Sabina Rabbar - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Model, Nationality, "Instagram", "You_Top-Model" 2021



The reasons for Sabina Rabai to make a model business was a mass - the desire to overcome the children's fears, to become confident, to prove to themselves, which is worthy to shine on the podiums of Europe and the United States. And one, the most intimate - to establish relations with the native person.

Childhood and youth

Sabina was born on February 15, 1996. The early biography of the future model took place in the Kaluga region, and with this place it has not been associated with the best memories.

The girl was distinguished from peers with an unusual appearance due to mixed roots. Father was also born from the Kaluga region, but the mother is from Abkhazia. Being at the junction of two nationalities and cultures, the schoolgirl became the object of ridicule from classmates.

"The victim of the Bulling" in the years cultivated the complexes. In many ways, the idea to enjoy the model business has become a way, finally, to overcome fears. Now the girl has already coped with this, accepting and having loved himself.

Other moments from childhood still remain incentive to move forward. First of all, a quarrel with the most native and close man.

At the age of 13, the girl learned that parents are bred. In this difficult period between her and the Father, misunderstanding was happening, because of which every communication was discontinued for years. Today, Sabina desperately wants to correct the mistakes and reappear support in the face of the parent. And its participation in television projects also explains the hope that he will see who daughter began, and will be proud of the heir.

But then, when the slave announced the family of plans, she had to face misunderstanding. Especially protested against this idea cousin. Not the most recent reason for the reproaches it became the opinion that the woman of the Caucasian nationality of a priori cannot be filmed in candid photo shoots, in a swimsuit or underwear.

But over time, relatives took this choice. And the girl began to receive colossal support from a crowded audience (slave leads a blog in "Instagram"), when she managed to achieve recognition not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Model Career

Spectacular and unusual appearance, incredible hardworking - these factors allowed a resident of the Kaluga region to build a successful career. She began to represent fashionable brands, participated in shows, and her photos decorated the covers of glamorous magazines.

However, she wanted to go to the international level. Searches for an agent that represented the interests of a girl of mixed nationality in Europe and America were not crowned with success. Understanding - a certain push, which raises it to the step above.

With these thoughts, she sent a request to the New Model Show and became the heroine of the 1st season. Interestingly, Rabaga did not have time to pass the casting together with other participants, but still got into a new project, interested the jury.

This experience has become the cornerstone in the biography of Sabina. According to the result, she managed to win a photo session for a Miss Sixty youth brand. But the main thing - after the victory, the offers of foreign surveys and impressions fell.

As a result, the slave began to develop a career in Milan, New York, Paris and Miami. However, a resident of the Kaluga region also did not forget about the native country, and in 2019 he tried the forces in the Miss Russia contest.

The organizers of the project were pleased to respond about the contender. First of all, the jury noted the vivid appearance of the model and its perseverance. Already then the participant shared long-term plans - in the future she wanted to get the work of the actress and the TV presenter on the Russian TV.

"Infinity is not the limit" - with such a motto Sabina walked through life. Despite the fact that then the victory passed by, did not despair and tried to use the chances that fate represented. Therefore, its participation in the project "You_Top-Model" has become a natural stage in a professional biography.

"You're_top model"

The slave sent an application for a show that started on TV channel TNT in March 2021. About this, the girl told his relatives, and also wrote a post in an instagram account, calling for the support of Follovover.

What contributed to an invitation to full-time casting program - natural talents, a strong desire or support of subscribers - it was impossible to predict. But Sabina chose out of 12 thousand contenders, and Soon, she appeared before the show experts.

Sabina Rabbar - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Model, Nationality,

Upon the first acquaintance, the slave honored praise from Philip Plein. And Anastasia Rytovova said that the applicant from the Kaluga region could count on the title of diva. Sabina sounded before the cameras, Sabina voiced and a secret desire - so that his father noted the success of his daughter, and many years of indifference was replaced by the resumption of communicating with his native person.

Personal life

Career model implies frequent connectors by city and countries, no free time. Does participates in the contest "Miss Russia - 2019" a young man do not know even the most faithful fans.

Details of personal life Sabina prefers not to disclose. Even in her instagram account, do not find photos that indirectly confirmed the presence in the fate of romantic interest.

While the slave is not connected by the Uzami marriage and does not have children. This circumstance allows you to fully plunge into your career. And in rare moments between the shooting and showing the daughter, which chose the glitter of sophisticates by national traditions, tries to meet with his mother.

Sabina robust now

Sabina continues to be careful, every day gaining great popularity. Participation in the project on TNT helped in many aspects. And the story of how, being a schoolgirl, Rabaga felt the pressure of the Bulling, caused a response to the audience. Today, the in-demand model plans to develop further and does not cease to strive for dreams, because "Infinity is not the limit."

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