Alexander Patlukh - biography, personal life, photo, news, co-founder "Mug", "Yandex.Practikum", programmer, children 2021



The team of Alexander Patlukha calls himself "Evangelists of free education." The young man is ready to share with like-minded knowledge at no cost. And at the same time not only gives useful information to children, helping in future career guidance, but also purposefully inspires new accomplishments.

Childhood and youth

The future programmer was born on April 9, 1988 in the city of Energodar (Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region), but in childhood with his parents moved to Russia, in Balakovo.

A boy from a young years has demonstrated curiousness and desire to comprehend new. It is not surprising that even a music school - a boy played at Domres and Balalyke into the list of patlukh.

Alexander Patlukh in childhood

Sasha studied in High School No. 16 of Balakovo, after he moved to Moscow. The first lessons of computer science produced an indelible impression on the student. In an interview, the programmer recalled how the computer with a protective screen and a black cursor looked out with interest.

Already then Plukh understood - this is his calling, and also, what kind of education is the future. Alexander managed to visit the student in several educational institutions - studied social design in MGHU named after M. A. Sholokhov, as well as management and sociology in Moscow State University.

Such an impressive educational base allowed the native of the Energodar to build a successful career. The start in the professional biography of a young man was the place of an Internet project specialist in the Best Real Estate Organization.

Plukh was not afraid to try new, so for a short time changed several areas in the work. At a certain point, I realized that it was ready not only to use the knowledge gained in the Digital-industry, but also to share it with others, so I got a lecturer in Moscow Coding School. Teaching experience in the Moscow school and pushed the idea of ​​creating a mug.

Project "Circle"

The educational project started in 2017. Attokov stood four like-minded people - Plukh, Sergey Nougaev, Alexander Bratchchik and Vlad Kyun - they met in Moscow Coding School.

The essence of the startup boiled down to the organization and conducting free courses on web development. However, the target audience of the "Mug" was not metropolitan schoolchildren, and the guys from the incomplete cities and even sat, where the information opportunities were left to desire the best.

Such a voluntary enterprise (the project is non-commercial) instantly gained grateful listeners. Although Alexander admitted - to come out with the guys to contact managed only after several meetings. Before that, the children were shy and did not even believe that such a format is in principle possible.

For the short existence of the "circle" managed to visit various places - in Votkinsk, Vyazma, the villages of the eyes and Jurust, the village of Sardoyal. Young and initiative experts came to those places from where it is customary to leave, to teach schoolchildren to create sites.

Soon the specifics of the educational campaign expanded, providing children with new opportunities. Not only the study of programming, but also courses in architecture, journalism, design and urbanism were offered.

Of a significant trip to the village of Eye. The guys offered to create a site about the place in which they live. Children were divided into groups, some practically engaged in coding, others worked on visualization and texts. Teachers helped to finalize the scheme.

The result was the resource that bloggers wrote about and even came out the story on television. Such success unexpectedly influenced and the Social Development of the village - a private investor who took the construction of a modern gym appeared at the local school.

And this is not the only success of the "mug." In an interview with Patloh, explained the meaning of his work in growing "one more Ilona Mask." One of his pupils - Mars from the city of Gus-Khrustalny first met with web development on a similar free course, and in the end he managed to enter Yandex.Lita. Another listener - Anna Corienko became a university student for programmers.

The co-founder of the project "Circle" determines the main purpose of educational activities in teaching adolescents to be interested in new and not be afraid to try. And we are not necessarily about programming - in May 2019, teenagers from Vyazma came up with and recorded several songs that resulted in a full-fledged album, "" Do not listen to anyone. "

Trips to small towns and villages, as well as direct classes with children, the patlukh team fixed on the video, which was subsequently transformed into full-fledged documentaries. Due to this, the startup information was distributed throughout the country, which only increased the popularity and recognition "Mug".

Personal life

With the future, Alexander, Alexander met in times of student. However, the wedding took place only in 2018. The programmer's spouse shares the interests of her husband - even helps him in the project, for example, invents covers for musical albums of pupils.

Patlukh does not have to share a personal life and career. Now he crosses not only at home, but also at the main place of work, in the company "Yandex.Practikum". Both are pursued by consonant goals and are in no hurry with the birth of children.

Alexander leads several pages in social networks - in Facebook and VKontakte. Accounts Programmer uses to a greater degree for the development of "Mug". However, in his archives, the lion's share occupies a photo with his wife and friends.

Alexander Patlukh now

On March 31, 2021, a film was released about the project "Circle" on Yutyub-Channel Yury Dudya. Of course, the co-founder took direct participation in the shooting, told about the charity enterprise a popular blogger.

The film was touched by not only the problems of the availability of children from the depthion. Yuri focused on another issue - about a new law regulating educational activities in Russia.

Assumptions about how this will affect the work of a non-profit project, expressed Alexander. In general, I considered a programmer, a difficult situation will arise from the directors of schools that will be faced with the choice whether to let the lecturers in an educational institution.

Plukh looks at the future with optimism. Even at the beginning of 2021, he with the team outlined points, mandatory to visit. By the way, every year, young professionals get more and more applications for work - and it only gives the strength to move in the selected direction.

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