Gregory Azarenok - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, SPT, Journalist, Minsk, Belarus, Correspondent, Attempt 2021



The name of Gregory Azarenka in Belarus has become a symbol of the current government - all reports and author's programs are devoted to the policies and exposure of the opposition. Opponents call the correspondent to the propagandist, a provocateur and a favorite of the regime, and among the supporters of Alexander Lukashenko, Azarenok is synonymous with sincerity, honor and dignity.

Childhood and youth

Gregory Yuryevich Azaroko was born in the family of Yuri Azarenka, the former chairman of the National State Television Company of Belarus. Although the 1994 of the birth of the journalist appears on a number of opposition sites, according to the own words of Gregory, he was born on October 18, 1995.

Correspondent Gregory Azarenok

Education Azarean received in the Belarusian State Academy of Arts in the specialty "Director of Cinema and Television", after which the service was held in the Armed Forces of the country, where he received the title of the corporal. In the Army, Grigory began to actively play sports and succeeded in the field of technology, having mastered the analog and digital communication stations.

Journalism and copyright projects

The name of Azarelka was not known to the general public until the end of 2019, at this time Grigory worked as a regional correspondent of the Minsk TV channel "Metropolitan television" (STTV) - traveled around the country, demonstrating the work of collective farms and factories.

For the first time about the biography of Azarenka, the country learned from the newspaper "Our Niva", published on November 20, 2019 the quotes of the political plot of a journalist, who called the country's undertaken opposition by the "Creative Collective of Clowns", "Army of Mad Boltuns" with Freudian complexes.

At the same time, the journalist discovered the canal on Yutiuba, where in one of the rollers, standing on the background of a personal library, portrait of Alexander Pushkin, a diploma and military ticket, Gregory called to pick up all bloggers in the army.

In April 2020, Azarean announced the conspiracy version of the origin of Coronavirus COVID-19, calling the disease "Dance of Coronobesia", having tieding her appearance with US biological weapons and highly appreciates the passive position of the government to counter the pandemic. According to the journalist, Alexander Lukashenko remained one of the recent politicians of the world, which preserved the courage, will and character.

During the election of the President of Belarus 2020, Azarean regularly issued plots in support of the current president. The first of them was the report on the cooperation of the candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya with the French political journalist Bernarrome-Henri Levi, called the reporter "Author of color revolutions". Azarean publicly accused the headquarters of the candidate in intention to build in Belarus "Swamp Conditioner" and assured that there is an "experience in the fight against creeping units and a quagger."

An interview with Azarenka with the commander of the riot police of Minsk Dmitry Balaba, historian Vadim Gigin and Brest blogger Alexei Golikov. The correspondent told that accustomed to life against the background of daily threats, but promised to "finish the revolution." The journalist's messengers came in 100 posts per day, and opponents have achieved the closure of the reporter's instagram account.

After the illumination of the cruel acceleration of opposition rallies, where the SU correspondent compared the protesters with the Nazis, the name of Azarelka was introduced into sanctions lists of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

In September 2020, Gregory became the first journalist admitted to the center of insulation of offenders, where, according to numerous testimonies, torture was tortured. Azarenok showed ideal conditions of detention in the posted photo and report.

In November 2020, Elena Bondarenko, the mother of the deceased member of the protests of Roman Bondarenko, filed to Gregory in connection with the use of the "dances on the bones" secretly made by the security officials of the telephone conversations of his wife and mother of the opposition.

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Another accusation against the journalist put forward a colleague from the BelSAT TV channel Igor Ilyash, accusing Azarenka in violation of the secret of correspondence - personal messages from the Facebook network were used in reports, access to which police were received through a confiscated computer. In the initiation of criminal cases was denied.

At the end of the year, the TV presenter received a premium from the Belarusian Union of Journalists "Golden Bison" in the nomination "For resistance in the profession".


In early July 2021 it became known: an attempt was preparing for the life and health of the political observer. The public about the occurrence learned from the president when he covered the activities of the so-called "sleeping terrorist cells".

The head of state, during a speech, spoke about some "non-defense detachments of Belarus", followed by coordinators from Germany, Lithuania, Germany and the United States. The purpose of these organizations is the violent change of power in the country.

Alexander Lukashenko reassured the audience by the fact that law enforcement agencies managed to prevent a number of shares. Among them is a terrorist act against Gregory Azarenka.

According to the head of the country, the observer has already tried to kidnap three times. Work was carried out with the parents of the journalist who agreed to promote operations - it was about the hypothetical penetration of attackers in the apartment. But they did not dare they.

The attack on Gregory was committed on July 1. On the video, it can be seen how Azarean has resistance to two men, after which they are delayed. Subsequently, the name of one of the defendants of the case was known - Dmitry Sosnovsky.

Grigory himself, whom Alexander Lukashenko called the "real man," gave a small comment about what happened. The young man told that he was already dangerous when his father filmed the film "Hate. Children lie "- Then towards the boy voiced the threats. Therefore, now, gave an understanding of Azarenok, it will not be possible to intimidate it.

Personal life

A personal life for the public a young journalist does not exhibit.

The main hobby Gregory Azarenka - reading. As a child, the father read the Grisha is not a fairy tale, but books on history and state-owned device. Now the Son prefers the classics, often reading and on the way to work in the subway and trolleybus. He has a personal library of 3 thousand books.

Gregory Azarenok now

The new project of Azarelka began in 2021 the author's heading "Order of Judah", where the presenter talked about the "rebuilt" - famous personalities who went to the opposition. There were stories about Angelica Agurbash, singer and model, journalists Evgenia Perlin and Denis Dudinsky.

In February 2021, an English Language teacher Olga Kalatskaya was detained, which was accused of malicious hooliganism - the applying of Society Azarenka during a protest action. In court, the reporter refused complaints and petitioned the termination of the case, nevertheless, a woman received 2 years of freedom restrictions.

For the work on rallies with the wording "for courage and civilian courage in conditions related to health-hazard" aged 25, Azarean was awarded the medal "for courage."

In March after the plot, where the journalist spoke about Ukraine, calling her "country of the beggar of the extinction of the people", the name of Gregory was introduced to the "Peacemaker" base. In the statements about Russia, the TV host was more restrained, only regularly criticizing her liberal circles, such as Maxim Kac Oppositionist.

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