialect. The composition carries deep sadness, because it tells about the loss. The artist wrote her as soon as he learned about the death of a friend, with whom he was close in the past, but lost his connection.

The next track of the artist was called Chello Che Nun Vuò Fa CChiù and is more positive. During the creation of a single, the author was inspired by the work of American and English performers working in the genre of Soul. After the release of the song, Raga planned to devote himself to touring, but the pandemic of coronavirus infection violated his plans. Shortly before Quarantine, the singer wrote the composition Ogni Vota. She is a kind of recognition in love with music.

Personal life

By participating in the project "Voice of Italy", Greg Rega met Julia Oliviere, with whom he gained happiness in his personal life. The couple spends a lot of time together and pleases the romantic photo fans on the "Instagram" pages.

Greg Rega now

On March 21, 2021, the 4th edition of the show "Well, all together!", Whose participant was Raga. In the profile, the performer expressed the hope that he would find fans among Russians, because he knows how they love and appreciate the work of Italians.

To impress the public, Greg Rega has chosen the song Unchained Melody, used as a soundtrack for the film "Ghost" with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore in high roles. Gregorio managed to raise 95 star experts from 100 and go further.

After that, the Italian singer joined Battle with Veria Yaroshik, fulfilling the song Chandelier Singer Siai for judges. According to the results of the vocal duel, he was recognized as the winner and got the opportunity to speak in the final. Jury Chairman Sergey Lazarev stayed at such a delight from the number that he published a video on the Instagram page.

Now the artist continues to engage in creativity, pleased with new songs not only Italian, but also Russian admirers.


  • 2015 - SemPre Così
  • 2016 - Paura D'O Mare
  • 2019 - Dint All'anema
  • 2019 - Chello Che Nun Vuò Fa Cchiù
  • 2020 - Ogni Vota

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