MO YAN - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Frog, Books, Writer, Nobel Prize 2021



MO YAN - the first writer from the mainland China, awarded the Nobel Prize. Most prose works belong to the favorite genru of George Amada, as well as the Creative Tandem Marina and Sergey Dyachenko - magical realism. This allows you to climb into the story of a fairy tale and legend and bypass the obstacles of state censorship.

Childhood and youth

The future writer was born in the peasant family on February 17, 1955 in the Volost Dalan, now in the city district of Wayfan East Chinese province Shandong. Parents called Guan's Son.

The pseudonym MO YAN (that in translation means "not bold") the Chinese took, engaged in literary activities. The Council to keep the language behind the teeth Mother and Father was often given guana - because during the "cultural revolution" one careless word could lead to imprisonment. In addition, the pseudonym of the writer lies aphorism of Lao Tzu "Who knows - does not say", echoing with the words of Fedor Tyutchev "The thought of the lies are lies".

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Among the memoirs of early childhood Guan is a constant thread in his stomach from hunger, constant poverty and sobs of neighbors, mourning the died relatives. The future writer early loved reading, including the participation of the individual works of Russian literature. In the school readstatology of the elder brother, my "Fairy Tale about Fisherman and Fish" Alexander Pushkin.

Although in 11 years, Guan joined the "red detachments" and participated in the public criticism of the school teacher, the boy's family was considered unclear. At 12, my was excluded from school. The teenager earned his life with a shepherd, but a slightly matured, he did to serve as a factory processing cotton.

At 21, after a few failures, the future laureate of the Nobel Prize joined the ranks of the Armed Forces and became a personnel parrorist. MO YAN repeatedly said that the Chinese army was grateful - the service left the time to write the stories and served as a springboard for obtaining literary education.


In the first novels "Spring Spring Night" and "Soldier", Politruk was, rather, by the life of the army realities and the peasant buddies than the writer creating worlds. An early work of the writer includes the novel "Garlic ballads" (another translation of the name - "Song of the Paradise Garlic"), telling about the peasants who received a state order for the cultivation of an aromatic grassy plant of the Lukovy family and rejected thanks to this.

However, the action and most mature works of Mo Yany, executed by saying the words of the Nobel Committee, "Halucinogenic Realism", unfolds in the native village of the author or in neighboring villages. So in the book "I was tired of being born and dying", written in 42 days, the events are described on the face of the donkey, bull, borov and PSA, in which the soul of the Chinese landowner Symen Nao, shot in 1948, consistently moved.

In the Bibliography, Yanya is the most famous story "Red Galyan", in which the writer raised two favorite topics of Lion Tolstoy - the patriarchal lifestyle and the inhumanity of the war through the prism of the perception of farmers. The noun, made in the title of the work, is a type of corn that goes on the feed of a cattle and used in the production of moonshine. Young girl against her will, parents are married to a rich Vinorur. After the death of the spouse, the heroine acquires women's happiness with the employee of the late husband, but the Japanese occupation brings unprecedented troubles and deprivation.

One year after the publication, the work was shielded by actor and director Zhang Imou. The film with Gun Lee and Jiang Venmen starred "Golden Bear" at the Berlin Film Festival. Zhang Imoue based on the stories Mo Yany removed another tape - "Happiness per hour." In it, elderly bridegrooms to accumulate to the wedding with the same age, organizes a dating house in an abandoned bus. Soon the bride sends a stepper to work in the "masseuse" institution.

In the work of the "frog", the writer touched the topic raised by John Irving in the Roman "Rules of winemakers" and Lyudmila Ulitska in Kazusus Kukotsky. We are talking about the right of a woman at the disposal of the body and ethicality of the activities of gynecologists to interrupt pregnancy. However, MO YAN reflected the specifics of the intervention of the Chinese state into the personal life of citizens. Although the Nobel laureate, heading the Chinese Union of Writers, argues that there are no censorship in the 190s, in the 90s of the 20th century, the authorities forbade his novel "Country of Wine", describing corruption and drunkenness in the Chinese province.

Personal life

About the privacy of MO Yanya is practically nothing known, all photos of the Chinese writer are made in the official setting. In 2012, Salman Rushdi called the author of the "Red Halina" by the party prostitute for the refusal to speak in support of the dissident, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Liu Siaobo, who languished in Chinese dungeons.

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In an interview with the SPIEGEL magazine in 2013, the Nobel Prize laureate reported that the Roman "Frog" is in many ways autobiographical: Aunt Prosaika worked as a gynecologist and participated in the implementation of the program "One family - one child", while herself gave birth to 4 children. MO YAN told the interviewer that he was repent in his decision was adopted in his youth - for the sake of Career Chinese insisted on the interruption of the wife of pregnancy.

Mo Yan now

In 2017, the writer admitted that in 5 years who had passed since the receipt of the Nobel Prize, almost nothing written. High award made the author of the "Red Halina" excessively demanding to itself and its texts. The writer directed energy mainly on public, not literary activities.

In August 2020, Xinhua agency reported the release of a book novelty MO Yanya - a collection of stories. In the 2020th Russian Publishing House, EXMO published the Roman "Frog" in the translation of Igor Egorov. For 2021, the Chinese Prosecutor announced the output of the novel "Forty-One Wooden", in the center of the plot of which the communication of the 19-year-old Lo Siaotun with the old monk.


  • 1986 - "Red Galyan"
  • 1988 - "Garlic Ballets"
  • 1988 - "Thirteen Steps"
  • 1989 - "White dog on a swing"
  • 1993 - "Country of Wine"
  • 1993 - "Family of herbivores"
  • 1995 - "Big breasts, wide ass"
  • 1999 - "Red Forest"
  • 2001 - "Shif, you will go on everything to laugh"
  • 2001 - "Sandalwood Death Tree"
  • 2003 - "Bach!"
  • 2006 - "Life and death tire me"
  • 2009 - "Frogs"
  • 2012 - "Woman with flowers"
  • 2020 - "Late flourishing"

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